Mage Network

Chapter 1193

“The Scarecrow, is the Mage Network an energy integration?”


“Well, you don’t want to talk. Almost, I probably have some ideas.” After Tang Shidao comforted White Beauty, who had not seen it for a long time, he returned to Mage Network for the first time. Open the fab shield and ask questions directly.

“Where do you come out?” The Scarecrow is not as normal as it looks, and his expression is a bit serious.

“Because White Beauty…” Tang Shidao explains the changes in White Beauty.

“Is this not completely irrelevant?”

“Reversely think. The soul of life is a ‘fruit’ of the ancestral tree of life, and the Yuanzu Yuanling is also the ‘fruit’ of Void. We see that Mage only sees a fruit and cannot see the ‘tree’ itself. In fact, There is another tree. There is another example. The gods above the landlord have a shared pool that can be used by the apostles.”

“So?” The Scarecrow reached out.

“The same is true of the Mage Network, right. The Mage Network is also an oversized pool of energy, just like the apostle of the gods. But this is not a shared pool, it should be called ‘energy network’. The Mage Network only shares information, energy You need to get your own cultivation. However, there is a group of people, maybe you, you are providing energy for this ‘network’, just like watering a big tree.”


“Not only you, but the creators of Big Quehuang and so on can also ‘call’ the energy of the Mage Network. You usually don’t do this because you are strong enough and don’t need to borrow. But you still have a backup. Once you happen If you are unable to stop things, you will open this energy network and borrow the energy inside.”


“Legion, you are the only one after another soldier on the Mage Network. In fact, you have prepared another secret Legion. I estimate that you have little effect on us, but on the Mage Network This silhouette is huge. If it is a tree, when you really use it, you have to cut the tree and leave only the most basic stump. In this way, the Mage Network may not be able to recover for hundreds of millions of years.”


“The extra money we spend is invested in this energy network. You don’t have access to it. Because it belongs to public property, it can only be used when the Mage Network is at its most critical. In this way, you also have enemies that need to be careful, maybe It’s in the world.”

“What do you think so much about?” The Scarecrow was silent for a long time and suddenly returned.

“Actually, the Stars are not dead.”


“She is in the virtual world and is actively practicing. I intend to establish another Mage Network with her, which is led by her, is the Mage Network in World.”

“You said this last time. So, do you want to know the original architecture of the Mage Network?”

“Almost.” Tang Shidao smiled and nodded.

“Yes. But I am a staff member. I can’t tell any Mage about the secret here. No matter what your ideals and actions, it has nothing to do with the Mage Network itself. You just asked the Mage Network whether there is an energy network. ‘, I can only say… I don’t know. I can only tell you that the Mage Network has more than one creator.” The Scarecrow did not answer.

In fact.

It has already been said.

Ask the energy network and answer the creator of more than one person… This means that the Mage Network’s architecture is more than one pillar and has other effects. There are other, it also proves that Tang Shidao guessed, there is really an energy network here. Built by all creators, it is saved by all creators and can only be opened when the Mage Network is at its most critical.

“Thank you.” Tang Shidao disappeared and returned to the original World.

at this time.

The Scarecrow thought for a while before sending a message to a group: he guessed a part.

Did not say who it is, did not say what to guess.

Simply a simple sentence.

On the other hand, Tang Shidao returned to Emperor Plane and began to think about the architecture of the Mage Network. In these years, Tang Shidao is not letting the Stars fight hard, there are countless round trips in the middle, especially after having the ‘return of the palm’. Not only a large amount of material materials, but also closely interact with the Stars in the cultivation, helping the Stars to enhance their strength.


For so long, the strength of both sides has improved, and there is still no confidence in establishing the Mage Network.

Some things can really be solved without Force.

“Adao, what are you thinking about?” White Beauty is totally different now. It is not a change in appearance, but a difference in essence. It can be said that she did not complete the Force of the Great Perfection, but she has the status of the Great Perfection. Her whole life has been sublimated and transformed into an unprecedented state.


Have to say: she is still not strong.

The bloodline with the life of the spirit, with the fusion of the great life magic, White Beauty is still not a person who likes to fight. In her philosophy, destroying or killing life is like extinguishing a light. The more you do, the darker the beautiful World. She doesn’t like the darkness, she likes the beautiful nature, the nature of countless living and happy life.

“I was thinking, I might need a trustworthy person to do something for me.” Tang Shidao indifferently said.

“Can I?” White Beauty squatted in the arms of Tang Shidao like a cat.

Now she has another change: pure.

of course.

