Mage Network

Chapter 1342

Look at this giant meatballoon monster, and listen to their conversation, Tang Shidao first thought of the world of souls where they live.


‘s something like that inside the spiritual world.

For example.

The same trees, the same rocks as the eyeball, the same mountains as the body. Not only are human parts, but also wild beast or special plant parts, but it is simply a creepy region that is scarcely and maliciously torn. The Goddess, while not being torn apart, are also part of the ‘decrease’. This meat ball, it’s only one mouth left.

It’s also possible that it has only one mouth from the beginning.

The Goddess are still a flaw, and it’s all flawed, and there’s only one normal point.

Speaking of the failure of the experiment.

Think about it.


“derivatives” of the vagina and the sun balance are diverse and not necessarily all normal breeding.

Tang Shidao does not care about these family matters, but only about such a special presence. Tang Shidao certainly does not believe that the model has nothing to do with the usual place. The existence of square places is likely to be even earlier than the balance of the clouds and the sun. They have established order and rules, but do not represent an exhaustion of Void, who represent only the dead and the next.

In the absence of Void, there’s a lot of things left to keep the original ‘special’.


emergence of giant meat balls must be another god’s fight. Unlike that, this time, it is not a matter of respect for men and women, it is a struggle between people of mass descent and others. Strictly speaking, giant meat balls don’t even count on the side, just the extent of ‘lost meat’.

So it hates the vagina and the sun balance, and it hates other gods and Goddess.

“There’s nothing wrong with you here, Pope, get lost.”

“Are you ordering me?” Tang Shidao was laughing too.

“I know you’re famous, but here’s the archaeological graves. People like you, the ancient times don’t know how much. Now, they’re all bones here, not even bones. I advise you not to do much, and I am not alone, and I have more than one team behind.” Large meat balls, though they call themselves abandoned, do not diminish in their tongues.

“Where did you get your confidence? From ancient to present, what’s changed?” Tang Shidao really wants to laugh.

“The original Dragon Race and Primitive Demon Race failed.”


“Yes. Although they did not have a reduction in death, everyone was rebuilt, almost extinguished.” Large meat balloon coldly said.

“Sounds like their fugitive techniques are good.”

“Yes, if it’s not fast, they’re dead.”

“Well,” Tang Shidao lightly nodded, actually figured out the real reason.

Almost all of this is no reunion.

Everyone’s rebirth is no death.

On the surface, the groups at the time of the shuttle and the border are both “big defeat” and invisible.

Actually, what’s the loss?

No one dies, just one more hat of ‘failure’. Tang Shidao really understands that this march is intentional. It is further stated that the time frame and boundaries are likely to be ‘deliberate provocation’ and then ‘traumatized’, eventually ‘fugitive’. Such advertisements, they don’t do too well.

The ancient graves are battlefield. A place like the battlefield, one step in, started fighting.

The tactics are not something that determines victory, but it is essential.

Think about it.

Goddess at the archaeological graves, listen, what will they think?

They’ll think: this group is scum, and it’s not worth wasting time pulling together. In the case of the time shuttle and the border, they directly reduce a level of ‘being pulled’ distress.

Similarly, what would the “monsters” of the ancient graveyard hear?

It’s a bunch of scum, don’t worry, it’s good bullying.


Mage powerhouse in the world, listen. What do they think?

It’s a bunch of scumbags, and Void’s level is that way, and there’s absolutely no need to worry, and we won.

Of course.

This is the most ideal advertising effect, and others don’t have to be, or may be, broken. But those who wear failed hats will always be lightened. It’s enough for the opponent to have a little more ‘light’ on that. The time frame and boundaries were the first to enter the archaeological graves, with the hat of the ‘weak’ better than the ‘powerhouse’.


Does this type of powerhouse need to play?

No, no.

However, for the sake of a whole Void and a Bangladeshi, they are willing to put down their belongings to play… Their goal is only to win, only to guarantee Void’s safety.

Face and reputation are not important.

“Looks like you’re stronger than you imagined.” Tang Shidao didn’t reveal it. The time shuttle is a replenishment, and the boundary is an incinerator. They can all lose ‘for the sake of victory, and they don’t have to fight’ win ‘once.

“You have too little imagination.” Big meat balls are arrogant.

It was.

It is also very defensive of the outsiders.

Hearing the original Dragon Race and Primitive Demon Race defeated, its confidence is coming back soon.

It understands that the original Dragon Race and Primitive Demon Race are not familiar with the environment and fail is not surprising. However, this also proves that these Void powerhouse is not imagined to be strong. The original Dragon Race and Primitive Demon Race were the most prestigious and powerful, all of them. As can be seen, Void powerhouse’s reputation is likely to be blown out, or Void powerhouse is not much.

Others say that the Emperor, who comes from the next world, has halved the two words.

Think about it.

You’re such a cow. Why aren’t you the last Mage, the next Mage? Whatever the reason you have, the next world is a weak world. Like no golden athlete, who believes you’re really strong.

