Mage Network

Chapter 1377

How much does Tang Shidao know about the world?

After having life and Death Bridge bloodline, although not every day, the word “often” is absolutely useful. And because Tang Shidao owns a relationship of “no bloodline”, he’s like a worldless‘ great-grandfather ’. No one can distinguish about identity. Not to say ordinary Mage, even if it’s stronger than Tang Shidao’s presence, to see, to touch, and Tang Shidao’s “nothing” creature cannot be mistaken.

Tang Shidao has thus never been suspected of entering a world free from bloodline or 100 per cent of life.

Another point.

What technology does the world develop, Tang Shidao? Tang Shidao’s identity is Scholar, who has both ‘Warrior’ and ‘Scholar’ in virtual world. Tang Shidao also ‘invented’ many new technologies on his journey.

No god thinks Void Mage doesn’t understand the world, it’s just a wish.

Except Tang Shidao.

Indeed, the founders of the Grand Ninth World and Mage Network have also worked hard to detect information about the world. In particular, the founders of the Mage Network, most of whom have long stayed out of the world and have vigorously sent favourable information. In addition, the powerhouse left behind in the ancient era has been extensively inaccessible, striving to learn the strengths of each other and to feed Void communities.

Because of the development of the ancient era, technically Void may take the lead.


Speaking of new magic research, or of old magic derivatives, virtual world is definitely a dozen times more than Void Mage. So Void Mage’s ‘Learning’ cannot stop, or another channel will fail. For so many years, the learners‘ trans-shipment ’knowledge has been numerous, and Void Mage’s learning and graduation studies have never stopped for one second.

Speaking of understanding, Void Mage knows more about the world than himself.


Everyone knows it in the heart, and never says it in the mouth.

At this point.

The funeral displayed its trump card, creating the great maze of the sky erosion magic. At the same time, he illustrated his identity: the dead god of the world. However, the results were neither frightened nor shocked, nor even unintended.

These reactors are more than emperors, as is the case with Jackie and Triangle.

It’s like.

They don’t understand, or they don’t care.

“Emperor, your pride has ended. Get into my field, you guys don’t want to go out again. This is the maze, right, but there’s no exit, I said,” The funeral can’t see silhouette, it’s only sound. The surrounding environment was also changing during the conversation, around, and the maze wall was moving slowly and changing its original image.

You know that.

This maze is not fixed, it changes.

Since the use of burial is a maze, such a ‘architecture’ is certainly in line with the rules. The maze must have an exit, not an exit called sealed secret room. But it’s free to change the labyrinth of the labyrinth, which is no different from the closet room.

“It seems impossible to fly.” Three ears slip forward and test the environment.

First Step.

The results have come out.

It was an accident.

These walls have the effect of absorbing energy. Just one step, 60 per cent of the force was absorbed and turned into a mass burial force. The second step is faster, resulting in 95 per cent of energy being absorbed. As you can imagine, energy absorption will inevitably be faster once flight or transmittal techniques are used. This result is almost like the “clean bubble”, the sooner it gets harder, the faster it dies.

Three ears are not fast, and 95 energies have been absorbed, and it must be worse.

“Just absorb a step force?”


“It appears that the force of ‘power’ is affected and self-affected.” Tang Shidao, Tang Shidao, but Tang Shidao has nothing to do with it. She just stood up and said, “Let me try this wall.”

Fight one hand.

It was.

It is normal that energy explodes and walls are fragmented… it can be assumed that the walls will return to normalcy after fragmentation and quickly return to the prototype of the maze. Force should, however, enter into force. The truth is, no! No explosion, no fragmentation!

Kiki did look like a shell.


When the wall was hit, it was like the ‘drop’ hit the lake, and the effect was disappear without a trace, just one wave of tattoos.

“No use, it’s all absorbed.”

Tang Shidao remains silent.

At this point.


sound of the burial rings again, as if it was gratifying: “Three of you, two of you are working hard, and I admire it. Do you need me to make it clear?”

Hear that, Jackie and Triangle look at it.


Without answers, the funeral sounds loud: “I don’t blame you, Goddess, for not being able to defend Void, and it’s not surprising to need cooperation. We have no force, and we also work with a god who has a foresight. It’s just that you’re looking for the wrong target. Lord Great Curse, he’s not an ideal co-author.”

“You’re leisure, Reverend. Do you want to say the emperor is a pit? Seems like you, even the pits have hit us against Mage’s group.” Triple said with a smile.

Same as one of Mage’s seven brilliant, the Triangle and the burial are also unknown.

In the past.

The burial did speak of “majesty” against Mage.

But ultimately, it was a setback for everyone, and only the burial of one of them rejuvenated.

