Mage Network

Chapter 1307

Black White World is a knowledge world.

In theory, Tang Shidao, with the creation Divine Body, does not need to learn here.

Actually, just the opposite.

Black White World knowledge is divided into two types. The first, originally, such as chemical powder and bioanatomy. Second Type, brain holes think that this knowledge accounts for more than 90 per cent of the ‘paper rain’ landed in the sky. Because the Black World has the largest number of brigades, the strongest, the leisure, the most knowledgeable, they don’t care about the original knowledge.

The only thing to do is think, imagine a variety of possibilities.

Although none of these knowledge has answered, they have a greater role to play and may guide or explore an unprecedented path.

During the Black White World, the teacher named “Bo Scholar” had the highest exchange with Tang Shidao. The teacher still has the name of BoScholar, naturally out of the ordinary. Similarly, Tang Shidao has the greatest knowledge of creation, Divine Body. This old man barely talks, and the foreigners are basically incapable of talking, with a maximum of one or two words being understood.

Soon after Nine left, the moon was too paranoid to leave.

Because Tang Shidao has a large transmittal, and he is also a ‘candle’ inheritance, the moon is too paranoid to mention that she can be found in the world’s waters. It’s also obvious. Because of Tang Shidao’s force and reputation, she was not in a position to say “difficult to find you”, and that would only mean that detention was stuck.


The grandmother did not leave, leaving her with the Queen of the Star to study the possibility of becoming a caster.

Tang Shidao occasionally talks, but it is not possible to provide any recommendations at a time. This is not a lack of knowledge, but a bigger star, just like foreigners can’t guide themselves in transmitting doors and mechanics. Because of the special nature of the Big Star, it is difficult for foreigners to help her, except the Queen of the Star himself.

Time passed.

Tang Shidao also slowly sees one thing: when an individual reaches a certain threshold, the way forward must be sealed.

For example, over seven years in the Black White World, the Queen of the Star has not made any progress.

She only lacks one answer.

Without the answer, she will never change herself. As in the case of 99 per cent of the legacy of the seventh world, whether it is a frontier master or a super-Power, the legacy of the world’s seventh legacy remains in this narrow vein. No matter how many times the force has risen, it can’t be upgraded. And no wonder O’Lin would say, “Mage’s important thing is to think, not accumulate.”


Queen of the Star lacks an idea, a right idea.

Seven years ago.

Tang Shidao has infiltrated to the greatest extent possible the forces of black holes, subgroups, the shadow of the world, the shadow of the next, the eyes and the seeds of chaos. Nine Level 9, the legacy of the Seventh Avel, cannot be breakthrough, but force accumulation is dozen times larger a day. It can be said that the force, now in the plain place, is inadequately described and is close to Paragon’s level.

Under the surveillance of artillery shells, mirrors of the sky, eyes of the sky, mirrors and flying seeds, the spiritual Legion’s actions are clear.

Add information analysis of wisdom chips and intelligent mirrors, etc.

You can say that.

The members of the Evil Legion involved in the war are basically touched. Even the puppet Legion and the mirror Legion have been implicated, and they can be removed at any time. However, Tang Shidao has not yet done so, as… the shadow of powerhouse is still unavailable in plain places.

Either, they didn’t come over.

Either, they’re still hiding.

In the case of force, Tang Shidao will not be required to do so, and it will be possible to resolve the evil Legion. Because of the relationship between the transmittal experiment, the passenger community has a dual force system and has gradually evolved from a downwind to a parallel state. Note that this is due to the fact that more than 90 per cent of the workforce will be tested by the travel community. If the traveler Legion was fully fighting, the evil Legion would have collapsed two years ago.

Today, the evil Legion spends a lot of fighters and materiel, thinking that the wind can be reoccupied, in fact, just the deliberate fracture of the devil Rosa.

Real victory, it’s not about them anymore.

Tang Shidao is still unable to confirm what the World is related to the Times Box for seven years in Black White World. During this period, Tang Shidao was just a place where he tried to solve the problem with the smallest approach. In addition to their own true body, the shadow of the world and the shadow of the next, even the real mirror, were involved in such a stupid plan.

Seven years, finally, find a place that looks like a match.

Tang Shidao officially stepped on a new world, one without the planet and the sky, and only the earth and the sky. It’s like the black and white world that elevates the eyes of all known, the grand world of mixed seeds, Heaven and Earth each account for half.


In this world, Tang Shidao got the force called “ashes!”

Unlike the magic mirrors, this “ashes” has no sense of use, as if it was a passive skill that was not known. Football circles are familiar, and they’ve seen a similar place… At that time Mage, who created that space, was called “eternal”, and he knew a beautiful boy Jackie.

