Mage Network

Chapter 1344

The raven is your name… and the Mountain of Meat wants to yell like this. But your mouth was open, but there was no voice, and there was no answer.

At this point.

For the

first time in his life, he tasted the smell of ‘fear’, because it was so weird right now.

The earliest record was that the raven belonged to a border outside the world called “Skyclouds”, and the bloodline was an opium. It’s also a ‘genius’ Mage outside the world, not too much compared to the original race. But, like all the geniuses, it has its ceiling. When it reached a certain level, its progress stopped.

Because of the closed-up relationship, its relatives’ race was looted and easily extinct.

From here on.

It joined the external coalition forces and became a member of revenge Legion.

During an invasion of the world’s secrets, it and the entire team of friends‘ death ’meteor failed to escape one. That would have been the end of the story, and a story of the revenge of overestimates one’s capabilities has been completed. It’s weird that unexpected developments begin at this moment.

When it resumes, everything changes.

It invaded a world of the world alone and slaughtered the whole world by one. Yeah, yeah, not a people, not a million races, but a whole secret. It won not only the winning, but it will burn all the things in the world’s secrets into ashes, and then swallow them all into the bellies. Then it struck another man in the dust.

Yeah, yeah, it’s alone picking up the whole dust.

Nor did the crows have enemies before they appeared above the Lord.

Even if it had overtaken the Lord, it had not defeated or even increased its strength with foreign power. Because of the last dedication of gold, it was given the ninth flame. Thereafter, it resurrected all gold from the flame, and it resurrected the entire Kingdoms less than one day. At the same time, the special area of rehabilitation has been revived.



raven pushed nine more flames to the limit, mutated, raised, and casted a whole new Forbidden Curse: Nine colours.

That moment.

Its fate is completely reworded.

This Legendary story is well known in meat mountains, as it contains the words’ Forbidden Curse ‘. He also knew that the raven was called a raven because it was really crazy. You dare to pick the whole dust alone, that’s not crazy.

In the record of fighting, it is the law of wild beast.

Crazy than crazy, not even a little Mage.


These are not the reasons for the fear of the Mount of the Mount, and the reason for the Mount of Meat now is that this is not a madman, but a normal serene. The clouds, a man like Scholar Kenneth, are absolutely not normal.



should be said that the raven is not normal without “crazy”.

Whether Void or the world is empty, there’s never been a wrong name. If the name is wrong, it can only be said that it is outdated and that the owner of the crown has changed. It’s like an eyewitness, and it’s turned from a raven to a civilized jazz.

What is this proof of?

Crazy crows are getting stronger!

A monster with Forbidden Curse nine colored light has become stronger.

You can imagine.

How terrifying.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Yun Yuan, please give me a little time. I’ll take clansman away first for no trouble. These aren’t clansman, they’re all my descendants, and some of the brothers and sisters. As elders, I should not have let them fall into catastrophe.” The meat mountains have a sense of fear and try to show smile.

I had to say that.

With his fat face, a good smile is really a bit harmless to humans and animals.

“It’s okay, I can wait.” The clouds are naturally Tang Shidao, intentionally adding a name that is no more than a signal that the raven has changed.

What does Tang Shidao have in mind?

But it’s okay.

The clouds themselves are the raven of change, but change is changing, and the essence needs to remain unchanged. Previously ‘crazy’ was surface, so people could see. Now the “crazy” is intrinsic, and the intrusion does not mean disappearing. Now, the word ‘I can wait’ is crazy, paranoid, believing that the meat mountains will never get away.

It was.

The meat mountains don’t want to fight. However, it is clear that the present person does not listen to the explanation. In addition, he said, “How much has a relationship”, which is equal to pleading guilty.



super giant bugs and people have been sent, and the meat mountains have begun to be serious. He knows that the opponent is strong and capable of being called “the strongest beast” in all walks of Void, and that the clouds will never be famous. More importantly, the clouds have Forbidden Curse. It’s just that, you know, your own god has to be surprised. This time, meat mountains are estimated to be less than 40 per cent of their victory.


Half an hour later.

The archaeological cemetery is a place called the “Prince’s House”, and a shrinking number of fat worms panicked into it.

At this point, the gods who received information in advance also sent their ranks.

“Mount meat, what’s the matter with your incarnation?” The palace is a bunch of familiar silhouette, left eyes, five heads, laughs, even some new people.

“Dead.” Many fat worms look to the lord and say, “Big brother, give me a new body. This is a huge loss, and for many years cultivation has been exhausted, and nothing remains. It’s so tough, it’s a flat and indisputable look, but it’s hard to do it.”

