Mage Network

Chapter 1347

“You didn’t get hurt?” See Tang Shidao’s reaction, and the meat mountains don’t have to make any difference.

“No, your strategy was successful, and I did deliberately accept you and then wanted to shoot you. The capacity of the heavy-bearers has come into force, and my battles have been severely affected. However, this level is not enough for you to win.” Tang Shidao indifferently said, when the flames have also been flawed and officially entered the state of war.

“Don’t you need nine colors?” The Mountain of Meat heard the admission, too.

“That depends on the fact that you have no right to let me use it.”

“Well, I’ll let you see right away.” After the meat hills get out of the burden, everyone becomes confident. More unexpected, he did not rob him at this time, nor did he deliberately use the odd quote, simply dignified the right attack. Because of the lawlessness, the weaker body of the meat hill has a layer of legal tattoos that form a special protective layer.

Fist tight, silhouette flash, not fast, not at the expense of Tang Shidao.

On the occasion of the boxing.

Tang Shidao has also not moved away, as the ‘burden’ is already a disadvantage in itself and there is no need to attack the length of the enemy with its own shortfall. Now, it’s the strength of law, not physics.

The meat hill boxes, and Tang Shidao has a page of black shields in front of him.

“Come on.”

Neither move fast nor have there been any top powerhouse velocity.

Such fighting is more like a more skilled, not a death.

Of course, both sides know that, as long as one party shows a glimpse, the other can start and fight. Now the meat mountains are deliberately not sporadic, and it’s actually a tactic. Because the clouds are wounded, they’re trapped in a “negative” state, the simpler the meat mountains can’t make mistakes. At such a time, it’s just yourself to get rid of it.

The boxing shields touch each other, and the meat mountains have not escaped.

Boxing, shield.

But the boxing is broken.

Each attack appears to be cheap. In fact, black shields are just magic, and boxing is part of the body. Even if the Mountain of Meat responded instantly, this two failures would be even more expensive for him. At this point, the meat hill smiled, and Second Fist bombed it up again.

Tang Shidao remains unchanged, and yet again there is a fire-cycle.

This time.

Fists have no hard shields, no fists, five fingers have suddenly turned into snake distortions, one bend around the shield and turned into five triggers to Tang Shidao. This should be simple, but effective. The more complex it is, the more simple it can’t be broken.

The degree of force is that of a punch to defeat the opponent, and no other action is required.

One arm five.

Into the whole body.

Tang Shidao, which is a disadvantage at a rate of speed, is unlikely to evade, but only to recruit.

Meat Mountains also envisioned that each other would be defended, but magic’s defense and physical assault must be more expensive. There is no doubt that physics are more good at barking.

Five boxing.

Tang Shidao has retreated, with five boxes of arms and bodies each with deep blood.

This hit did take some advantage of the meat mountains. But the smile on the face of the meat hill is also entrenched. On the back of the fist, densely packed’s ‘fire’ crawled full of arms. They’re like shield fish, like having life with arms and slowly spreading up. The meat mountain stretches out the other hand and cuts this arm off.

However, after the response, these shields‘ fires’ have emerged again.

It’s like they’re their own ‘spontaneous belt’ stuff.

The meat mountains are amazing, and look at the clouds.

At this point.


arms and bodies of the clouds have been wounded five times, but the weight of ’em has also been reduced by five.

“Are you counting on me?” The meat mountains are stupid enough to understand that this boxing is from the clouds. Even say, the deliberate sacrifice of the fireshield by the clouds is to attract himself to break the trick.


“How did you do that?”

“Do you mean a fire?”

“Yeah.” The weirdest thing in the meat mountains is this. Why can these fires be resurrected if they do not belong to themselves?

“Defense in the world is often a harmful gesture of defence, and in favour of magic it takes effect ‘on appointment’. These fires are a good defense shield for you, and I gave you a present. So they can accompany you back to life. At least in the short term of the fighting, they can continue to enter into force.” Tang Shidao indifferently said.

“I understand, but there’s no reason to do it. I have done everything I can to protect you from being so easy to recruit.”

“You can’t prevent it, because it’s part of your ‘roll’.”

“Originally” the Mountain of Meat heard it right here.

The clouds have been counted for themselves, and it immediately uses the same method as it is. He added ‘em to the clouds, and because of that fist. They were themselves and could not be excluded at the time of return. If a law itself excludes its own forces, then first of all he is not fighting, but destroying himself.

At this juncture, the boxing that the meat hills just want to wave has suddenly stopped.

This second.

The meat mountains found themselves invaded.


I put a layer of overweight on the clouds, cutting its speed with the force. But the clouds will turn their disadvantages into superiority… If they are attacked again, they will return to themselves. The fire sounds defensive, but the essence is an enemy force, and it’s really a trick to help itself. Now that the fire is just not working, it may be a moment of extinction.