She is not like a little girl like Olympus, White Beauty is just a feeling of ‘more lively and smaller’. After so many years, she is not a world, and she is not mature enough. Instead, she turns back to the temperament of a teenage girl. However, this is not an ignorance, but a trace of purification, as if everything in the world has been slowly forgotten by her.

This is not a memory loss, but a self-shelving of ‘the world’s trivial matter is no longer important’.

“Of course, I just have some hesitation. Originally, you only need to live quietly like a flower. If I pull you, you will not have such a quiet life again.” Tang Shidao pity . Everyone has a soft place in his heart, and White Beauty is what Tang Shidao cares for.

“Can I stay with you?” White Beauty only cares about this issue.

“Yes, you will always be with me in the future.”

“That’s okay.” White Beauty laughed like a child, as if it was not important to be with him.

“Really? You think so.”

“Well, I just want to be with you.” White Beauty is like a child, and her temperament has slowly revived.

“So…” Tang Shidao reached out and gently rubbed his hands and applied two magics at the same time: “Relax, accept my Force. You can rest assured that I have not lost these Forces, but I have temporarily placed them on you.”

“Yeah.” White Beauty is very well-behaved, and Tang Shidao says she believes.

She will not doubt, and will not ask more.

Regardless of the outcome, she is happy to accept.

At this moment.

Tang Shidao launched the ‘Lifeline Bridge Bloodline’ and used the newly derived ability: the Bridge of Force. This kind of derivative is based on the feeling of Mage Network. Without Mage Network, Tang Shidao is based on itself as the source of an energy network.

Left hand scheduling magic: 70 two coming.

Goal: Luna.

The dispatch of the right hand magic: the original lunar eclipse.

Target: White Beauty.

At this moment, White Beauty only feels a cool breath, and the whole person has a very comfortable feeling. In your arms, close your eyes and enjoy this moment of warmth. She didn’t know that Tang Shidao was frowning… The scheduling shift of the Force Bridge had no imaginary effect.

Lifebridge Bridge Bloodline’s ‘Force Bridge’.

In theory.

It can transfer any kind of Force. As long as it is owned by yourself, even the bloodline and skills can be transferred. Simply put, the Force Bridge can ‘copy, paste’ or ‘cut’ the transfer. However, the little curse can, Great Curse can… Forbidden Curse No.

Originally Tang Shidao was just trying to copy.


Grit your teeth and cut off the transfer thoroughly.

Not successful.

Of course, this is not that Force can’t transfer at all, but he can’t ‘cut off’ Forbidden Curse. There is a feeling that if you don’t die completely, Forbidden Curse will not be transferred. Its presence permission is equal to…no, even greater than the Mage credentials of the Mage Network.

“What’s wrong? Unsuccessful?” White Beauty felt a bit abnormal.

“No, it’s successful, but it’s just different from what I imagined. Originally, I intend to transfer the original eclipse of this Force ‘copy’ to you. I didn’t expect the Force transition, the permission transfer is not possible, I still It’s the holder. If you want to get rid of it completely, the source is always here.”

“Is it better? Is it not? I use it, things are still yours.” White Beauty doesn’t understand.

In her mind.

This Force is like a bank account.

The account is Tang Shidao, and she is the one who spends money. If you question sovereignty, Tang Shidao is still the owner.

“Well, this Force is special…” Tang Shidao gave a little explanation of the existence of the original eclipse, but White Beauty was not too surprised. Because the 70 second coming has already taken effect, the moon god has come. In a sense, Luna once had ‘experience’ and White Beauty knows. Of course, only one kind of Force for the original lunar eclipse has nothing to do with other experiences.

and so.

White Beauty also knows the importance of ‘Forbidden Curse’.

“So, this Force Bridge can share your Force?” White Beauty still doesn’t understand, she doesn’t care about it at all.

“Not only the Dual Cultivation effect, but also the magic holder in the rules of Void, you can practice and use it independently. Strictly speaking, I have temporarily lost this Force unless I withdraw your original month. eclipse.”

“Ah… Didn’t I take your Force?” White Beauty jerked.

“It’s not taking away, I lend it to you. I can take it back, I can do it at any time. And, not only do you have this Force. You have the experience of ‘God of God’, you think about it, guess what I have? ”

“Well…” White Beauty really guessed, more and more like a big boy.

For a while.

For a while.

Good for a while.

“Well… is it, the eclipse?”

“How did you guess it?”

“It’s just a feeling.”

“What kind of feeling is it?”

“Feeling… We knew it very early. I have the original eclipse, you… can only be the eclipse.” White Beauty really guessed, she is not a luna after all. 70 Two Advent is just an experience addition that does not change White Beauty’s thinking and memory.

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