Mage Network

Chapter 1317

The so-called little Void, in fact, is a special expansion of my own.

Unlike private Plane, private Plane is always part of an unlimited Void. If Void is an ocean, then private Plane is a drop of water. You get private Plane, you’re from the ocean to a drop of water. However, the real source, this drop of ‘water’ still belongs to the ocean, and you’re just users.

Replace it.

Once you go through something that dies, or you lose, this drop will return to the ocean.

Little Void is different.

It does not belong to the endless Void, it belongs to the person who created little Void.

How do you create it?

It’s hard.

It’s extremely difficult.

Tang Shidao recalled that he had also reached Great Perfection by becoming a ‘unlimited space’ skill. Moreover, the birth of little Void has two important factors. First, the knowledge of the creative Divine Body, without it, is unable to understand this space or to construct it in its entirety. Two, O’Lin’s point.

Without the Oriental Point, the construction may also slow down on success.

Without the knowledge of the creative Divine Body, the mere possession of space technology cannot achieve little Void. At best, a bigger unidentified space than Plane World.

The scarecrow said, “Only it is known, and the Oren and the Nine.”

Imagine getting it, little Void isn’t easy to own.

It represents a qualification that “touches the ceiling”, which is generally not available. It was also felt that 100 million Plane World was the limit, and Paragon 9, the entire force at the top of the regular force, once it exceeded its… endless Void sanctions, immediately came.

I had to say that.

Successful efforts, too, have the idea of ‘challenging’ this sanction.

O’Lin died and was resurrected and thought about going on.

There’s no reason not to try.

Although there is no good way to think about it now, it will always be possible in the future. Until then, enough force must be ready. Without force, there’s no idea. The scarecrow made it possible to provide ‘little Void’ as Samsara World, not as a ‘help’. The things that you have, you know, are good and bad, and you know the strengths and weaknesses.

At the same time.

The use of some method to transform small Void is likely to lead to a change in small Void.

Whatever this change is, it is an experience for itself. So this‘ use ’is not a bad thing, but a good thing.

Back to Mage Network.

We’re done.

Tang Shidao also went to Shidao to pick White Beauty up and go home.

At this time, the world, known as the Pope Plane, has changed considerably. The promotion and application of immortal dao Force, where progress in society and civilization has increased dramatically. People’s lifespan grows, force grows, and the exploration of the environment and the use of goods is very different. Not to mention, some trainers have been promoted to the main realm of the border. In such cases, the gods have been integrated with people.

It is worth mentioning that Tang Shidao found itself creating immortal dao Force as if it were “spiritual” everywhere.


Never went to the plain place, nor was he touched.

But the results are the same.

It is likely that it is based on life-making that creates this force, which is jointly developed by snake Mage and 72 people. They went to the plain place, so they indirectly affected themselves. In any event, it has proved that the “spiritual” path is not bad, and that Mana is better than Mana, which is equivalent to Mana’s mutation.

Or else.

The energy without Void is basic, Mana is just a way of using it. You can change, or you can change, and it’ll become spiritual or divine or something.

The scarecrow also said Mana was just a name.

Now think, yes, just name.

magic can derive.

Mana can naturally derive it.

“Better to be in her own home.” White Beauty has all the experience of the moon, as well as the force of the original moon erosion, but she prefers to be a common person. White Beauty was also much more enthusiastic for years, and more intimate exchanges with Tang Shidao. White Beauty felt affected by the original moon erosion. Not all like being ordinary, but because force is strong, hidden all Mage Hood is considered ordinary.

“Don’t you like Void, like staying home?”



“’Cause I have a very lonely feeling that nobody even speaks. Xiao Jin, they’re good and often with me. But I feel like they’re different, unable to communicate like this. No, I’m not referring to what we’re doing now, but to feelings. For a while, I saw everything like sculptures.”

“What do you mean?” Tang Shidao is a little strange.

“It’s a very special feeling that you can” freeze “everything in front of you, like playing chess, like you like it. I didn’t do that, just like this feeling, and there was a desire to try. And, I’m scared of that feeling, because inside of me, it’s not evil. And We froze them, and they become eternal.”

“You’re right, don’t do that, that’s not you.”


Tang Shidao did not continue asking, and it was understood what White Beauty meant. The original moon erosion is also a vibrant spirit, and it has the instinct of fighting. Judas, it’s so strong. Compared to Mortal World, it was King of Beasts’s tiger, and its force and will were not fit to put on a little white rabbit.

No intention.

