Mage Network

Chapter 1396

The ancient graves fight, eventually because of dust, the “interference” of the world became a direct crossroads between Void and the world without the world. But again, because of the brilliant death of the sun and the failure of Wizard Mage, things have returned to their original state of affairs.

Failure Mage withdrew, and town guarded the world’s exports.

Void Mage won, but also withdrew from the archaeological cemetery, which only guarded Void World exports without attacking the world.

Intermediate point.

The ancient beast race early advised that the gods and the gods had left or died in battle, and that Ancestral God had cleaned up a few rounds, and no big group had been identified. When Void Mage and Virtual Mage were evacuated, the Ancestral God spirits returned to their homeland and the ancient graves quickly returned to calm.

Three ears left with the gods and the others, and heard about the sun’s brilliant ‘death’.

At this point.

The gods and the Goddess and the others are all very pleased. If not, I’m afraid it’s skeleton doesnt exist now. They are also the top points, but they are not afraid to glorify the beauty of the sun, which has the strength of the original natural erosion. The sun won’t win the crown, and they will not be able to win. It appears that the sun was brilliant to die from self-destruction, and that, in fact, the emperor and the others were not defeated.

“I’m going to talk to Don. Guess he doesn’t care about you, and you keep running this place.” Nor do you say much.

“If he wants to…”

“No, Don, if you want the land here, he can take it himself if you want it. The bridge at the archaeological graves is also necessary, and it allows us to learn to be vigilant, to stay sophisticated and to work hard on ourselves.”

“Well,” the goddess and Goddess can say anything else.

“The sun is brilliant, and you heard it. Do not blame those who wish you were better, nor do they owe you anything. Give the best bloodline, give the best resources, and blame who can’t succeed. I’m done talking to Don, and I’m going to the streets where closed-door cultivation originally eroded. I guess Jackie has some results, or she won’t be able to face the sun.”

“Is this true?” The gods are listening.

“I guess, I’m not sure it’s real. But dare to confront the sun, she must not only purify foam like this force. No one saw the battle, the sky eroded Heavenly Palace. Last sunny death is suspicious, and perhaps he can’t win four people, and that’s why he died in a pit. In any case, we take care of ourselves and try to repair the original erosion.” Three ears have powerful forces, but much better than Technique of Assassination.

Fighting on the stage, I dare not say it will win the sun.

Pull up and bury probably.

The dust is a stage, and three ears are not good at fighting. Barely go, take their own humiliation.

Neither did the gods nor the Goddess have the courage to go.

Exchange of information.

The sun is the middle of the dust and does not enter the sky… its own level is not hostile to the sun, and the dust is only dead. Since the emperor had no intention of occupying ancient graves, they could also operate safely for some time. There’s nothing important about major event, and no one will take a huge price to open this bridge. So they can be safe for a long time.

At this point.

Tang Shidao, White Beauty, Jackie and the White Beauty men are visiting a special group: first Ancestral God.

When the three ears arrive, the conversation is also familiar.


“What are you talking about?” The three ears were supposed to be partners.

“About the dust and the earth.”

“You know what?”

“Well, some of us know. There are some of us that challenge failure, death, and then unintentionally enter here. There are other challenges that have failed, but have come here to find Forbidden Curse, where death has become the first Ancestral God. One of them is me, and I failed, and I died in this place.” None of them conceal.

“How much do you know about the dust world?”

“It’s not much to understand, but it doesn’t have to be said too much to you. Simply said there are two points, one, that place is the garden. Secondly, there are rules defined by the gods in that place, and those who are in conflict with it are seriously going to smoke. Do you know the simulation game? As long as you know, dust is like a model of a simulation game, the gods are the custodians of the rules of the game.”

“Not quite understood, what game?” “White win’s chasing.

“Let me give you an example. After entering the dust, you’ll have a special feeling, and you’ll know what you’re supposed to do. For example, one of the rules, the master is forbidden and cannot break the door. That is, unless the owner agrees, you have force or magic transmission. What happens to the breach? If you break the door, you’ll be in jail for the next minute.”

“No trial and so on?” White win man is a little understandable, but not fully understood.

“Yes, violations of the rules are directly imprisoned. Enter the prison, and you may break the door and break it out. But you do it, probably in a second. Prison escape is a major crime, and more than 90 per cent are directly executed. Because of the relationship between the original natural erosion, the energy of space is enemies and therefore cannot be resisted. Of course, you can resist, and I mean the general people, or the weaker Mage.” Nine is explaining the rules, not saying dying.

If you can fight endless Void, you don’t have to comply with the laws of the uninhabited Void.

The rules of dust and dust are established by God.

You want to fight.

We can’t resist God’s forces.

