Mage Network

Chapter 1369

Actions to clear the scene began very slowly, as explanations were needed to make it difficult for the ancient beast community to understand. However, it was difficult to do so once and twice, and it was relatively easy to do so three times. After ten or twenty times, Tang Shidao, Triangi and Jackie had no need for explanation, and the ancient beast community had already received information, and they needed only one option.


Race representatives of temporary peers, such as the Queen of the Mothers, have been very proactive in helping to illustrate the need to achieve the most rapid results.

During this period.

Some of the self-confident ancient beast communities have also made ‘demands’ for benefits. For example, the multi-dog community wants to preserve its rights as servant moths and half-sheep. At the same time, they called for the acquisition of a dedicated regeneration pool in Samsara World in order to preserve their ethnic advantages.

Tang Shidao did not agree.

Rather than agreeing to the full conditions, it was not agreed at all.

“Return, or die, two choose one.”

Just that.

And then.

Multiple dogs are all extinct. Except for a few, all the dogs in the original area were dead. History of a race, just like a page over. Usually, ancient beast’s race has come the most crazy intruder. But soon they discovered that King Great Curse Tang Shidao did not occupy many dogs.

Not only did they occupy, but even the resources they left behind were not recovered.

After the killing, leave immediately, not even eyes on those precious materials and French babies.

This moment.

the ancient beast race began to realize that the Emperor spoke better than any enemy terrifying than any friend. Leave, or die, choose one of them, without any rectification. I want to negotiate, I want to have some advantage, I’m sorry, the Emperor doesn’t listen.


Or die.

There’s only two choices, none more.

The ancient beast has always believed that the archaeological graves have the strongest force to do anything as one pleases. The archaeological graves opened and Void powerhouse entered Wei Family Park, which resulted in a few dozens of failures and failed to win once. As a result, the ancient beast communities are more confident.



clouds will soon dump a mask of applause, turn your eyes around, and turn your bows around and dump two notes.

At that time, ancient beast could also assume that the clouds had Forbidden Curse.

It’s Forbidden Curse strong.

It’s not clouds.

Now, the excuses can’t be found. The Emperor’s strength is irrelevant to Forbidden Curse, not even to the creation of Divine Body. Just a magic, big extinction. Like the royal name, the Great Curse is the Great Curse application.

“We can’t just leave.”


“The conditions of Samsara World are good, but everyone is on a fair platform and are not good for us.”

“We were supposed to be superiors.”

“Yes, we would have been more advantageous and do not need such a platform as Samsara World. Even if we need it, we need better treatment. Many dogs were killed, and the emperor didn’t want to negotiate with us. He has a pair of chopsticks and three ears, and he can do it. We don’t have to try hard to find our code first.”

“What’s the chip?”

“Other Void Mage team. They are weak, and they have no backup. We take them and then negotiate with the Emperor. Those people have some friends of the Emperor, took them, and the emperor must compromise. If he ignores Void Mage’s safety, he won’t have to be mixed in Void.”

“That makes sense.”


ancient beast community is working together to discuss the crisis.

Vulnerable ethnic groups are waiting.

They want to move into Samsara World and gain a real environment of tranquillity and real development opportunities.

Strong races are different.

They want injustice, and they want to be better, and they want to ride on others’ heads. But they only like to ride on others’ heads, but they don’t like a stronger human being like the Emperor above them. They think they’re right to bully people, and it’s wrong for someone to bully themselves. They bully the freedom of others, and others bully them as bad as they are.


A number of powerful ancient beast communities are joining small Legion, looking for Void Mage’s team and trying to take it as a bargaining chip.

I had to say that.

That’s a good idea, too.

The problem is that Void’s Mage team does not accept their dissuasion. Rather than accepting their discourse, they refused to surrender.

“Don’t keep it, all of it.”

“Big Ninth, are you sure?”



“The reason is that I know the emperor better than you. He’s been hiding himself before, so that our plan can succeed, waiting for us to infiltrate and detect this ancient graveyard. Now, the Emperor suddenly changed his mind and joined forces in actions like Goddess and Triangle, and he must have any important plans. The emperor used to cooperate with us, and now it’s time for us to cooperate with the Emperor.”

“What if his plan isn’t successful?”

“There are no plans for 100 per cent in the world, and in the end we all have to rely on boxing to resolve our disputes. Think about what’s left here if the emperor expels all the ancient beast communities.”


In this way, the Great Ninth world has come to light.

What’s left?



Nothing left.