If you wave again, you may be ‘more’ in it.

No offense. What else can I do?

“What, you’re not going to attack again?” Tang Shidao’s still not moving, because the weight is heavy and the energy is saved.

“Attack.” The meat mountains no longer look like the brave tail of the past.

silhouette poked on, Double Fight.

Before boxing, there was a white energy layer, such as clouds. This time, instead of being physics, was an attack near magic.

Tang Shidao can’t escape, all of them.

At the time of physical injury, there was also a bit of fragmentation. The attack on meat mountains is smart, isolated from the energy layer, but it is still not possible to save another effect: he’s shattered by his own hands. Strange, the meat mountains don’t stop at this time, as if they were last crazy.

Tang Shidao is getting smaller and close to getting out of the burden.


last moment of fragmentation.


meat mountains suddenly change, not human, but incarnation, a multifaceted flesh gang. Also at this moment, he prejudged the reactions of the opponent, locked the body position of the opponent, and “tore” the opponent only once. At the same time, the thumb of the meat mountains has increased again, tore it up again, and not even smashed the meat.

The trigger runs, not giving each other a chance to react.

After two changes in life, the Mountain of Meat is no longer the goddess of patience, but a ruthless warrior.

He can win, he wants to win, he has to win.

“This is not the end. Yun Ching, I’ll find a way to revive you. Such an interesting battle, we must restart…” The original size of the meat Mountain has killed enemies and has not changed our initial intentions. He enjoys such fighting and suffices after victory and does not want to end it. The clouds gave him a chance, and he had a chance.

But it’s not over, the victory smile of the meat mountains has been solidified.

At this point.

The fragmented meat becomes ashes, and these ashes are slowly reorganized into black, white, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple nine different bodies. Similar to the clouds, just different colors. At the same time, every one of them is full of fire, as if what organ was opened to enter an unprecedented state of force.

“What is this?” The meat mountains have to be four, fully prepared to fight.

“A bloodline Force skill, ashes back. Nine gold is not normal, and in general gold is only white flame, and blood or blood breeding has black flames. The top of the theoretical step is eight, black and seven, or white and seven.” Tang Shidao indifferently said.

“I’ve heard of you like that.”

“Later, because of a particular opportunity, a pure blood outside the world sacrificed itself and sacrificed itself as a whole. So I have nine color flames. So I went into a special upgrade phase, having grey wheels back to force.”

“In other words, I have not been able to compare nine colors of Forbidden Curse.”

“Obviously, you haven’t won my flame yet. For you to fight so seriously, I have to remind you. After the ashes return, my force will rise. Because I have” egg “skills at the same time, every egg can be upgraded. Although it is not possible to exceed that threshold, progress is real, and I can use other means to keep it. Like this, split yourself.”

“See.” The meat mountains look at nine opponents, laughing inside. Now the opponent, every one is weaker than before.


Nine plus five times before.

“Another reminder, you’re almost full of fire. Please believe that it is indeed a defence tool. But the properties of the fire, the more heating it will burn. And whoever bears a shield of fire, he shall be burned. You’re different from mortals, but that’s what happens. As for the extent to which we can be ‘counterproductive’ you, then we have to try it seriously.”

“It’s a pleasure. Life and death are just a small thing, and fighting is fun.” The meat mountains also know that they’re actually worse.

It’s not for yourself to try.

It’s too strong, too desperate.


At this moment, the meat mountains have forgotten their lives, and he has wakened up and participated. As a god, he has to look up and face his life. What’s low, what’s begging for forgiveness, connectivity doesn’t exist. Even if he is not proud of a god, he will be proud of himself as a warrior.

“Come to spell, the Lord of the Cloud.” This moment there is no fear in the Mount of Meat, the only battle to comfort his heart.

“I’ll be all yours.”

Nine people were confronted with more than one handball, and the two sides were once again brutal.

The battle at the ancient graveyard doesn’t mention it.

Half a day later.

In one corner of dust, a creature competition is not strong in energy oceans. Suddenly, a small and two hands float. Like fish swimming, after a couple of circles, a pearl is breeding in the middle. After this pearl was born, it quickly absorbed some energy. Soon, it broke out, slowly crawled out of a creature like a little octopus, looking forward to this whole new world.

At this point, a small and two hands have long disappeared.

Five days later.

The gods of the Gods of the Magic sent their ranks back to the palace before they found a remnants of fighting.

“Is that it, Big Brother?”


“The meat mountains are not smaller than we are. And he’s further melting…”

“Well, unfortunately, his opponent is Yunnan.”

“Is that guy still not using Forbidden Curse?”


“Real not dead monsters.”


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