Mage Network

Chapter 1188

Listening to the words of the dragon domain, Tang Shidao instantly thought: If the major Voids are more powerful, perhaps the major Voids will call themselves ‘the past life’, and the secret world will be called the ‘lifetime’. In essence, the big voids are different spaces for each and everyone, and the secrets of the world are also different spaces for each and everyone. The name is different, it is completely because of the more powerful life, nothing more.

If the last life of Force is not the following Force, the name will change naturally.

“Please, Mr. Emperor.”

“it is good.”

“Don’t worry if we are not good for you?” Long Domain is not a giant dragon, but a model of the dragon. This state is more convenient, and the size is huge for some open places, which is inconvenient for crowded places.

“It doesn’t matter.” Tang Shidao should have a special word and believe that Longyu can understand.

There are also things like fighting, no, no.

This kind of realm, no one is afraid.

“Hah, let’s go.” Dragon Field waved a cast magic to open a special force field. It is different from general space transmission, and it has the characteristics of ‘wind’. This kind of transmission is not so much a transmission as it is a delivery.

Tang Shidao did not hesitate to take a step.

Next second.

When the rays of light flash, the Tang Shidao sensor has several effects. When they returned to God, a group of people had entered a prosperous magical planet and stood on a special transfer square.

At this moment.

Tang Shidao feels that part of his own Force is limited.

“Sorry, there is no explanation in advance. In the world of the world, this place is the effect of ‘only wind, no law, no use’, except for Wind System magic, everything else can’t take effect. Even ancient instruments, they can only maintain themselves. Not bad, you can’t use effects other than Wind System. Mr. Ren, this has little effect on you?” Long domain is not a fake question.

In fact.

Generally speaking, the more restrictions, the more favorable the creation of the gods.

Creation God is good at all.

“No impact, I am just wondering about the environment here.”

“So, let’s go slowly. On the way, I will explain it to you?” The dragon field is naturally not close to the target.

“Good.” Tang Shidao nodded and stepped.

World in front of you.

I have to say that the dusty world is two very different examples. There is only clan power in the dust, and the weak can only be attached to the giant tree. In the world of the world, this is a magical civilization of perfect architecture. The planet here is also the core of the Void, but its overall size is at least 10,000 times larger.

In addition to the core, the entire planet is made of ‘magic machinery’.

If strictly speaking.

It is a boat, a round ship.

The people here have an obvious hierarchy, starting with the ordinary Mage, the Holy Land 1 to the Holy Land 9, the Lord 1 to the Lord 9, all the practitioners have obvious signs. However, what is surprising is that there is a hierarchy, but there is no difference in status. When passing by, the landlord can talk to the sacred Mage.

From a certain perspective, this is more like an Academy, which ranks individuals but does not rank high or low.


Some of the ‘endowment’ outstanding characters are more popular, and even higher levels of Mage are willing to talk. In the faint, Tang Shidao saw the shadow of ‘Mage Network’. Because Mage Network’s Mage has ‘hidden Innate Skill’, no one is proud of the level, and most of them are equal.

There is a layer of protection net in the outer sphere of the planet.

One is to protect the planet from the destruction of the outer space.

The second is to protect the planet from being detected by God.

Although it is not absolutely impossible to detect, the protective net has the mark of the ancestors of the Spirit Realm world. Forcible detection is easy to find, and a big battle is brought in minutes. The ancestral strongman ‘frustrated’ to protect the general population, this is a very rare thing.

at this time.

The most modern building inside the planet is the … fighting field.

To what extent?

More than the classrooms in the school.

“Mr. Ren, are you interested to take a look?” Long Tian said.

“Good.” Tang Shidao nodded.

It can’t be said here that the city buildings are mixed with fighting fields. It should be said that… a small part of the city buildings are attached around the fighting field. The real subject is the fighting field, and the urban building is only a supporting role. In general terms, you can see at a glance and see the fighting arena. These fighting fields are high or low, generally determined by the number of layers.

For example, the area is very large, very short, and only the 9-layer fighting layer is played by ordinary Mage.

The outer casing has a protective layer that does not affect the external environment.

Up to 18 stories are the sacred Mage, and the 27th floor is at the level of the Lord. It is worth noting that the word “fighting” in the fighting field is not qualified because more than half of the fighting fields are not played. What to spell? Fighting equipment to create, medicinal refining, spelling and engraving, and even the study and interpretation of ancient artifacts. If the fight belongs to Martial’, then this half belongs to ