Mage Network

Chapter 1391

Tang Shidao has not been fully motivated for two reasons.

The first reason.

The sun is only one of the gods, and his forces are not equal to other gods’ forces. So, in cases where one can resist the other, the fighting is better reserved. If the sun is brilliant, it is also the magicians of the gods who are used to detect Void Mages’s strength, and who do everything in their power to fight against it, but to disclose information.

This trouble is now solved by the sun itself.

He was greedy with Forbidden Curse opening up the sky erosion Heavenly Palace, actually helping himself a big deal. People who are isolated from the war can see their own hands.

The second reason.

And when the sun arrives, it is true that it found all the dust in it.

However, finding is not tantamount to access.

The dust world has a place, but it’s not certain how to enter. The deliberate “chat” with the sun is actually on the side. What I didn’t expect was that the sun’s brilliant valley was so confident that it didn’t come out at half a point. The answer has been made clear when he mentioned that ‘dust is tall’ has a custodian, and ‘dust is in the middle’ needs to break the door.

The dust is going in.

At the bottom floor.

The dust begins.

It needs to be hit like the other two layers.

“Send me the last ride, hehe, the emperor, you won’t be too confident. Why do you think I can live in the dust? Do you really think I’m on the bloodline and identity? The dust is not like your world, where competition is stronger than anywhere. I can be stable, reliable, not bloodline.” After sunshine liquidation, the whole human condition is different.

From gastron to liquid.

From the clouds to the bodies.

The glorious transformation of the sun has a change in ‘quality’. I can feel it, and at this point he’s strong and hard to imagine, even the boundaries of life are blurred. It’s like energy, life, and physical life, both of them.

Such a state of affairs, converted to ordinary Mage, looked at all headaches.

Mage likes to study unknown.

But all fear to face ‘unknown’ enemies.

“The Emperor, be careful.” The sun goes into full strength, and everyone is confident. Unlike before, he lifted his hand lightly, and the whole space immediately showed up with countless arms. These arms are full of spontaneous clouds, with gold tattoos on them. They have a ‘summon’ feeling, but not a summon creature.

Just say “be careful”.

Next second.

Hundreds of boxes have been bombed in front of Tang Shidao. It’s an extremely fast attack, and it’s about to see what’s going on.

Their formidable power can also be imagined.

The sun’s brilliant enough to do a critical fight, and these fists don’t necessarily make any difference. Once ordered, nothing can be cured except for the ‘wheel’ Force. It is unlikely that the boxing of this locust rain will be killed.

At this point.

Hundreds of boxing boxes were seen, and Tang Shidao did not escape. In such boxing boxes, evasion is just a joke.

God-fashioned, deadly.


They were not bombed on Tang Shidao, but all on one after another black sun. These black suns are small, like a big Fireball fist, just matched with the glorious boxing of the sun.

The fists are irresponsible to the Sun… the two sides are powerless and the double bullets are retreating.

Next moment.

The sun is brilliant. Hundreds more boxing. There is no target for such a strike, just random targeting. Because they are not targeted, they cannot be locked. More than ten times the number of attacks and no target, in theory, could not be defended.


Hundreds of boxing boxing, and they still have an equivalent black sun in front of their attacks.

“Strange defense, but the sun is brilliant.” Because it all happened in very short time, when boxing was close to life. The emperor is able to defend itself, which is beyond expectations. But even so, he’s still better off.

A brake over there.


boxing of the Black Sun suddenly took a bend, bypassing the Black Sun and locking Tang Shidao from one angle.

These arms are like ‘alive’.

The sun is brilliant, and they also have their own “ideas”.

Bombling eruption.

Hundreds of boxing warheads and hundreds of black sun bombs are now strong… the second wave of attacks is still under way.

“It’s impossible.” The sun is brilliant as one of the gods, and he doesn’t believe in his speed beating a mortal in the middle zone.

“Nothing is impossible, the fact is that you can’t hit me.” Tang Shidao didn’t want to talk, because it’s too much time to talk. At this juncture, Tang Shidao also floats hundreds of black sun. The quantity is far less brilliant than the sun, but every arm strikes, Tang Shidao will produce a black sun, with no actual number.

“I want to see when you can defend yourself.” The sun is brilliant again.

This moment.

Not hundreds, but thousands of boxing fights. This is already the extent to which Tang Shidao can be ‘buried’ in relation to one person.

And that’s not all.

Just in one brake, these thousands of boxing boxes are ‘open’ an eye. Needless to say, it has its own ‘vision’ to judge the surrounding situation, to see the reaction of the enemy and to respond differently.

