Mage Network

Chapter 1336

Entry into the archaeological graves, which is just the first challenge, is definitely not the last.

Tang Shidao has not intended to evade anyone.

It can be thought of, and others can think of it. This can be done, and others can do it. If you can’t even fight, the others don’t have to think about it. In the absence of Void, it’s just powerhouse on the stage. It is true that this is a clear peak compared to the vague balance and the solar balance, and the prejudices of silent people are less than one level.

Feel it.

Even the gods and the Goddess, they’re better off.

Not now, because it’s just part of it. Although the archaeological graves were the death of war, no one tried to do so as soon as they wanted to. The search for treasure is even more important, and that mysterious Forbidden Curse is the primary goal for all. At this juncture, the parties are more interested in the intelligence of the opponents than in the reckless opening of the war.

Find Tang Shidao, come on, it’s really confident, and then it’s the biggest value of this goal.

It was.

(a) Consider it confidential to use the unavailable Void sanctions. The most secret force, naturally, is on the most valuable target. Because ‘clandestine force’ only once, others may well know that the next time is not necessarily effective. So the Emperor is the right choice.

“Hit it!” The conversation is over. You’re welcome.

At this point, it is clear.

Neither the elements nor the prototype force were useful. Even if the emperor separates the creation of Divine Body, he remains the Great Curse, a monster with unlimited magic and Transcendent technology. So, the only way to do this is to go beyond the force. Unlike the others, it’s not just a good one, it’s good at all.

Superboundary wind, ultraviolet fire, ultraviolet water, ultraviolet soil, all of them.

“There’s one more thing, Pope. The use of ultraviolet force is easier outside the archaeological graves, as it will not be confused. However, it is not possible to confuse and transcend forces elsewhere, because it creates inconsistencies and can explode directly. It is not absolutely impossible, but extremely difficult. In contrast, in ancient graves, this’ melting ‘is too easy.”

This Fireball is not really superborder Fireball.

It also has ultraviolet water, ultraviolet wind and ultraviolet force.

It was.

Outside Void, this kind of ‘melt’ inevitably explodes. But I don’t know why, in such a chaotic environment as the archaeological graves, they can be perfectly mixed together. Tang Shidao lifted his hand and did not shake the stars. Rather, it’s very calm, like a fire extinction process.

Just one brake expands, and then a slight shock.


Destroy, no sign.

Of course, Tang Shidao’s arm was lost at the time of the extinction of Fireball. Directly translated into energy other than substances, dispersed.

“The defense of the ancestors is smaller than the imagination.”

“This kind of meltdown formidable power is bigger than ever imagined.” Tang Shidao is pleased to recognize the strength of the opponent, whether it is an enemy or not. At this juncture, there are also a number of monitors outside the RUF. Their actions are not confidential, almost large, and there is no need for mixed seeds to be detected.


I feel it too.

However, it does not need to react. Because this place has been set up as a slot, and the foreigners can’t come in. Even if it’s possible to break in, it’s a dead man. Because it’s a chaotic environment, the “audience” outside is not only unable to come in, but not even to see the internal war. All they can say is that they stay here just waiting for results.

At this point, the audience outside does not want to come in.

In this place of ancient graves, every place may be a burial. Bury someone else, or bury yourself.

They know it’s a plot, and naturally they don’t want to get involved.

The bands are only one person.

Who knows who fights internally, or who looks at what’s going on again.

“The Emperor, it looks like you can’t handle it.” The confidence has increased, and a Fireball naturally is not full, just trying.


results are now clear.

The Emperor is unable to block the melting and formidable power of such ultraviolet forces.

“Your force and cultivation base are even higher, that’s the truth. There is indeed no way to defend this particular meltdown. The archaeological graves are chaos, unpunished places. In Void, there is order, the ultraviolet force does not have such barbaric integration and must be the product of a carnival. But chaos allow everything to exist.”

“Yes, that’s why you failed, you don’t understand this environment.”

No first time to attack.

When it runs, it is natural that the body discharges a layer of armor, by superboundary fire, beyond the sea. Superboundary wind, transfrontier soil melting and forming armor. After the armor appeared, it was not a defense, but rather a direct integration into the skin and became a “life” armor. Needless to say, the armor itself has learned to fight.

“The Eagle summon… the Gospel summon… the ape summon…” the lightly said a few words.

In a moment, the battlefield changed again.

Nor did summon come out at this moment, but it came directly to the body.

At this point.

The eagle brings a wings to the cattle, and the face of the goose becomes the look of the Eagle’s mouth. Second Type, the gods bring a long tail to the cave, and have the weird tail of the sharp teeth. At the same time, there is a cover on the left shoulder. Third Type, the apes bring a huge pair of arms over the size of the body. By the same token, a ape mask was created on the shoulder of the right.