Will it be the same?

Tang Shidao is not sure. But the world created forever is also a self-experiment, and he certainly came to this cycle before it was inspired.

In the world of eternity, everyone is busy with ‘job making’.

Because the reward can buy young people and lifespan, people who do not work will be older every day and die eventually. But as long as there’s money, in the world of eternity, it’s not dead, it’s twelve times a day. People also have memories to know how it was the day before, and what needs to be done today.

And here it is more chaotic, more special and more dangerous.

the world is a mob everywhere, fighting and destruction everywhere.

Except for a few special places.

Basically, most of the places you can see are chaotic, not fighting or masturbating, or insane destruction. In any event, the world’s kind of “order” does not exist here, and there is only chaos here. There are no chaos in a few places, because there are stronger people in town, and the mobs are afraid not to be near.

“Hey, you…” See Tang Shidao on his own, and people yell loud.


Next second, the black hole dumped, a dead body fell down.

Seeing this result, there are mobs scattered in the premises. In the face of people with ‘guns’, they were really not afraid to provoke. At that time, it was surprising that some of the women who looked good had left them. They were not too close to stand beside them, wandering all the clothes, showing their youth beauty, as if they had to do so.

“Aren’t you afraid of dying?” Tang Shidao didn’t listen to it and asked about it with a black hole.

“We’re not going to die.” Beautiful girls say, deliberately, a good look. As if you said anything, they listened, and they were perfectly loyal.


“You’re a traveler, don’t you know?” Beautiful girls are weird.

“I’m a traveler, the first time here.”

“Then we’ll find a place…”

“No, you tell me directly. I promise you, if I still have time to help you here, I can help you.” Tang Shidao says no closer. Although it is not clear what this cycle of world is, it is clear that these beautiful girls have no time to deal with them.

“All right, Mr. Traveller, what do you want to know?” Beautiful girls, dressed up, still showing their colors.

“Why do you say you won’t die?”

“Mr. Traveller, if you don’t mind, we’ll start by saying. Now, in the day, we’re all alive. But when we get into the night, all of us will be ashes. Moreover, these buildings may become ashes, random. Unless you make something yourself, it may remain the same.” Beautiful girls talk and show themselves all the time.

As if they were used to such a bargain powerhouse move, it was not difficult to feel at all.

Tang Shidao lightly nodded.

“By the next day, when the day comes again, all ashes will turn back into people and objects. We, as well as all of us, are likely to recover. Attention, Mr. Traveller, just possible. If our clothes are torn today, tomorrow’s cycle is likely to be bad. It is also random and may not recover.”

“What about the wounds?”

“Must be recovered. Don’t say it hurts, even if the limbs are cut off or burned into a corpse, into ashes at night, the sun is still the same. All life here is 100 per cent rehabilitated, and only random items are sporadically destroyed.”

“Slowly, did the artificial item recover?”

“If you didn’t deliberately break up, it was usually 100 percent recovery. As far as we know, only” random production “will” random destruction “, and life and artificial item are not random production of the natural environment.”

“Will you be old?”

“Normally, unless we want to get old ourselves. Otherwise, the next day is the same. If you want to be old or younger in your heart, the next day will change slowly towards your imagination. It’s possible to change for a while, but it’s usually slow.”

“Does anyone here have children?”

“Like getting old, you want to have it. And there’s a need for men and women to work together, like this.”

“Don’t be careful, I know. Ask another question, why is Tang Shidao afraid of me?” Tang Shidao obstructs these beautiful girls’ demonstrations.

‘Cause you have a gun.’

“You have no weapons?”

“Yes, but there is a need for some means to obtain it. If it was just in the store, the next day could disappear. They are not only afraid of you, but also of all powerful men who possess force. It won’t die here, but it hurts. You’re guilty of holding them up, torturing them with fire or water. The next day will be restored. They can’t beat you, or be tortured. So anyone here avoids powerhouse.”

“What about you?”

“We are females, we are just… powerhouse entertainment tools.” Beautiful women suddenly have a sense of grief, but next second they turn into mood.

They need powerhouse asylum.

The stronger the better.

“Do me a gun test.” Tang Shidao didn’t do it with compassion, just trying to figure out the world.

“Of course, follow any orders from you.” “The ladies’ clothes are sweeping, and they don’t know where to practice the pace of the strip.

“Nothing to do with this. I’ll give you a hand. Take it. I want to know that you didn’t have it at the dawn of the day tomorrow.” Tang Shidao threw out eight cradles of magic, all the smallest formidable power generals.

What’s going on around the world, this experiment is the first Step explored.

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