“All right. Say,” It’s a giant beast on top of the head. It’s kind of like a brainless beast, but the rays of light in the eye are very wise.

It only waves.

There is a human body in the temple as if there was no birth. Many fat worms just spit rays of light, turn around, like people slowly stand up.

Now it’s the meat hill.

But the weather is too far from that meat hill, completely a champion and a newborn baby. After possessing a body, many fat worms were left in the lobby next door, closed doors, static, which seemed to be drastically consuming. And I don’t know what it’s consumed.


No, that’s supposed to be his identity.

As in meat mountains, these gods will not be easy to risk. Or, they don’t even believe in brother.

“No, it’s another man, the clouds.” The meat hills just got like human bodies, not very habitual. It’s surprising that it just got a new body, and he just responded to a little force, and he had a feeling of ‘fat’, a little bit fat.

“Who?” People would have been a little nervous. Listen to this name.

No one deserves to make a fuss about nothing.

It has to be said that prejudices like this do not exist anytime.

“Raven, what do you think? Do I have such weakness?” The Mountain of Meat shouts at the heart of brother, but he doesn’t yell too loud, because he’s weak.

Hear that, the gods turn their faces again.

Bad face.

“Did you fight a raven? So, is it Forbidden Curse very terrifying?

“He” has just wanted to explain, and he hesitates.

“Brother Sam, it didn’t work?” “Smile always is a smile, no second Type.

“Well, um…”

“What force does that cloudman use?” The beast god answers, and it’s becoming increasingly strange about the failure of the meat mountains. While he also knows that meat mountains are not strong, they are only the lowest in the gods, even the smallest of them. But the heart of the meat mountains is not too weak, just not stronger than the other brother and sister.

“Fire, a black flame opposite the Golden White Flame.”


“No, just one.” The head of the meat hill is down, and think about it again: “Big brother, I’m not trying, but the black flame is weird. I’ve seen the Golden White Flame, even before the war, but Black’s golden flame is the first to see.”

“Well, don’t blame you. Come on, let’s say it in detail.” The Lord of the Beast comforted, the heart wants to laugh.

Lost and lost.

Find out what excuse.

Whoever provides for fighting must be familiar, and the strangers facing the first time cannot count. It’s bad, scum is a scum, man’s clouds are still the first time to enter the archaeological graves.

For brother’s feelings, the gods will not laugh.

At this point, the Mountain of Meat has made it clear that a goddess can hear a brain blast.

“For this reason?”

“Yes, it’s coming to avenge. Because evil and crowd members killed many people outside the world, looting countless Remnant Soul for materials, the clouds came to account for us. He’s not, big brother, absolutely different from the crows in the rumors. I made a magic image… like this…” The Mount of Meat was also ’recorded’ at the time of the fighting, and was ready to be used as an intelligence tool.

After seeing magic images, a god can also feel that kind of “temperature”.

The meat mountains are clearer after the battle video has been broadcast.

No injuries.

Full hanging.


clouds did not use Forbidden Curse’s nine colors, and the nine flames before they escalated were just one. The entire battle process is completely oppressive, and it itself has no damage. In addition to the formidable power of the black flame, the clouds show another thing: speed.

“Soon, fast.” A flat-wing god in the palace gave comments.

It seems to be a compliment, but two words make a taste of ‘not as fast as I am’.

The rest of the gods are also nodded.

Quick, but not alarming.

“It’s more terrifying, less authentic.” Five gods think more and remind. The other side has not done its best, not half of its power, but is simply dead.



most important question now is…

“Who did it?” The beast’s goddess swept and said, “What happened to me when the archaeological graves opened so suddenly?”

“I don’t know.” ”The five gods shake their heads and said,“ I heard someone do it, and then I got help in the dark. Are you laughing like your left eye? Well, it was only after you heard about the gangster. Honestly, suddenly opening up is not good for us, because it was not ready before. I told you, it’s full support, but it’s not a leader. “

“Wouldn’t it be a witch?” The Mountain of Meat mentioned Big Goddess.

“No, it’s too fast to pay. The evil group was just one of ‘spirits’, and she wasn’t heartbroken. The rest is not important compared to Forbidden Curse. We haven’t been open for so long, so it’s Forbidden Curse.” The gods help ‘enemies’ explain.

At this point.

And suddenly there was an additional voice in the palace: “Nor were you the main criminals.”

The gods are amazing.

And the gods are insolent, but there are no outsiders in the temple.

At this point.

The magic image next to the meat hill, the quiet ‘clouds’, moved, as if they were alive.

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