“I am not trying to pick up your relationship, and I just want to tell you… in this maze, the emperor may be safe, but you can’t. It is not feared that the original natural erosion is the source of energy, which, like the erosion, can control the Void soils, can control all energy. That’s why you attacked the wall.”

“Shall we thank you for your statement?” The three ears remain silent on that statement.

“You’re welcome, I haven’t finished yet, Trish. Because you’re in my field, I have to explain the difficulty of ‘games’. As just said, the erosion can control energy, so naturally it can generate energy storms. For example…” At the time of the burial speech, the maze passage began to float, with a gradual increase from weakness.

These winds are not very harmful.


The energy used as a defence was also absorbed from the rest of the three ears and hybrid defense.

“In the heaven erosion maze, all the energy of ‘use’ will be absorbed. Even if you stand quietly, you will lose your energy, because you need to stand up as much energy as you need. Why could the emperor be all right? It’s simple because he has unlimited magic skills. I am not sure if 100 per cent of such skills will enter into force, but it is likely to be significant.”

“So we’ll be able to dry up and die, and Don won’t you?” Three ears to finish.

“Right. Directly, there is absolutely no way you can respond here, just a little less energy. The emperor, unlike you, can think slowly, and you don’t have that chance.” When the burial talks, suddenly, there is a constant “energy puppet” everywhere on the maze corridor. They found three enemies, and they pulled them right away.

Tang Shidao did not act with his energetic energy and the use of physics.

I had to say that.

These puppets are not weak, but there is no threat to three ears and magnets. It can be imagined that they are not coming to kill enemies, but to die. Their role is simple… consumes three people’s energy. There is no response, a little less, and more energy is depleted.

Void Pyongyang cannot be destroyed.

The energy of natural erosion, it can be like sea swallowing rivers, and it is also an irreversible model.

This maze.

It seems to be unconscious.

“The emperor, do you think of the way?” The funeral sounds loud again, asking again.

Tang Shidao remains silent.

“Does Pope dignified Great Curse dare not even respond? You can’t stand this way and let your companion resist puppets for you. Do you ever mind?”


“Well, I instructed puppets not to attack you, so you can think about it. Honestly, I’m curious that you have any way to get through this difficult matter. Heaven erosion, my perfect prison, I look forward to your breakthrough.” I don’t know why the burial keeps saying, like I don’t want to stop. Or, he has something he wants to hide, and he has to keep talking to keep it hidden.

At this point.


power puppets on the maze corridor are growing, and Trident and Maggie are a little busy.

The burial still keeps talking.

He not only picked up, but also warned that every time a new puppet was called, he had a stake and had a three-ear and hybrid response.

Half a day.

This “weird” battle is finally over.

Because of a word.

“Well, you don’t have to play anymore.” Tang Shidao’s voice rings, not from ‘Tang Shidao’, but from outside. That feeling, as if there was a Tang Shidao outside the space of the universe, from another interstellar space.

Hear this sound, Trident and Maggie laugh.

Next second.

The two became foams, spreading quickly.

“Well, what’s going on?” The funeral sounds loud, and there’s no reason to panic. At this point, energy puppets are attacking and boxing ‘Tang Shidao’, and fists are easy to cross’ past. It’s not destruction, it’s like hitting the shadow.


That’s a shadow.

At this point, the burial finally reacted… these are fake.

He looked out.


On the outside, Tang Shidao, Triangi, Triangi, three of them stand silent, and one of the three is a balloon form of natural erosion in the maze.

At this moment, the burial realized that the emperor had never entered the maze, and that man was just a fantasy.

It’s really being “pitched” for yourself.

“Misperception space… an invisible little approach, particularly suited to those who believe oneself infallible. For example, you.” Tang Shidao indifferently said.


“You’ve been talking, actually, to make us feel ‘you’re still here’, right? In fact, you’ve left, and you don’t believe in taking us down with the Skyscrapers.


At this moment, the burial is completely cold.

All your actions are in the enemy plot against?

How could that be?

Ming Ming, it’s just the first time you use the Skynasty Lodge, why is the emperor ready?

He knew. Why did he let me run?

“You’re right again, and I just deliberately let you escape. Because I know you have a lot of identities, they’re all in different places. Just now, my big transmitter has a derivative effect on the” door of soul “. Just ‘kill’ you, by the way. When you go back to those parts, I just followed the past.”


“Believe me, there’s no one better than me talking about Clone Technique. I promise you, all of ‘you’ are one of them. I’ll kill them. Don’t worry. Seriously, the mouse that will fall into the trap is really not eligible to be my opponent. I want to wait for your fathers, not you babies, understand?”


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