Mage Network

Chapter 1354

The second hunt of the wise head, Tang Shidao, is all watching.

From a joint siege to a combination of efforts, to the intellectual head’s use of the “natural erosion” force to break ‘land erosion’ force, to the final extraction of the force of Ancestral God’s spirit, the whole process Tang Shidao looked at from the top to the end, without missing a detail. As far as Force is concerned, the Ancestral God spirits are stronger and better at fighting and have more experience.

But there are too many enemies, and that’s typical ‘ants killing snakes’.

Tang Shidao was able to feel that only a portion of the gods could be fully revived and the rest could not live. Even if there are some people who can be resurrected, most of them are handicapped. Because the Ancestral God spirits did not only kill, but also sabotage.

They destroyed the force, basically absorbed by chaos.

That way.

Even if a successful resurrection is successful, it will not be possible to reclaim these “fragmented and melted” forces from the chaos environment.

Three things are illustrated by this.


The gods are acting crazy, completely disregarding their own security. And their brother didn’t try to save them.


First, Ancestral God’s spirits did not retreat and almost did their best to fight.

In their fight, how much can be killed, almost disregarding their own security. Two of them had the opportunity to escape, nor did they waste their chances. When the companion made an empty file, they escaped very quickly. But the first Ancestral God spirits without the opportunity to escape, who are trying to die, appear to have acquiesced their own consequences.


First, Ancestral God destroyed enemy forces while fighting, and there was a sense of ‘reducing burdens for companions’.

They fought to destroy the enemy’s forces and made the enemy weak.

The threat to their companions will also be significantly reduced if the enemies are weak and they are to return to war after that. As a result, they also reduce the burden on their peers while killing enemies. But it’s strange, why don’t they ruin their own forces? Your own force is getting by the enemy, isn’t it gonna increase the enemy’s force? Shouldn’t it be easier if you were to die to destroy your own forces?

Tang Shidao is too strange to want ‘get’ one from which to look into the answer.

“You’re…” I saw a stranger who suddenly appeared, the intelligent man. In fact, this guest is no stranger.

Humans look like.

Synthesis clothes.

Super sleeve.

In this place of the ancient graves, there is only one man dressed like this: the raven, the clouds.

At this moment, the head of mind is very sorry.

In the first second, he also felt like he was the owner of life. Because of the triumph of this quarrel, it is about to acquire a very difficult capacity, a very special ban. At the moment of the death of Ancestral God, he could have harvested it more quickly and directly. But because it’s too special, it’s too useful, and I can’t stand to show up.

These brothers have their own ingredients, and they won’t rob themselves. Even if they did, they wouldn’t be able to rob themselves.


You have a Forbidden Curse effect, and the brothers will have to kill themselves.

Now it’s just because of that thought of “show” heart.

The trouble is coming.

“The clouds, we have no resentment and no need for conflict. If you want to hunt, we can work together…”

“Get out of the way!”

The wise head does not want to fight the clouds, but he absolutely does not want to abandon that capacity. I was hoping to open the door, and I didn’t think the other side would just start. The fact is not too much, and only the brains of the clothes are shocked by a few beyond ten meters, and the brakes can’t stop.

Such a force, the wise man himself, was surprised.

He imagined the clouds were strong.

The meat mountains hid their own forces, and the decades were still bitter, and it was true that the clouds had a great deal of power.


The wise head didn’t think that the clouds would be strong at that level.

According to documentary information, this figure is not above itself, and it is barely the same. In the case of a large number of brothers, it is impossible for it to do so. Even if it comes out of hand robbery, I’m afraid it’s a little good to hold myself… just like a bear child’s feeling of ‘not eating’.

However, the facts are completely contrary to the imagination.


Emperor came not only to rob, but to take all the lead.

This moment.

The wise head also complained about his brothers, and why didn’t these “lazy people” support the enemy?

He was weird.

The battlefield was well placed, isolated from the outside. The Frente POLISARIO itself is difficult to pass, and even strong breakthroughs will be shocked. The clouds not only broke in, but no one had warned himself, that was incredible. As if the clouds were transparent, and everyone was blind. It is unforgivable that the clouds do not have the first time to cooperate with the hanging.

“Guys…” Wise to keep an eye on the Emperor and doubt that three things remain silent and cannot be stopped calling.


He just said three words, and he’s suffocating.


No brother.

All the gods of the entire battlefield are shattered apart from being a wise man. The body is melted into nine colour ashes, a little bit out of the body, and even a light move will accelerate fragmentation. They are unable to act, speak or use magic, and this is how the whole person is turned into nine grey ashes and flowing into air.

Hands? Comparison? Battle?

There’s no one.

The battle is over just as long as the sleeves are on.

This moment of wisdom realizes one thing: being deceived! The battle footage… it’s not fake, but the clouds are fake with the Lord of the Meat Mountain.

