Mage Network

Chapter 1367

The neutral system, Goddess and the descendants, moved all along and left the archaeological graves. At this point, a new slide has emerged. Unlike local factions, it is more like outsiders, but has the skilled experience of the native factions. They swiftly took over the regions where neutrality was abandoned and emerged as a new force. As other forces are still watching, this force has seized the ground at the time of awakening.

The most shocking thing is that.

This new force not only fails to expose its leaders, but even important members are in a state of confidentiality.

The only thing that can be heard is that most of its members are puppets. These magic machines are very like Void’s technology. No, it should be said that the complete product is Void’s technical product. They account for the vast majority of the force and have done all the work in place of the members of the force, firmly blocking all information from them.

鈥淭he magic robot, the Iron Spirit, the Emperor…”

鈥淯h-huh. On the surface, one hundred percent of this new force is the Emperor. But in fact, idiots know…鈥?/p>

鈥淒efinitely not.鈥?/p>

鈥淯h-huh. The emperor is really going to take over these sites, and the neutral Goddess and their descendants will never leave, and will work in close cooperation directly. Or, first, by stomach, then send Goddess away. This” retreat “approach could not be futile, because it was stupid. More importantly, for the first time, the emperor and the clan entered the archaeological graves.”

鈥淵es. It’s not easy to find these places, according to the acquaintance. Don’t say” take over “with the emperor, Goddess.

鈥淭hese people are more familiar with ancient graves than Goddess, and the reserve force is larger.”

A new force appears.

The first time people thought of the Emperor and the Gospel, but then they rejected it again. The chaos in the archaeological graves are not funny, and it’s not easy for foreigners to come in, let alone the occupied territories. It is easy to occupy one or two Void Springs, and neutrality is such a huge ground as Goddess, and none of the forces of the ancient graves can swiftly take over.

There is no mention at this point, because there are counts in everyone’s minds.


The gods and Goddess are starting to get headached, and new enemies are more threatening than any power. At the same time, the ancient beast community was somewhat panic and wondered how the archaeological graves would change. The only good news, the Ancestral God, who has Void’s body, has moved. Whether they’re puppets, they’re doing things anyway.

It’s at this point.

Tang Shidao and Jackie also met an old friend.

鈥淭hree ears? What a coincidence?鈥?/p>

鈥淚t’s not a coincidence, Don. I just came here to see you.鈥?The three ears looked at the kiddies next to you, and the eyes were complicated, and said, “I went to Zubden Curse, where there was no Forbidden Curse. However, it has Forbidden Curse Force’s Operational Front.”

鈥淲hat do you mean?鈥?Tang Shidao deliberately asked.

鈥淭hat means words, without Forbidden Curse, only Forbidden Curse. We’re deceived, or we’re looking for the wrong target, Forbidden Curse is not at all Zuga.”

鈥渙riginally is this way.” Tang Shidao already knew.

The ground erosion is in the hands of the mother.

Forbidden Curse.


鈥淒on, what do you have to do with your ear?”

鈥淔riends, right, three ears?”

鈥淲e’ve worked together in Void, and we’re happy to work together.” And then the three ears light nodded answered and said, “It’s you, Jackie, what’s your idea? As far as I know, your power is above the beasts and the gods, and you will not make an important decision unjustly. Don’t think about that ambitious guy, you don’t pull him on the battlefield.鈥?/p>

鈥淥h, you care so much about him, do you love each other?”

鈥淚’m a cat.”

鈥淗ow hard is it for a man to think alone?鈥?/p>

鈥溾€?we are just collaborators.鈥?/p>

鈥淪o hesitant to answer, that’s funny. You like people like this, don’t you? I remember that the Elvis worshipped the genius people who couldn’t be human. Tang is such a man, and many others can’t do the miracle. You’ve never worked with anyone before, and you don’t even trust a partner, so why do you believe this now?鈥?Nor does Jackie make a mockery mean that it’s funny.

鈥淵ou haven’t answered me.鈥?/p>

鈥淭ell it, Don. But don’t say anything about me.鈥?Nor did Jackie ask. Son Goddess’s feelings are two extremes, one I like, how much. The other one is, not my favorite, I’d rather not do anything.

In fact.

Mage is also two extremes.

Because lifespan is unlimited, because force is strong, they don’t care about secular ceremonies or tribal rules, and they only care what they think.

鈥淚t’s nothing to say, Jackie. I’m familiar with three ears, one word, and we’re going to work together to clear this ancient graveyard.”

鈥淭hat’s it?鈥?Little accident.

鈥淓nough.” Three ears, and slowly said, “Since Tang said so, that’s definitely not a joke. I’m just curious that you guys are doing very bad, because it’s only cheap for aliens. Jackie, you know what I’m saying.”

鈥淣o world?鈥?She doesn’t need the status of the mother, she’s Goddess, naturally knows who the foreign enemy is.


鈥淚’m curious, Don. What are you gonna do? I listened to you and let your sisters leave first, but the land was immediately occupied by puppet Legion.”