“Isn’t that a dangerous environment, ordinary man? When you make mistakes, the man’s gone.” The white man asked again.

“No, neither. I said, all those who enter will have a special feeling. Like you want to break the door, before you break, space energy will be ‘warned’ you, you can’t do that. You’re hard to do, and the consequence is to go to jail. You want to steal something, arson, wounded or murdered, before you do it. Even if you’re Mage, you manipulate someone else with ‘confusion’ magic, you’ll be warned and punished.”

“Sounds perfectly perfect.” “The white winner has an accident, and the dust is so orderly?

“Yeah, you’re good at the rules.”

“Mage and Scholar would not have liked this place.” Tang Shidao answered.

“Yes. So, dust and dust have a place where people can be allowed to” brass “and” bullshit “. That place is called the gods’ towers. The gods’ towers are unpunished, and you can go in when you win the puppet. Then you’ll get into a mess World. There’s no order there, you have everything you want to do. I don’t need to say too much, and since you want to go, you’ll see.” Nine is not deliberately concealed.

The world of dust and dust, like a simulation game, is almost over.

Tang Shidao and the others no longer ask.

Before leaving, the white man asked the last question.

It’s been a long time.


轻轻shook the head 。

During this period, Jackie did not say anything, nor did he disclose the identity of the ‘mother’ in any way. This identity, still just Tang Shidao, is known by one person. Three ears have also been handed over and left alone to the force where the closed-door cultivation began to erode. Because Jackie is the holder, the three ears are able to learn, nor does he limit the use of three ears.

So Tang Shidao didn’t say anything.

Half a day later.

Four people came to the entrance of the dust world, a special cloud world, a special door before. At that time, four people understood why the Nine Stone had shaken their heads… the Guardian was not human, but a puppet.

See visitors.

“I am called the ransom, and I am the custodian of the dust. Please win me first if you want to go into the dust.” The puppet has no life characteristics.

It’s just mechanical talking, and it doesn’t ask people what they are.


It does not know why it does so, but it does so naturally and naturally.

Four people also heard the words‘ ransom ‘.

That’s right.

This guy, though not conscious, does have power that goes beyond Great Perfection.

Ten minutes later.

The ransom wrecked and turned into a bunch of fragments.

“Don, what’s the problem?”

“I looked into it, and it was true that it was a ransom.” Tang Shidao was carrying parts, and was looking into it: “There were some special rules in its structure, for example, that it had a ‘clansman’ released every time it lost and won. Four of us won, four clansman was released, entered Void or nothing in the world.”

“Are the gods compelled?” The white winner is kind of weird.

“Feels like it made a deal with the gods. It was probably that it and its race had fought against God and then failed. Then it made a deal with the gods, thereby redempting the sins. Because it rejects enemies, we go in and count. Obviously, this is equivalent to a” qualified selection “method. The ransom, it’s a screener.”

“Do the gods not stop, but want more powerhouse to come in?” White win men also think about God’s intentions.

“That’s what it means.”

“With Nine Oldman, the gods are not like bad guys.”

“There are only different positions and no mistakes. Stand against Mage’s position, and the scarecrow is bad. Let’s go inside and look at this dust.”


Four people don’t talk much, get into the door.

And then they can see that when they enter the gates, those who redeem will recover in the first place, just as before. It is conceivable that the ransom is not dead, and how it will be resurrected before it is done. Unless the meteors fall, the conclusion of the deal contract may lead to a change.

Next second.

Tang Shidao and the others entered a new world.


Very familiar, very like a highly developed society of magic civilization. All booth cabinets are in complete order, and all the people have exemplary walks, ground, air, water, all tools are perfectly operational, and there is no mistake. You can see some walkers colliding, but they all smile, humbly let the wrong face go, and they can’t see a picture of the opposite language.

Traffic tools, flying, walking, everything follows the rules, nothing wrong.

Tang Shidao and the others also see.

Because of fear of error, they all use the automatic rules of ‘magic‘ or ‘order mind’ to give everything to established rules.

Here’s the move.

From life to tool, everything is as perfect as the number is, and it’s not a single problem.

Enough to say.

These people are a set of computer data, and there is no bad data.

“Look over there”


The ground is wide, the model is like a super leaf, all over the building. In the middle of all ‘leaves’ there is a community: a giant light column that is super large enough to occupy a small and half of the space of the universe.

It’s bright.

But it does not shine, nor does it equate all the providers of light.

On the land of the giant leaves, there are mountains, there are lakes, there is sea, and there is a small sun that moves around. It’s dark in the morning, slow or adaptable. Some leaf is directly linked to the light column, and some leaves are linked to other leaves far away.


The Super Light Pillar is the main axis, and the rest is the leaves.

If there was no accident…

“It’s the towers of the gods.”


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