Mage Network

Chapter 1352

First the Ancestral God spirits quickly dispersed, and Tang Shidao came to mind.

At this point.

Tang Shidao has already understood something. For example, the Ancestral God spirits need to protect their grandchildren because they really don’t like the ‘weak’ foot. They believe that the weak are not eligible to bury this place, so they do not allow the weak to enter it. Moreover, first Ancestral God wanted to kill others, on the one hand the need for new energy and knowledge and, on the other hand, a conservative.


collection of energy and knowledge is necessary.

They have not had the opportunity to go out, have been traveling through Zuga, and have the opportunity to absorb new knowledge and understand the outside world. Similarly, magic and abilities change things, derivatives and assimilates, and sometimes changes Void.


primary objective of the Ancestral God spirit is the ancient beast community of the native nation, who looted something useful on them.

And then.

To Void Mage or Virtual Mage.

This step, if Mages Ken ‘retreat’, the Ancestral God spirits will probably not die. They have made it clear that death in ancient graves is likely to become a member of them. In such cases, they cannot die, lest they end up with hatred. Fighting these people is nothing but not letting ‘firewood get close to each other.

Third Type thing.

The Ancestral God spirits first showed the sunshine, the sun crying, the sun drying and the sun defending these names. If there are no mistakes, they have the same identities and abilities as the sun. Even though they may be children of men and women in the myth of the world. Or, it’s that male and female creature. Firstly, Ancestral God will make them ‘gods’, undoubtedly indicating that their presence is the earliest, force is the strongest and the highest.

The balance between the clouds and the sun is usually invisible, and naturally they will not be the exception.


They don’t need to show up, and they can do what they want only by a single order or by an act.


Lord of the Beast and the Great Goddess.


Real qualified to ‘compete’ just this group of people.

Tang Shidao is the only one who doesn’t understand now. Why would he say that the firewood burns and the flames disappear?


If the world is completely swallowed with Void, it is also the energy world that turns back into chaos. If Void swallowed the world, everything was slowly turned into an orderly world. Whether or not, the endless Void will not collapse. The theory of wood and fires could not have been established.

But first Ancestral God’s spirits cannot be bullshit.

Unless, those who tell them these words deliberately lie, it is not necessary to deceive them at this level, as a matter of fact, at a very small rate.

Take this look.

There are other things that people don’t know, and they’re particularly influential. So all the special things here will form. Void, there must be some reason why there is no world, even the existence of a worldly cloud. If not, these things should be mixed up. It’s like ancient graves, it’s like prototype.

Think of it here, Tang Shidao also left temporarily.

And now the grandpa is open.


Needless to say more, the Goddess, the gods, even the vagina and the sun are likely to be affected. Now that Ancestral God’s spirits go out, the archaeological graves will soon enter an accelerated period, faster. Eventually, what happens is how the parties respond.

Tang Shidao does not intend to intervene because the situation is unclear.

First Ancestral God said a lot, and there’s some reason. But Tang Shidao didn’t think they were right.

Ancient graves this place.

I had to say that.

Even if the people who created it are not sure, right, maybe just a try. So, the theory of diesel and firewood is only the view of some, not all of them, nor necessarily the truth. And further, even if the firewood is destroyed simultaneously, it is not necessarily a bad thing. Void is united with a world that is not necessarily detrimental to everyone.

Peace societies are also difficult to survive for the weak and the poor.

For powerhouse, the hormones are just waiting.


First, Ancestral God’s spirits just expressed a model of thinking, and perhaps there are other solutions. In any event, Tang Shidao will not let Void fall and will not let Mage powerhouse invaded by the empty world. It’s all right, there’s its own home, its own home, its friends, everything that you cherish.

Therefore, it is inevitable to guard it.

Tang Shidao did not observe how long it was, and only half a month, the ancient graves had changed dramatically.

It’s weird.

The weak race in the archaeological graves has largely lost nothing, but the powerful race is a terrible one. During this period, Ancestral God’s spirits were staring at them, precisely at the most powerful individuals. Because of the dead, the Ancestral God’s spirits were not killed and failed. Some ancient beast races are the strongest, with up to a short time to seal the Ancestral God spirit.

Or else.

Mage powerhouse abandoned his people and fled alone.


strange result is that when Mage powerhouse abandoned his family, the Ancestral God spirits were not angry and did not slaughter these vulnerable groups who lost their shelter. They’re like a bunch of hunters focusing on big fish, not interested in shrimp crabs at all.

It also makes sense that Ancestral God is not an intruder.

They only claim to be “captured” of new forces and new knowledge, rather than to be masculine in the occupied territories. One more word… you’re willing to lower your head and you’re basically free.

The people of Ancestral God didn’t take care of the Void group and the vampire group.

If you can kill, you can’t talk nonsense.