The third wave of attacks fell.

As a result, it’s still the same!

Thousands of black sun are stable, and none of them hit Tang Shidao.

“Are you slow?” The sun is shining, and he found something, but it’s not entirely certain. Once again, it’s been beaten by ‘tens of thousands’ boxing.

tens of thousands of these levels.

Not burial, but direct ‘drowning’ of a place.

This moment, in addition to “eyeballs”, two more leaf wings on both sides of these boxes. Thus, their pace has risen to a very limited limit, and it is impossible to avoid and not react. In theory, no matter what Tang Shidao has reacted late. As long as these boxes come out, Tang Shidao will be hit, and no speed will be possible to react.

This time.

The sun looks so brilliant that tens of thousands of boxes are defended, and everyone stays.

Academic comparisons.

The fists of the gods can’t even fight?

“Reasons?” The sun is brilliant, but not frightened. He’s got magic, he’s not all of it, he’s not good at it.

“Do you have ‘eyes’? Don’t you see?”

“I only see those black Fireball are on the track of the attack early.” The sun is brilliant.



“Well, by the way,” Tang Shidao slightly nodded, and said, “You said that the original natural erosion is a energy-controller, and you can even be around space or even individuals in the body’s energy. The original erosion also has its character, which is’ moving ‘. Can you understand? You may control all energy, and I may also control all dynamics.”

“You… oh, i understand.” The sun is brilliant.

Self-control of energy is just a description, not an absolute domination, just ‘around’.


The emperor can also ‘around’ all the dynamics.

At least.

He can ‘monitor’ all dynamics, ‘influence’ all dynamics. In another way, when his fist was “moving”, the emperor knew where to strike. Before the boxing comes out, the emperor can start defending. It doesn’t matter if it’s the “move” emperor. The emperor was also aware of and defended in advance when the tracks‘ change ’.

“Do you understand now? Honestly, you’re very retarded.” Tang Shidao indifferently said.

“Academic is not what I do, and you don’t want to take advantage of the wind for a while.” The sun has changed one way, and he believes that only physical surgery does not kill the king.

That black sun isn’t too strong.

It just waited for the same boxing force, not a cent, not a little bit.

Such a strange defense, the sun is so brilliant that it has not yet reached the limit. Even if you add yourself a little harder, the result will not change, and those black sun may still be defended. There are four enemies who enter Heavenly Palace, and white winners and magazines can ignore, but the Emperor’s wife, too terrifying, is likely to be compromised too much.

Forbidden Curse, too, cannot be prevented.

“Sky erosion.” The sun is brilliant and genuinely positive and begins to seriously respond to the enemy.

Among Mage’s groups.

There are fewer people who are good at physics, and the vast majority are good at magic.

You can even say.

Even Mage, who is good at physics, magic Force is excellent, and only a human being like Nine can fix only physics.

The sun is brilliant.

Turn around.

The arms of the whole space are slowly flowing, and in the hands of a small universe.


‘s worth mentioning.

This is not the inferior force of the Lord of the Cross-Border.

The quantified space of the universe is very different from the physical space of the universe. A complete energy quantification structure, the total formidable power equals the physical ‘positive substance’ and ‘anti-substance’ collisions, resulting in total formidable power. Substances are extremely difficult to use into extinct explosions, but quantified spaces of the universe are themselves energy, and it is very easy to use.

From Mage’s perspective.

The vibrant magic is a symbol of the Lord of the French, while the living universe is a symbol of the ancestors… The ancestors are equal to the highest standards permitted by the failure to comply with the Void rule.

Because the sun is brilliant enough to have the force of the original natural erosion, he turned his eyes into thousands of living ‘energy universe’.

Simple conversion.

Thousands of energy in the universe are equal to thousands of ancestors.


In dust, the ancestors of the people of the world saw Legion as a standard force at their own level, and it was clear that it was only a tattoo. The use of the Pharaoh as a warrior is not worth mentioning. It’s true that the “clusters” of the present energy in the universe are the original version. Not only does it not change the danger of evil, it can be perfectly manipulated.

Heart, hand and hand, a pool of energy-efficient universe ‘Legion’ is born… that’s the gods!


forces of the gods even override the rules of nature.

At this point.

And there was a slight look on the bright face of the sun, as if I said, “This is how I call the gods, so I can’t win.”


Tang Shidao suddenly made a move… hitting a debt.

Like, he’s bored.

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