Mage Network

Chapter 1350

Forbidden Curse was heard, and Void Mage’s group received a message from the Ninth World: “The news about the grand corpse must be known to all. I don’t object to anyone looking for Forbidden Curse. But I don’t go, and I hope you don’t risk it. I don’t believe in the benefits of white. Forbidden Curse is so easy to get, it’s gone. You guys want to go, go on, don’t pull those guys who don’t want to go.”

You hear so simple, Void Mages didn’t move.


Some people are moving.

However, the leaders of the major groups have not moved.

Their reasons are simple: “We’re here to protect Void, not to find Forbidden Curse. Do you think it’s more important to protect Void, or to look for Forbidden Curse? Pick one, and then do it in the light of that goal, and I don’t interfere with you. Whether there’s Forbidden Curse, I’m just sure it’s a trap. There is no need for danger, and as long as we’re trapped, we can’t do anything without Mage flipping into Void.”


is also a reminder that the leaders of the groups have described the situation.

You have a way to split up, you can go.



you don’t have that ability, once you get into the Zuzo, what’s going on outside doesn’t matter to you. Whoever opens this channel of ancient graves, his purpose is clear and is to trigger a new war.


Whether or not Forbidden Curse is available, the leaders of Void groups will not break up, and everything will be of the highest priority to protect Void.

For that reason, some Mage who wanted to go did not act.

After all, it’s too dangerous to act alone. Without a team force, one of his own faces unknown enemies and unknown environments, almost dead. The ancient beast race is no longer weak, and Goddess and Virtual Mage are even more extraordinary. A man goes into Zuga, don’t say it’s hard to find a baby, even protect himself.

And then they can’t blame the leaders.

Because the group is a group, it doesn’t change your approach because of your own thoughts. The group was also set up to protect Void, not to protect you from Forbidden Curse.

You think the group rightly followed the group to protect Void.

You think the group is incorrect… so that the group does not need to protect people like you who “have nothing to say about Father”.


Big Ninth and team leaders also said, “You think you have power, you go alone, and no one will stop you.”

In this case, no one speaks.

No ability can blame anyone.

Half a month.

Void’s Mage group is still inactive and the situation is in a delicate state. In fact, the gods, the gods, even the virtual Mage, had concealed a number of tools, waiting for Void Mages to hook up. I didn’t think that this group of ‘instigators’ Void Hood was the one who was the one who was the one who was the one who couldn’t take it. As a result, no means of succession can be lost.

On the other hand.

Because of Void Mage’s absence, a lot of things have changed differently.

The worst.

Neither the gods nor the Wizard Mages tried to fight, lest they were picked up at the time of their re-establishment by Void Mage.


The new situation became… they opened the cave without blocking the ‘monster‘ in the cave.

This should have been the situation of the various groups working together to spell out these monsters, but it has evolved into the end of the two camps‘ drainage ’, bringing these scourges into the archaeological graves. Turn around, the whole ancient graveyard is sweeping up. Heard that the ancient beast race around Zuga escaped all night, even if the weak descendants were abandoned, wanted to flee themselves.

The Lord of the Magic called to the brothers and lamented: “We have lost our minds.”

“Yes, big brother.”

“I would have tried to bring Void and Wizard Mage to the same battlefield with the hands of the wise guys. I didn’t expect Void Mage to come. I think we need to find out what that intelligence agent called De Rosa, she probably figured out. Now, the situation is a little bad, and those ‘monsters’ are alive. Brothers, what do you suggest?”


Zuzo’s force is like a big flood, a void, nothing, a triangle, and the situation is not dangerous.

Void Mage doesn’t deserve it.

虚无Mage 和神子们自然不愿意尽力。

As a result.

The floods have become floods.

“Big brother, we send someone to contact both of them, saying that we are now working together for the first time to deal with the grand monster.” The left eyes are the first to suggest, and he thinks there’s still a switch.


“No, they won’t agree.”

“It’s for them, too.”

“No, it didn’t affect them, bro. You know, the archaeological graves are just our land, not their. This is ruined, Void and powerhouse don’t care. Even if they want the archaeological graves to be destroyed, so they’re more relaxed.” The laughing gods have no other feelings, but their minds are not simple.

“Well, we’re all together… the younger sister, together, to pick up the situation?”

“Normally, this is the best way.” The five gods with five heads answered.

“Oh? That’s not normal?” The left eye is even a little slight twice.

“Let them sweep, we don’t care.”

“This is…”

“Well, this is our land, but it’s also a balancing and balancing place. The ancient graves were destroyed, and they were more reluctant to see them than we were. You know, left eyes, our personality, like them, doesn’t really care about the lives of communities and descendants. Anyway, we finally won the best result.”

