Mage Network

Chapter 1340

The first thing Tang Shidao did after having ‘magazine’ magic and integrated force was to actually use it once. Consolidate all the little spells, Great Curse, and the only magic, and make more use of the creative Divine Body adjustment, replenishment and optimization. Ultimately, everything is integrated into the book of law.

If it was only a record, there was no need for consolidation, and the book of Fan and the creation of Divine Body would have been recorded.


Complementing and optimizing several words is not easy to do.

Tang Shidao also spent decades of time, or was it possible to reach out to the creative Divine Body and the full knowledge of it, eventually generating elements of control!

It’s a magic.

This is also a capacity.

It is both magic and competence, both of them. The element domination is a combination of all known magic, then rehabilitated, and one upgrade is to upgrade all known magic. If there’s something like that, it’s very similar to life networks and spiritual networks, and it can be called “magic networks”.

Because of the plundering of many talents themselves, there are countless talents to assemble.

And now, together with the creation of Divine Body, experience and knowledge integration, the elements have the best basis on which to dominate life.

For example.

Elements are in control, prototype control, ultraviolet control, which is a passive basis for simultaneous birth. Great Curse, unlike a little spell, could have been synchronized by the combination of small spells into the “hypocritical permanent” state. That is to say, these little spells cannot be effective in no region, but can remain in force at the time of the Tang Shidao battle.

Only if Tang Shidao leaves the place of origin will these hypocritical little spells cease to work.

This moment.

Tang Shidao implicitly understands how powerful Orin’s ‘dominant’ is. Elementary domination is also the force of the dominant, but it is only part of it. In magic, elements dominate the effectiveness of the dominant, but physical and legal instruments and so on, the effects of the dominant domination will be significantly reduced, not as full as the magic application.

In any case, it is only halfway away from that state.


First Step, using the book of Van Pen to consolidate ‘element control’. The second step, Tang Shidao changed another target: the Treasury Tree.

This integration is simpler and more complex.

Simply, Tang Shidao has integrated all of its French and material into an independent space in which the ancestral trees are contradicted.

The complexity is that Tang Shidao also wrote technology ‘into the Treasury Tree.

It was.

The emperor’s paradox is a simple weapon, with a function of being promoted with the master, equal to the true shadow of the master and true incarnation. It exists in such a way as to open an independent space, and it is not difficult to collect some of the French and material. But ‘write’ into technology, that’s too difficult. It’s a weapon, it doesn’t even think, much less learn.


Tang Shidao has done so, and it’s hard to try. Because the emperor’s paradox was like living things, and it was a twofold difficult thing to revive.


Because being in a chaos environment, more strange things can succeed, you can see that you’re not enough to try.

Another month.

Tang Shidao determined that he had succeeded, and that the Grand Tree had created an additional living, and magic was also a capable creature: the Treasure of the Treasury. At this point, as in the book of law, it has consolidated its own forces.

Elements dominate the spiritual delusion of old man, and hand in all the books of law.


Pharaoh fantasy of the Treasure, the handful of the ancestors.

This moment.

Tang Shidao suddenly imagined the legacy of the Seventh World, a model similar to that of the Hereafter and the Hereafter. Perhaps their integration has also been affected by the legacy of the Seventh World. Or else, the seventh legacy of the world contains everything, just too low-capacity Mage can’t create something similar to them.

Consolidated here, your own ownership has changed.

Elements dominate, magic’s network.

The Treasure Treasure, the material network.

Tang Shidao suspended his work and did not start with physique and bloodline. It’s not difficult to integrate, but it’s not possible to feel it. Emperor Yuan and Yuan Zuo have been refined and upgraded, but not at the very limit. Void bloodline, no bloodline and death bridge bloodline. Feels that their way of promotion has not been understood and that forced upgrading has no effect at all.

With their abilities, as long as they understand ‘methods’, it’s not hard to upgrade.

Think about O’Lin.

As Mage, the idea is more important… the words are right and wrong, as well as the individual’s ability.

Unable people, cultivation is more important.

There are people with ability, thinking is more important.

For these three bloodline forces, Tang Shidao lacks the idea, not cultivation. Turning around, entering the archaeological graves is also intended to find the right way to upgrade these hardly upgraded forces.

As for the remaining four Forbidden Curse and the Seventh Dead, Tang Shidao could not be integrated.

The ability of the intellectuals cannot be justified by the strange things that “can’t die” without exhausting Void sanctions. Feels like the “projection” in that empty area is a product that goes beyond understanding.

Integration’s over.

However, it is more than that for the actual harvest to be eliminated.

First of all, there’s really much to hide. In Void, in the world, even in ancient graves, it has a lot of ‘hidden rooms’. These things are clear to Tang Shidao, because the force and the information are all received. In strict terms, Tang Shidao was the one who had such a ban, which had previously disappeared.