鈥淢aggie, do you ask why or next? I only said one.鈥?/p>

鈥淲ell, ask the next step.” “Jackie made a choice.

鈥淣ext step, we go together to find the smallest ancient beast. Then exhort them from the ancient graves. I can provide a new residence, the arena used by Void powerhouse, Samsara World. That place is very large, more than a billion times larger than the archaeological graves, enough for them to choose a place to live and develop.” Tang Shidao slowly explained the way.

鈥淲ill you accept them?鈥?Three ear freaks.

鈥淣or is it accepted, and it is now only sent to Samsara World to see how they are built and developed. In Samsara World, there is no use of force or death, and I would like to see how other races define themselves. I wouldn’t have stayed if that kind of looting did not understand production, and then I’d try to get it back to the place of origin.”

鈥淲hat if they don’t agree to leave?鈥?Kiki asked another question.



Jackie and Trident have no sound.

Two options.

Either, choose to leave the archaeological cemetery into Samsara World.

Either, choose to die.

They can, of course, fight against the crown and the big sister of Goddess. This third option, however, is very close to 鈥榙ead’ and is equivalent to the second option. The reason for the silence of Jackie and Triangi is well understood鈥?when the Emperor truly intends to act, it is no longer meaningful to think about the debate.

Prior to the Popular Action, opportunities will be given to all.


When he decided to do so, whatever reason you had was useless, he had decided to do so.

Void doesn’t mention it.

At the beginning of the dust, the emperor had also given an opportunity to “cooperate”. Unfortunately, the final evolution became the extinction of the ‘worldly clouds鈥? Without mentioning evil, in fact, powerhouse would have no reason to deal with the weak.

鈥淭he smallest ancient beast race? As if there were dozens, which one do we persuade?” Three ears know more about Tang Shidao, and Maggie just shared secrets.

It believed Tang Shidao had decided to do it, and that only the difference between “do it now” and “do it later” was left.

You can’t do it.

Nor will it be withdrawn.

鈥淣ot one, three ears, I intend to retreat from the weakest start and then find another. I’m not persuading the weakest, but all.”

鈥淒on, there’s no other force to stop.鈥?/p>

鈥淚 understand.鈥?/p>

鈥淣o, you don’t understand. There are people behind the blackless Mage, some special people. Have you heard of the original erosion of Forbidden Curse? It’s famous in the world, because there’s a lot of top Mage can use it. If the ancient beast community does not occupy the territory at sea level, the absence of Mage will soon occupy it. And then it’s easy to become a bridge burger into Void.鈥?/p>

鈥淚 know.” Tang Shidao remains the same sentence.

鈥淒on, you don’t mind, Kiki. You should know the harm? This plan…鈥?/p>

鈥淟et’s get started.鈥?“Jackie can understand.


If she’s not a mother, she can’t understand this stupid act. But she was also a native mother, and she should really be a native mother, so she understood.

鈥淒o you have anything to hide from me?” Nor are you stupid.

Two smart people are stupid together.

That’s impossible.

鈥淩ight.鈥?Tang Shidao nodded.

鈥淏ut I can’t say it right now.”

鈥淲ell, I’ll ask another question. Did anyone promise you, for example, to give you some kind of force or something?鈥?Three ear last question.

鈥淣o, that’s what we’re talking about.鈥?/p>


鈥淩eally not. We have some relationships, but it is not clear now. Anyway, this is what we both decide, not about anyone or any force.鈥?/p>

鈥淭hat’s good. I’ll go.鈥?/p>


鈥淎ren’t you welcome?” Three ear questions.

鈥淒o you know what we want to do?鈥?/p>

鈥淚 don’t know, but I’m just trying to see what you’re doing.鈥?Three ears can’t find Forbidden Curse’s whereabouts, and ‘leisure’ doesn’t work. Tang Shidao and Jackie, two ‘supergenius’ and ‘supernate Skill鈥?monsters in their hearts. These two guys work together, and it’s curious what’s going to be done. And that must not be a small thing, it must be a major event.

Two days later.

Owing to the intelligence capabilities of the three ears, the first destination has arrived.

ancient beast race.

Young moth races that have been used as “honey workers” and “living waiters” and whose territory has arrived.

Three men flash.

At this point.

鈥淵our presence, my glory, Lord Goddess. What’s your metaphor?鈥?The moths also own their king, even a lot of elite Mage. However, their overall force is too weak to rise. Don’t say God Goddess, a little bit of ancient beast is guilty.

Childhood moths are small and adult patterns are only human masters.


No shells, no poison, no scratch, no speed of flight.

Their only advantage is to know plants well and to find flowers and fruits easily. Because the renovation of Innate Skill is not too high, there is no risk to other ancient beast races. So they are treated by other races as honeymoon workers and living servants. Sometimes, some ancient beast is being eaten.

鈥淲e’re going to empty the archaeological graves.鈥?/p>


鈥淵ou have two choices.鈥?/p>


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