A giant wing, mixed super feathers like Li arrows.

Big arm waves, arrows like rain sweep.

Tang Shidao was a little shuttle, and all but his head had been crossed by an arrow. I was trying to fix the knife, but it stopped at once.

“Are you out of the way?”

Tang Shidao said with a slight smile, and the body responded in the eye.

I thought Tang Shidao would be in trouble.

Just one block.


power of the arrows will be blew up, and Tang Shidao will surely be careless. It was not conceivable that, so despicable, each other became directly the “weakest” state, allowing the arrows to pass through the past and depriving the arrows of their successes. It’s like the strongest arrows, but it hit the cloud, and it didn’t hurt at all.

“You can hide once, you can’t hide twice.”

Arts are sometimes better than magic.

Because most of the physics must be in.


this level, flight and impact are jokes. Sing thought, the fist has been blown into Tang Shidao’s chest. In the area of force and cultivation base, it is more than ever. Tang Shidao is not yet the top point, and it has reached that point. So, it’s definitely not scared more than barbaric. From Tang Shidao’s reaction, he does not necessarily have ‘unlimited magic’.


he has unlimited magic, he should not be careful to react to himself.


The archaeological graves are not orderly, nor are the “orderly products” of unlimited magic necessarily effective.

The eagle speed.

The gravity of the ape.

The super-sector meltdown and… the fist will surely be able to break the enemy.

In fact.

Break it.

But that fist was not bombarded on Tang Shidao’s chest, but on the front door. The integration of four ultraviolet forces, close to full strength, cannot afford it. Eagles in the middle of their shoulders were shattered by one fist and turned into shrapnel foam.

Tang Shidao didn’t attack.

Because there are two other heads that are on fire.

“Big space technology?”

“Yeah, the ring space.” Tang Shidao reacted calmly and did not look at the enemy. It is true that the barbarity is higher, but it is only brutal.

“Looks like I’m a little small looking at you.”

“More than a little.”

humph. Nor does it take much time to respond, so you can do it once you look at it. But it takes a little time to analyze the enemy. Now the Emperor’s response is strange, and he has not attacked at all. In a battle, it is impossible to win without attack.

Does the Emperor think he can’t win?

Or does he want to win?

In thinking tactics, Tang Shidao is also thinking. First, this‘ arrival ‘is familiar with… 72 combustion techniques, which are very similar to this’ summon ‘model of integration with the arrival’. However, 72nd combustion is more perfect, without such confusion and distortion, and not only does it come perfectly, but it does not affect itself.


Four ultraviolet force melts, it’s weird.

Theoretically, magic Force will have a focus. Even the storm salon, or Ice Flame, they have a focus. Wind salmon rolls are generally ‘wind’ more effective than ‘sand’, but they can in turn be higher than wind. Anyway, there’s a “one lord”.


The superborder force is melted and not focused, and there is no vice-president.

Because of this unreasonable nature, Tang Shidao deliberately enhances all of them and understands their nature. Incidentally, all recruits have not been detected, as if they were not of a essence or a random explosion of mixed energy.

For Mage, “random” is a very hateful term.

‘Cause‘ random ’means they can’t learn.

Nothing that Mage can’t learn is worthless.

“Maybe I’m wrong, Pope. magic, physics, these are not effective against you.”

“See if you’ll use it. If it was just a fist, my ring space was useless, and it had to be stretched.” Tang Shidao calmly said.

“Yes, too. Force, I’m above you. Techniques, you are indeed higher than me.”


“This is a plot, why do I have to compete with you in areas you’re good at, and there’s a simpler way to laugh.” When Tang Shidao decided to stay within the pole, he had lost that moment.

You own the top force.

The force that can be beautifully balanced and balancing, and the power of the Mexican and Rice.

Even with the technology, they’re higher.

However, it is true that it has a very limited force at this level.

This time.

Only one thing you need can win.

Don’t wait for Tang Shidao to speak, and suddenly open your hands and become full of energy. It’s not lost, it’s like flooding. Because there are countless spirits and Remnant Soul, as well as four ultraviolet forces, it can completely transform the plutonium into a ‘energy ocean’. Different general energy oceans, here’s the most deadly vortex.

The mix of energy is like a storm, and Tang Shidao’s skin is slowly fragmented.

Looks like it.

The trick has been successful.

It has three favourable conditions: chaotic environment, restraint of positions, integration of superborder forces. Within such a trap, a lower force opponent is unlikely to escape, with only one dead end. Even if the opponent possesses unlimited magic, there is no doubt that defending the enemy will die.

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