So, all of this is Tang Shidao’s stuff.

Second point.

The spirits passed through the chaos of tempering, and it also breakthrough 101% of realm, generating a ‘defender’ capability. This change is related to two things: first, it itself is the spirit. Secondly, it swallowed the evil and Remnant Soul, which is also in line with the changing direction of the spirit.

This change has made Tang Shidao aware that promotion in ancient graves is easier to move beyond Great Perfection.


The chaos can make many impossible and make many unreasonable. Without the chaos of order, as long as you try with a little courage, it can yield results. Of course, you may also be swallowed directly to make you part of the chaos. Anyway, the environment of the ancient graves has such a function and dares to use it to see yourself.

Third point.

Not real harvest, but an idea. For that empty area, Tang Shidao thought of a possibility.

Why is it nothing?

The reason may be that… it does not have a basic unit.

What is the greatest character of the uninhabited Void?

Have Void Soil.

How small is Void Soil? No one can be sure. Possibly, it is also the most basic unit for the formation of elements. The general Mage cannot be destroyed, the powerful Mage can be distorted, the super-Power can break but cannot be destroyed. Under this set of routes, the stronger Mage is capable of ‘shattering’ Void soils. But there is a premise that it will not be destroyed.

No matter how small it is, it always has a more detailed basic unit.

If you want to create something in that empty area, at the very least, there has to be Void Soil.

How did you get here?

It’s not possible to take it, because there’s nothing to do with Void. Whether it’s inside or outside the exhaustion of Void, it’s a ‘blank’ area, and it’s not possible to bring material or energy. So want to have Void Soil, unless it’s self-generated.

How hard is it to achieve it?

I don’t know.

It’s just that Tang Shidao has this idea, and there is no way to reach it.

At this point.

After integration, Tang Shidao also sends the identity of mixed seeds and collects the inheritance of the corpses. These things are left outside and are better off to recover the Treasury Treasure. On the other hand, Tang Shidao also dispatched a split to search for Mage Network teams and the White Winner and the others, telling them that the chaos were likely to rehabilitate forces that went beyond Great Perfection.

If they can do it, they’re not enough.

If they are understaffed, blind attempts will not succeed. The chaos may help you with the door, or you may be stuck at the door.

Finish all this.

Tang Shidao again started the adventure of the archaeological graves.

The first challenger, it gave himself a gift. Similarly, it almost killed itself. Think seriously, in places like the ancient graves, there are more than ten or eight of them. It has special means, and others have not tasted it. It is only in power, close to the threshold, and believe that the Goddess are close to it.

It is therefore too ambitious here to die.

Means of death.

Without an exhaustive Void sanction, O’Lin once ‘demonstrated’ once, and this approach is already a one-sided tool. • The possibility of using ‘identity’ as a substitute for the acceptance of sanctions by the entity, as well as the use of tyranny to trap foreigners, is neither visible nor unbreakable. We can do it, and others can do it.

Of course.

There are few who believe that they are hardly sanctioned, as in Okins and themselves.


“powerful” of the ancient graves is that it’s too mysterious. It was opened once before in an ancient era, and it was only today that it started again. In such a place, even if there is memory, it’s almost forgotten. And it doesn’t have order, so many years no one knows what it’s changed. In this context, powerhouse, which has been living in the archaeological graves, will be very beneficial.

In the absence of Void, no one can take a small look at a special ring.

For example, in plain places, a stronger Mage goes and is a common human being. Without the seventh legacy of the world, Tang Shidao himself went to the same way as a Buddhist. The ancient graves can be called “graves”, and that is definitely not what they say.

“Nice to meet you, Mr. Mage.” Tang Shidao just left the Void Springs, and yet he hasn’t started adventure, and a strange voice is ringing in the ear.

“You’re” Tang Shidao back.

The back is a woman, head, body, arm, snake tail. She’s not a snake beast, she’s half normal, but the other half is not normal. This possession of ‘defective’ people does not need to think or know what way it is.

Why wait here?

The reasons are also simple.

Because of this Void Star. Even in chaos, the Void Spring Planet will not be destroyed, and it will be safe and fully preserved. People who own this planet are not surprised in Void, but must be adults at the ancient graves.


Goddess send surveillance, come and say hello as soon as there’s a move. That’s a normal move.

“My sister, Kiki Goddess, did not ask Mr. Mage’s big name?” It seems that Tang Shidao is the ‘old bird’ here, deliberately claiming to be Goddess, must have heard this big name. Because Tang Shidao owns the “terrain”, it’s supposed to be an old bird.

But I didn’t think so.

“My name is Tang Shidao.”


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