White Beauty also illustrated the question of how evil was born.

If Mage himself is unable to control vitamin magic, it is also normal that it produces mutation. Even if Mage itself is strong, it’s hard to say how it’s going to choose once it gets hurt, when it gets heavy, starts to die. White Beauty just said, “The heart feels like it’s not evil, it’s frozen or it’s a permanent gift.” Imagine if a Mage with a big death surgery is seriously injured, is the magic spirit of death choosing treatment or choosing to transform?


It is the choice to transform, for example, Master, to become Undead, and let me help you into Death Domain, and give up your own flesh, which seems to be ‘help the master’ in the spirit of death.

Why didn’t the original moon erode encourage White Beauty to fight? Or betrayal?

It’s simple.

It knows its roots… The Great Curse King Tang Shidao is its true master, and White Beauty is only a competent user.

Tang Shidao, too, comforted White Beauty by describing the main competencies of the original months of erosion.


Can you imagine that White Beauty still doesn’t like the character of the fight.

apart from the impact of Innate Skill, personality is important. In order to avoid White Beauty being tortured by this feeling, Tang Shidao merged the ‘Moon God’s presence’ and ‘original moon erosion’ into a mark. This force is still on White Beauty, but it’s hidden. Because White Beauty himself agreed that this month’s erosion mark would also be perfect to hide on her.

It was an accident.

Responding to the ordinary immortal dao cultivator Force, White Beauty was relaxed and reacted to daily vitality.

Through this, Tang Shidao has a number of special ideas.

The Seventh Death Death?

They have all been 99 per cent outreach, and they have exhausted everything themselves. But still stop this line, is there any way you haven’t tried it? For example, shared use?

The seventh legacy of the world is exclusive, and it will not be lost unless it dies.

Delivery of gifts is impossible.

Although they are not living objects, they are unwilling to be treated as goods. Tang Shidao believes that they prefer to destroy themselves or become a cargo if they really give them a gift. So sharing is already the biggest limit, just like little Void can no longer grow.


Is that the way it is?

“Beauty, do me a favor.”

“Uh-huh? Mm-hmm.”

Tang Shidao decided to try and do an experiment on his own people. After the usual cultivation, mixed seeds have already nine Level 9, with nine skills. Back to Void, the use of nature in Mage’s capacity is very different. Although White Beauty’s power is weak, it’s too strong than anyone else.


next day.

White Beauty became a small energy-growing player, planting grass trees everywhere, and there was a garden in hand.

Tang Shidao is also laughing.

99.9 per cent expanded, and that is one of the seven legacies of the world’s “mixed seeds”. There is indeed a little more than 99 per cent, but Tang Shidao understands that this sharing is only a means of progress, but not a real 100 per cent answer.

Son of a bitch fell on Mage’s hand.

In addition to plants, other things, such as crystals, metals, springs, even life, can be cultivated. White Beauty grows all over the trees because of her thoughts and habits. In her view, this “chaos seed” capacity is a tree, building a good nature.

This sharing, Tang Shidao also understands a reason.

Same thing.

Down in the hands of different people is no use. For example, a bad man with a gun could be a criminal, and a good man with a gun could be a police tea. White Beauty is indeed an inspiration, but it is still not an answer. Fortunately, you know a new path.

Life codification has nine skills, and it’s true to see ‘10’.



legacy of the seventh life of the world has gone through a paradoxical escalation before they reveal their true face. It is far from enough to completely refine these things in one or two ways.


Tang Shidao, on the one hand, took a break to transform small Void into a competing Samsara World.

There’s a little thing around, too.

For example.

Grandma grandfather, like Return to Youthfulness, changed ‘old’ a bit, and Lei Dazhuang and familiar peer friends became middle-aged man. Their physical qualities have not changed, but they have become many times stronger. Why ‘old’? It’s just a choice. Because they all have children and grandchildren, and there are more than a dozen generations.

Some of these descendants are the ranks of Old Ancestor.

They’re a little older than Junior, and they seem to be more consistent with the identity of “elders”.


Their Junior will be a little younger.

Of course, their wives daughter was young, and every young and absolutely old, and that was the choice that they were able to become younger, and they chose the beautiful look of youth.

Tang Shidao suddenly realized that when you had the ability to be around nature, it was not necessarily the right choice.

The face is not right.

It’s just a self-choice.

Think about the fact that the seventh legacy of the world has not continued to build on progress, is this‘ wrong ‘or‘ wrong ‘?

Or both?

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