Mage Network

Chapter 1197

Will Tang Shidao be ‘enchanted’?

will not!

Will Tang Shidao be drawn to sympathy?

Nor will it!

This moment in the eyes of Tang Shidao, this self-report is similar to watching a movie. Regardless of the content, it does not change the facts of Void’s current situation.

In addition, is it really a heart for Void?


On the battlefield where both sides are dead, all means are possible. A language attack is also an attack. If you sympathize with the enemy, you will lose yourself in the end. 蛊 Once I ‘surrendered’ to the dust, can he still keep his heart for Void’s goal? Hard to say. At least, Tang Shidao will not easily believe this language.

Some people, whether they are enemies or friends, can believe.

Some people, even if they are close, cannot trust.

When it comes to life and death, Olympus and Zen Nine are trying their best to kill each other. But does Oring hate Zen Nine? Do not hate! When she encountered difficulties, she dared to believe that Zen Nine asked for Zen nine to help? dare! Similarly, the reverse is also true. Zen Nine also believes in Oring. Even if they have just had a life-and-death showdown, they can believe that the other party will not deceive themselves.

In Mortal World, some buddies will call you, even to see you mess will beat you.

However, only when they have difficulty will they help you.

Usually I am familiar with you, laughing haha, never screaming at the friends of the wine, you will disappear when you have trouble.

蛊 belongs to the latter.

No matter what he said, what he did, you can’t fully trust him. In this place of life, Tang Shidao would rather believe that Dragon Field and Magic Court do not believe in such characters. Everything he just said is meaningless, even if it is. What he does can also be viewed from another angle: a person who murders Void Elite, in exchange for his own strength, and tries to monopolize Void.


This is what you do, and it doesn’t matter how you think about it.

and so.

Everything has two sides, even multiple faces, depending on the angle of standing. From the perspective of Yuan Zhen, he is also a bad thing of ‘hate, damn’ and a thief who is trying to die.

Is Lantern’s idea wrong?


It is right to stand at the angle of Yuanxiao.

Therefore, the strong Void feels that the enemy is an enemy and there is nothing wrong with it. The Void Strong will not feel that you are willing to be a great ambition, nor will you feel that you are humiliating. The Void Strong only sees you murdering a family and a family, and uses the squad to harvest a wave of young elites. The death and injury of so many people is nothing more than an ideal for you alone.

This ideal of filling your own pit with someone else’s life, no one will accept the normal Mage.

“It seems that you don’t understand my pains.” He said as if he was disappointed.

“It’s not.”

“what is that?”

“Actually… your speech is meaningless to me. Maybe you have such an ideal, maybe you don’t have it, maybe you have changed. It doesn’t matter. In this fighting arena, we can only have one person to leave alive. I think, You probably don’t have ‘suicide’. You don’t want to die, it must be that I die. Does his reason make sense for someone who wants to kill me?” Tang Shidao defines the current situation.

“I just want to prove that I am not as abhorrent as you think.” I am still sad, as if everyone does not understand him.

“There is a chef who holds the pot and says to the fish: fish and fish, jumping into my pot, you can turn into a gourmet.”


“But, the fish said: I don’t know what food I will become, but I jumped, I will definitely die. Do you understand, you’re just for your Void’s wishful thinking, no one wants to be in your pot. If you think this ‘story’ can affect me, you can continue to say. I only remind you that even if your story is true, I have no sympathy for you. What I see is: you are betrayed With Void, you slaughtered Void countless people, nothing more.”

When you hear this, you are completely silent.



The true and false language does not have any effect on this person.


The plan is to take sympathy.

Challenge the emperor and win confidence… This is a fake. Collect Force and lead Void… This is true. In the eyes of the monk, the truth is easier to deceive than the falsehood. Because it is true, people are more likely to believe. Does your heart want to lead the rise of Void? Have. Do you want to protect Void? Have. Do you want to overthrow the dust? Have.

However, this ‘has’ also has a premise: it is implemented in my hands.

Can someone else achieve it?


It must be me.

Looking at it from another angle, I feel that everyone in Void is wrong. You should be guided by me. Let me take the lead and let me carry it forward. I even said that after having a certain Force, I feel that everyone in the world is wrong, you should be guided by me, and I will be responsible for it, and I will carry it forward.

If the next generation and the past are under my control, there will be no such disputes and turmoil.

So, only I am right.

I don’t have Force. It’s not my fault. You should give Force to me, otherwise I will kill the next generation and the world.

I don’t have resources, it’s not my fault. You should give me the resources, or how do I distribute and give you.

As long as all of you follow my ideas, everything will be beautiful.

Against me, you are the ones who don’t understand my pains.

In front of this man is a lost lamb, he does not understand his pains. With infinite magic and a creation of Divine Body, it is a waste to not understand yourself. These extraordinary skills should be given to yourself so that they can make better use of them.

The stadium was quiet and the two did not move.

at this time.

I have to say that everyone feels that something strange happened.

It’s no surprise that the swearing words, Yuan Zhen and so on, ‘allies’. Do they think that they have betrayed them? will not. On the court, it is reasonable to say what to do, even if you want to join hands with the emperor to kill the world, Yuan Zhen will not be surprised. Because, as soon as the stadium opens, everyone only looks at the results.

Two live one.

Whoever is alive, who is the truth… Everything done in the middle can be a strategy and a trick.

Tang Shidao can also understand you.

There is a kind of person when he thinks that what he wants and does is absolutely correct. Then, all those who don’t listen to him are wrong. Because he does not have errors, the error can only be everyone else. He is such a person, he is superstitious about his own right.