The gods and the gods are number two, but how much are they? Although their descendants are many, the number of ancient beast groups is far from the same. Once the archaeological graves don’t have the ancient beast community, the gods and the gods have to cut back into the turtles. By then, the archaeological graves followed the ocean without shrimp crabs, with only two or three shells left.

What’s the advantage of this?

The benefits are too much.

Let’s not say the problems caused by the ancient beast community, which alone protects Void, will save 70 per cent of the force.

Even say it.

By then, all you have to do is stare at Mage, without the world, and everything else can be ignored. In the archaeological graves, the ancient beast community is a fog. As long as these fog ‘disperse’ goes, everything is clear.

“What about the puppet Legion, who quickly occupied the land?”

“Leave it alone for a while. Nor do you have to guess that they must be a world war force, our potential enemies. We need to be prepared to guard against the invasions of the world without a world. The Emperor’s actions now are more like deliberate nurturing them. It appears to be so unfavourable, but it is true that we are afraid of unknown enemies under potential waters without fear of the enemies that float out of water.”

“Well.” Mages also understands that.

The enemy will take the head, everything will be said.

Hidden heads, that’s called trouble.

At this point.

On the other hand, the representatives of the ancient beast community leaders, who were shocked by up-to-date news, were the most recent.

“What are you talking about, all of it?”

“Yes, leaders. The messengers we have just sent have been completely extinguished. The other side is just one person, the moon is delusional. And it’s just a trick.” The archaeological graves are chaos without affecting the transmission and communication of some of the top Mage. After the death of Void Mage’s team, the news will be sent back.

“It’s impossible. They’re clear.”

“Yes, according to previous information, they’re not very powerful. We also know that they hid strength, but I didn’t think that they hid so much. Void’s force is making too much progress compared to the last time the archaeological graves were opened. Leaders, you must have an idea. If not, our next scenario may…” ancient beast, who is responsible for communications, has not dared to say all, but the meaning of the inside is clear.

The enemy is more than one.

Void Mages are strong… stronger than imagined, strong to harder to compete.

A bad one.

The ancient beast community in the ancient graves was completely extinct.

At this point.

The leaders who tried to resist had not finished their negotiations and had new news: like them, there were other ancient beast leaders who wanted to take the other Void Mage groups and then negotiate with the Emperor.


“The whole gang is gone. It’s too far to deal with people who are too close to the border to deal with those who are too hidden, and none of them have been destroyed.”

“against the Allies.”

“That’s not a clue.”

“Oh? Did you win?”

“No, they’re all labelled.”


“The latest news is that several Void teams, headed by witches and white winners, have also begun to ‘persuade’ ancient beast communities. They were unable to provide a portal, but they had to inquire in advance. Still the same condition, retreat, or die. Several races were said to have refused and have been extinct. It’s strange that the Ancestral God spirit didn’t match them first.”


“’Cause they‘ avoided ’before Ancestral God’s spirits. They did not occupy the land, but asked about the option of‘ retreat or death ‘. Ancestral God came first, and they left early. They are also not interested in resources and instruments, just as the Emperor does. In addition, after the departure of the Ancestral God spirits, puppet Legion invaded for the first time and occupied the empty land.”

“Are we not good at all?”

“Yes, no. Leaders, if they continue to do so, even if the Emperor is not a threat, those puppet Legion will have more power than us. By then, they are likely to attack us. By then, we are as unaccompanied as we are.”

“Do you only choose to escape?”

“Leaders, we don’t know. But this choice is about the future of our communities. The choice is wrong, we lose, everything is no longer there.”

Things got this step.

The results are clear.

“What if we connect Mages without the world?” Even if there is another obvious second option, there are still people looking for a third answer.


the ancient beast community does not all have difficulties in choosing.

Or, not everyone is pursuing the third option. The puppet Legion, which is directly ‘occupied’, is more dangerous than the one who provides the choice. The emperor was stronger, and he didn’t invade, just moved. But nothing Mages drives puppet Legion to occupy is to break the roots.


New news came from the crash of the talk.

Failure Mage is not interested in ‘joining’, only ‘receiving’. The ancient beast community is willing to vote in good faith and become their men, and they keep it. But the ancient beast community wants to be allies, and their response is that you are not qualified, and you are too weak.

That’s it.

The option turned into three, with one more “slave” option.

Less than ten days.

The gods Goddess have also begun to receive the ancient beast community on condition of becoming a guest.

Not ‘for slaves’ so hard, it’s not much.

At this point.

“Unfortunately, the largest number of third groups.”


“It is so easy to be dismembered, and there is no resistance.”

“Well, that’s not the consequence of unity.”

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