Tang Shidao is also understandable.

古神坟场跟其它地方不一样,它很难得才打开一次,对外界的了解也仅仅限于‘听闻’而不是‘实探’。所以别说古神坟场的powerhouse ,就算Void powerhouse 也有偏见。奥灵名闻天下,禅九却默默无闻。她只输给一个人,听起来却好像人人都能赢她一样。

It’s not about clever ignorance, ‘prejudices’ things that exist at all levels.

“Well, I’ll be a visitor.”

“Do you have the right to be a visitor?” Big meat balloon saw Tang Shidao retreat, but it’s more comfortable. Nor do you say hello, open up a giant instant, a super laser, and brake the whole space. Faster, formidable power is strong and unavoidable.

Such attacks are simple.

But it’s also effective.

Unlike the brutal oppression, it is simpler and faster and has a shorter time to enter into force.

The spider and the others were prepared long ago, but still did not oppose such a weird hybrid ray.


As Goddess, they won’t be able to do anything. It can’t be blocked, it can also be avoided, and Mage’s battle does not provide for hard touching.

Tang Shidao was “bad luck” when the spider and the tart and the others fled.

Because the hybrid ray was directly killed, the body was once again turned into ashes.

“Well, it’s good to be resurrected.” Big meat balls are clear to see ‘crown’ crushed and reborn from ashes. It doesn’t stop, because it doesn’t feel necessary to worry about this little role. What Great Curse, just play Great Curse’s little guy. In the archaeological graves, forbidden technology is the true crown.

“…” Tang Shidao responded without dialogue.

Suddenly, there was a new idea.

This meat ball is also an actor?

It is not possible that 100 per cent of the time shuttle and the boundary are acting so easily. Their actions are likely to arise from the recommendations of the Ninth century, or the early nineteenth century warns you not to “show up”, pretend to be grandchildren, and figure out the strength of the enemy. So the original Dragon Race and Primitive Demon Race played a wave.

More likely, Void’s group will continue to lose ’and become more famous.


Is the “wild” of the ancient graves so weak?

This giant meat ball is also divine, though it’s just a mouth, but it’s too much water, isn’t it? Will it, too?

It may not itself be an actor.

But the guy who sent it might be the director.

The clouds hold this place, and it stares in the dark. As far as possible, it’s all planned. There are plans to represent both directors. The deliberate dispatch of a stupid outfit is also a tactic, and this “light” is a weakness in itself if it thinks that ancient graves are water.


Sending a little child like a clown is a disguise, pretending that it is impossible to disguise its camp.

In places like the ancient graves, no one knows the power of the opponent. So hide yourself first and let the enemy show first. On the other hand, the ancient graves say big, small. Whoever is overflowing, is easily assembled.

Now this war, spider and the others are scared, it’s true.


They did not flee, and that was strange, but true.

This moment.

Tang Shidao has decided not to play anymore.


easy to kill giant meat balls with hands, but it’s going to ruin the misery of the shuttle and the border. It is also a waste of time to stay in this troubled situation.

So, decisively abandoned.

“Sorry, resignation.” Tang Shidao smiled and turned his eyes away. The use of magic, which is random, is clearly impossible to trace.

A giant meat ball looked at a dip, and then laughed heartily up.

It’s called the Emperor, but that’s all.


The spider and the others are wrinking, because it’s not a romance.

pope dignified, there can be no war to escape.

Not waiting for a giant meat ball to attack again, a pork bubble next to the spider. The giant meat balls are seen, not waiting for people to escape immediately. But it’s still a slow step, and it stretches out a hand in the seven bulbs, and a bullet says that all the greed beasts are naturally sweeping and turned into bubbles. Those fragments are spreading again, and the gas bubbles are blown again. And then again, it exploded…

Until, there’s not a little scum left.

A simple move, frightening beast Legion, is completely extinct, and this power is no wonder that giant meat balloons are running away.

“What happened? Where’s the man?”

“Well, the Emperor just said,” The Spidergirl quickly explains things about Tang Shidao’s escape from the battlefield: “Isn’t it strange?”

“No, very smart.”

“He’s clear.”

“No, the emperor is not running away, he just realizes his words, going to be a ‘visitor’ anymore.”

“Jackie Big sister, then we?”

“Nothing to do, and be a visitor. The Emperor has two meanings: first, he has no interest in eldest son’s queen, only as a visitor. Secondly, he hoped that we would not be interested in Void and nothing and be a good visitor. He does not help you, nor does he kill the beast. Indeed, it is a reminder. We have nothing to do with him, or we have to fight.”

“But he was just killed by a beast. Will the power be too high?”

“Prejudices. I can’t invade the Frente of the Void Star, and I can’t at least destroy it. But the emperor can kill his master, and he can rob him, and you say the king is weak? The rumors outside don’t believe that in the ancient graves you have to look at the results, not 100% of things, not 99% of what you do alone. Remember, there is no order here and there is no right or wrong. You think the weakness is basically the imagination that someone wants you to believe.”


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