Tang Shidao cannot accept this idea.


As early as the mortal identity, a tofu brain should be ‘sweet to eat’ or ‘salty to eat’ without answer, and the world is absolutely correct.

“Is your secret means not ready yet?” Tang Shidao did not want to wait too long.


“You have been delaying the time. From the beginning of the game, you secretly cast something. You shouldn’t think that I didn’t notice it?” Tang Shidao slowly reached out and gathered a slight breath in his palm. In the world of the world, it is ‘the only wind, the law is not used.’ It is not absolutely impossible to use, unless you can resist the entire world of the world, you must follow this rule.

“Hey, have you seen it?” He was very calm and didn’t have to be flipped open.

At this time, everyone outside the stadium is also in vain.


I have been acting all the time.

No wonder, he has been doing this for a long time.

“My Yuanzu Olympics has a ‘native magic’ skill, I know no matter how deep the energy flow is hidden. Rest assured, I didn’t destroy it, I will let you do what you want. However, time is best not tow For too long, I don’t want to accompany you to act.” Tang Shidao let go, the wind blew, and the scene returned to calm.

“No, I have already done it. My time calculation is very accurate. You just reversed ‘persuade me’ and actually helped me a lot.”

“Don’t thank me.” The two sides clearly live and die, Tang Shidao is still very calm.

“Do you really think that you are unbeatable? There are still a lot of things you don’t know on this World.” During the speech, the whole person began to change. First, the human form changes, and the body quickly covers a layer of shells. And quickly, as if entering a state of ‘蛹’. Because Tang Shidao didn’t do it, he was relieved.

This is his lie.

Outsiders also feel that the lie is successful. Tang Shidao should be desperate to let him finish his ‘change’.

However, Tang Shidao is fooled.

Watching quietly.

Not moving at all.

After a while, the smashed, the person changed… He is no longer a human being, he is now a moth. With a humanoid attitude, the skin is the insect’s carapace. There are four-leaf wings on the back, and the head is also a moth. However, it is different from normal moths. The moth is more like a moth. He is more like a human being, just like a forcibly mixed individual.

Everyone outside the court suddenly understood the intention of swearing.

One: The Emperor has the creation of the Divine Body, which he knows most of his life and skills. However, this new individual has certainly not seen it.

Two: Mixed moths are definitely good at Wind Element, do not need to sense, just look at the appearance to know.

Three: 蛊 did not mix in advance, deliberately at the beginning of the game must be useful.

“This trick is for you.” He gently gestured and said: “I am not fighting for you, but for your body. Give me up and become one of the ‘蛊’. You can resist, But in the end it must be futile. You surrender, my current state is already…”

I haven’t finished talking yet, suddenly, the sound stops.

Do not.

This is not his stop, it should be said… his voice was stopped by ‘pinching’.

Tang Shidao slowly reached for a grip.


The whole stadium has been ‘kneaded pause’, and the wind of energy flow has become a static wind.

This is not natural static, which is forced to rest.

“Hey… I… you…”

“Do you think this simple way can deal with me? Newborn? Wind Element is good at? Shell trap? Is such a naive thing useful? I just said: I have the original magic, all the consumption and use of the original There are and generations that are controlled by me. You feel that Force has a big chance to win, but you don’t know that promotion is also a kind of consumption?” Tang Shidao waved.


The cockroaches who turned into moths couldn’t stand and stood up and down. Not only energy, it seems that even physical strength is lost.

At this moment.

People outside the stadium clearly saw that all the energy was turned into a breeze, and all of them were recruited by Tang Shidao and slowly fell into the palm of their hand. Everything that 蛊 did was taken by Tang Shidao. Not only the cost of attack and defense, but also the practice on the spot, Tang Shidao is likely to capture energy fluctuations.

“I have succeeded.” It was hard to turn over and barely regained a little physical strength.


“You see your hand.” He smiled and smiled very proudly.

Tang Shidao raised his hand and found that…the arm did not change, but the magic changed.

Hey slowly climbed up.

At this point, he is completely a smile of the winner: “I know from the beginning that I can’t win you. The Divine Body and the Great Magicion, in the restricted world of the world, you are more primitive than Dragon Race is also terrifying. No matter what I do, I must lose in the end. So, I was supposed to die. But I have to win one thing: your body.”

Tang Shidao took a trace of magic from the palm and found his anomaly.

“We have assimilated.” At this time, I was very proud, just like I saw a satisfactory work: “Of course, it seems that you are not so easy to ‘infect’ completely. But, I have time, because your infection is never It will heal. Activate magic, activate items, these people have tried. However, I am the first one… No, I know nature to activate the magic.”

“Activating magic?”

“Yes, this is my Innate Skill ability. Why can’t I die, be born again and again, because I know how to activate magic.”

“It sounds like the power of evil spirits.”

“Yes. Indeed, some evil spirits have similar assimilation ability. However, this magic infection is my original. It can’t be removed and can’t be cured. In terms of numbers, as long as you still have 1 magic, my infection It can exist. Just now, I deliberately let you take away the magic. You have to empty your magic and become a mortal, this infection will not work.”

“No wonder you want me to enter the arena, but also deliberately let me suck the magic. I become a mortal, you can take my body.” Tang Shidao is still nodding.

“You don’t have to calm down. I know that magic infection has changed you for a while. However, as long as this infection exists, 10,000 years, 100 million years, one day you will be assimilated by me. No matter what the outcome, the last win It must be me. I have never lied, only I can save the next life, you should all belong to me.” I saw the victory in the grip, can not help but declare again.

That look is like… the world is drunk, but I am alone.

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