Nothing to fight about.

The Lord of the Meat Mountain was able to fight ten times, just because the clouds gave him the opportunity to do it.


Nor does the clouds resist the Lord of the Meat Mountain, and it should be said that the clouds only use the force of the ‘matching’ Mountains. It deliberately repressed its own forces in order to give the Vital Mountain gods the opportunity to do it. In that case, the clouds may not even use ‘half power’.

Indeed, nothing can be believed in the ancient graves.

The clouds are all like ‘cheating’ people.

“Don’t do this with you.” The wise head also owns his trump card force, not just a meat mountain god.

The strongest force, the wise head found out: he kneeled.

And look again.

The clouds are already looking down, and there’s no expression in their eyes’ this is a rival ‘, only’ this is an irrelevant road nail ‘eye.

Hide the force, wave back.

Google Force, no move on your knees under ‘gravity’.

“Grand Gravity Technique… Great Curse of the Meat Mountain was given to you, no, he gave it to you? There is no such part of the battle tape. Is the beast’s man” smart enough to stand up, but not do it. At this point, he also understands that he is not at the same level as Yuan Yuan, and that the difference between the two sides is not half a star.

“Are you still alive? I understand, because of the Force’s protection, right?”

“Yun Ching, we can negotiate…”

“Forget it. Not much to think about.”

完全无视智首的说话,又是一次长袖挥动。瞬息间,智首整具躯体被压成了薄纸,Mana 破坏也在同时进行。体术也好,magic 也罢,智首在这个长袖之前只剩被虐。

Two waves.

Everything’s over.

That’s the difference between the people who think they’re able to have it and the people who really have it.

At this moment…

“Terrifying, really terrifying. I didn’t think there were monsters like you in the world, but it was a name for Forbidden Curse. Unfortunately, you met me. If it were other gods or gods, you might win.” familiar voices are ringing again and the situation in the battlefield is changing.


The body of the intellectual head was shattered, spreading the light, slowly reorganized into a brain.

“The original natural erosion, the strongest Forbidden Curse, you’re looking for the wrong hunting target.” The intellectual head is not a recovery, but a state of pure energy. Now he’s like the Pharaoh and the Evil, but he has more real life. If there’s any kind of analogy, it’s a virtual world Mage powerhouse, that kind of energy life.

“Is it the strongest?” Tang Shidao does not believe in the weakest such words.

“Yes, the strongest Forbidden Curse is a natural erosion.” Not only did the intellectual head respond to the prototype itself, the perimeter of which is dead, but the gods who have just been mixed are recovering and transformed into a spiritual reshaping prototype.


The wise heads did not save them, but instead, the intellectuals were “taking possession” and “combining” their energy bodies.

Wisdom had only one brain.


He increased his eyes, noses, ears, mouth, bones, bodies, feet, tails, sharp horn, wings, etc. Of course, he was not wasted, and energy bodies could have been integrated with one another. Because Forbidden Curse’s eroded force, intellectuals can easily ‘collect’ these forces.

Or say.

He wanted to do it a long time ago, just because he couldn’t do it.

Now he’s got the chance to do it naturally.


There’s no one.

That’s not the opportunity to cook the Brothers a pot.

Tang Shidao did not stop at this moment, leaving him with the first step of wisdom to refine himself and further upgrade himself. Tang Shidao has only taken ‘absurd gas’ to know why Ancestral God was not destroying these forces. Just one trigger, and the answer comes out.

Previously, there is also a little force to protect… the original erosion.

It’s not an absolute asylum.

But this seems to be an agreement: first, Ancestral God, do not easily destroy these precious capabilities, but initially erode the flesh of Void. That, of course, should not be absolute, just a tacit. Because of the existence of such an agreement, Ancestral God has not destroyed these precious forces so that they can keep and pass on to the Hereafter.

“Take me back, sooner or later. And your nine colors are mine.” The head of mind has the perfect body, and one of them has the natural magic of erosion, and everyone has the same confidence.

“Really?” Tang Shidao only waves.

Nine lights of fire.

Cover the intelligent head.

Such a shock would have become full of ashes, and there would be no doubt that death would have occurred unless it had been avoided.

But he didn’t hide.

Or he doesn’t need to hide.

“Delicious.” The wise head not only hides, but also absorbs nine color flames in the body, as if he swallowed the cannabis meal. Of course, these foodstuffs can’t be digested, but only easily understand the harm: “I said, the erosion is the most powerful Forbidden Curse and all magic attacks are unjust. Nine color flames, formidable power, but only food to me.”

“Interesting.” Tang Shidao laughed.

Sky erosion can swallow all magic tentatively without saying that it is true to swallow nine flames… After all, it is neither Forbidden Curse nor the strongest fire.

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