There are Mage powerhouse struggles to flee from ancient graves, return to Void or nowhere, and the Ancestral God spirits have not been chased. Or they’ll chase, but once you get out of the archaeological graves, even if you’re exhausted, you’ll be dead and they won’t do it. And when the graves of the ancient gods were in no way merciless. But once you leave, they’re gone.

It’s a clear signal.

Two words.

First: Death!

Get out of here!

Now, in front of Void Mage and Virtual Mage, it’s just two options.


ancient beast race, the gods and the gods are not so lucky. When they encounter the spirit of Ancestral God, they can only be fatal, without mercy. Unless you’re too powerful to see Ancestral God first, you can only fight hard, or abandon your belongings and the people. Attention is drawn to the fact that there is no escape or death and that there is no peaceful option to leave the archaeological graves.

Just three months less.

The chaos of ancient graves began to get ‘calm’ up. There’s a trace of Ancestral God everywhere, and they’re hunting everywhere.

Chadian looks.

It’s over.

Or things are slowing down.

Under the ‘barbaric interference’ of the Ancestral God’s spirits, Void and no Mage can afford to quit.

“It will not be that simple.” Once again, the Lord of the Beast called brother, and there was no accident about the changes in the outer world: “Brothers, those guys did. It was not conceivable that the vague balance and the sun were blind and that they were left to vandalize. Next, brothers, the real hunting ‘is about to start.”

“Big brother, we’re not going to do it first?” Smile Heart.

“It’s hard to say. Now we have two paths, one, grab first. Secondly, goods and peoples have been transferred until they are finally moved. The former had risks, but probably got that Forbidden Curse. The latter are the safest, but probably nothing. I don’t force the brothers to do it, everybody. However, I intend to start. As far as I know, the wise idiot has assembled and ready to start the first.”

“Is this what it is?” “Smile gods are hidden, but not persuasive.

The gods don’t force everyone to fight.

As a result of freedom of movement, there is nothing to argue about.

“I have a proposal to say, big brother.” The five gods took up the subject and said it calmly.

“Of course, you said.”

“We are ready to start the war immediately, but let the gods first fight.” The five gods slowly say.


“I want to know Void Mage’s reaction and no Mage. Looks like they don’t know this place well, and I want to know what they’ll react after they see ‘good’. In this way, we can also make different plans based on their response.” The five gods explained.

In fact.


greatest advantage for the Goddess is intelligence, and environmental advantages are more important than intelligence.

The Lord of the Beast is thinking about a little bit.


“Okay, five, I think your opinion is great. We’ll wait for some more time to let the smart bastards move first. However, we need to be prepared in advance, and once the situation changes, we must take advantage of the benefits as quickly as possible.”

“Of course, we brother was always ready for silence.”


gods agreed.

At this point.

Goddess are third Type who should wait for the gods to act again.

Even say, they’re going to seek the victory of the gods.

“What is the real disaster here?”

Void’s Mage team is also waiting quietly, not knowing the end of the storm. As it appears now, the significance of the ancient graves has ended, and the Ancestral God spirits will ease all the calamities. As long as everyone withdraws in peace, everything naturally ends.

Void Mage was very willing to do so and did not mean invading the world.

Really have the force.

False death can also enter a world free of charge, such as the death of the Ninth World.

Five more days.

One of the most recent news is transmitted to the Quartet: the first giant fighter in Ancestral God died.

“Big Ninth.”

“No, it can’t be real death. Void beast has no record of death, no one.”

“So, the head of the devil Rosa?”

“Well, I do have a special intelligence. However, it sounds a little… well, that’s what happened. Indeed, one of the first Ancestral God’s spirits was surrounded by ‘kill’. It’s not true death, it’s a desert group called” smart head “that uses some way to beat Ancestral God, and then takes’ all of its force ‘in some way.”

“It’s all…”

“In word, the ‘magic and skill’ of Ancestral God was taken away by the intellectual head, including the distribution of energy. So that first Ancestral God has the only capacity to” human level “. Except for Void dollar soils, it’s almost like a puppet. There is also a story of follow-up, and another group of Ancestral God came to rescue it, but failed. The wise head intends to use it to replace another precious magic, probably to negotiate. But first Ancestral God didn’t seem to be going to talk.”


The Mage members of Void got it all.

They’re fruit.

The first Ancestral God spirits who want to calm down the war are the fruits of what everyone wants to do. What Great Curse, what forbidden techniques, what archaeological instruments, even Forbidden Curse’s clues, are all connected to Ancestral God’s spirits. Killing these guardians will make it possible for everyone to get everything.

The clouds of the sun and the sun separate them from their homeland.

A prisoner?


Don’t mean good, guys. ”Hear here, white win guy first said,” I’m not going. Though they want to kill us, they’re just trying to ‘run’ us. If you want to take the baby together, go ahead, and I will not use the force of the God-fearers as such. ”

“Sorry, I’m not going.” Witch answered, suggesting that I’m not a ‘salesman’.


At the scene, Mage was silent.

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