“You want to wait for them…”

“Yeah, that’s what I think. You know those monsters, they hate vagina and sunbalance more than anyone else. Once they show up, those monsters will surely be trapped in them and may even kill them. All we have to do is let this place collapse, see how long the clouds and sunbalance will endure.” The five gods are naughty and totally ignorant of the lives of descendants and communities.

“This big brother, look?” Left eye looks up to the top.

“Well, um, we wait.” The beast gods are not good, and he wants to win only himself to the end.

After that.

So, there’s a situation that looks like the “general finals”.

It’s a sea election, and there’s no first race.


Like Tang Shidao told the meat mountains: the world is unusual.




On the ninth day of the opening of Zukaki, Tang Shidao… no, it should be said that the clouds came. And Tang Shidao soon guessed the truth with Forbidden Curse at the end of the incident.

In the cave.

There’s no second Type thing, there’s only one: bone.

Or the corn.

These bones are born in general ‘corn’ and have the perfect material crystallizing state. At the same time, all bones here are contaminated with the components of Void’s dust cloud, each of which is like ’embryo’. In other words, they are born close to the characteristics of the ancient instruments… of course only close, not entirely.

Except material.

There’s also energy here… the spirit.

Is it the spirit or the devil who doesn’t mention it? They’re all the different kinds of spirits and the spirits of God’s superstition. As far as Force altitudes are concerned, either of them is at the top level, at the same level, or at the same level as the majesty of the meat mountains.

The corn and the soul.

Type ‘embryo’ objects with the spirits of climbing.

If such a combination is not terrifying, then the monsters here… are the ‘martyrs’ of a complete bone or a bundle of bones. They have the bones of American archaeological machines and the spiritual force that transcends the Lord, and they have more experience in fighting with the Ancestral God spirit than magic Force. And they also have a layer of ‘blood meat’: Void Soil.

“Did you finish looking, little man?” These Ancestral God spirits are huge, with a bone that is all the kind of formidable power of ancient forensics.

“Well,” Tang Shidao or Yuan Kung Yuan, come back.

“Ready to die?”

“Whenever you’re ready, see if you can kill me.”

“We can, because we won’t die.”

“Well, the surface looks like this.”

“Do you look unhappy?”

“No, just a little weird.”

“Strange to ask, we can meet your last wish to be careful.” The great warriors of Ancestral God surrounded Tang Shidao in the middle and did not rush.

At this point.

Tang Shidao is also static, slowly opening up: “Are you Mage of the ancient age?”

“Oh? You know that? Come on, we don’t know what’s going on outside, but you said that part of us should be. But most of them are earlier. You said a few names, maybe we’ve heard of it.”

“Grandmother and grandmother, King Kiki, pregnant.”

“Well, like a strange little guy, we thought she was flawed Goddess. Well, this is the next generation.”

“The Great Ninth World, blessed.”

“Well, this knows, maybe older than some of us. Well, is it a man or a woman?”

“I don’t know. So, it was too crowned, the resurrector. Forever, reporter. There’s also an old turtle, and I don’t know what the name is.”

“These three are older than we all are. The old crown is weak, is it beyond the Lord?”


“And you?”

“The Emperor of the clouds, the Mighty and the Overburdened.”

“Negative. Gravity Technique is in your hands, right? Is that meat ball dead?”


“so much change. But it doesn’t matter, do you still have a problem or are you going to fight directly?”

“I still have a problem. Do you guys kill them in the shadow and sunset?”

“Almost, we killed ourselves.”

“Did they revive you with Forbidden Curse?”

“Little guy, you’re weird.”

“No, you have the participation of Void Pyongyang, in addition to self-rejuvenating the body. Void also has a Void beast, possessing this invincible body. But you’re different. I don’t believe that nature can produce so many” Void beasts “, and you must have another reason. Except Forbidden Curse, there may be no second Type. There’s a Forbidden Curse that can control Void Soil, right?”

“And then?” First Ancestral God showed, you keep guessing.

“Either the shadow and the sun were imprisoned for you, or they saved you. Whatever it is, there must be a Forbidden Curse involved in your ‘resurrection’, making you dead.”

“That’s smart. Turn around and guess so much.”

“These things would not have been complicated, just because people’s thoughts are too complicated.”

“What kind do you say?”

“I don’t guess. After entering the archaeological graves, I have identified one thing: nothing here can believe, including its own eyes and feelings. You may be enemies with the clouds and the sun, or they may be resurrected, and be guarded. You’re going to kill other road men, maybe to keep your grandmother alive, or to absorb new energy to grow yourself.”

“Oh, can there be two answers?”

“One thing is a certain one.”

“Which one?”

“We must fight.”

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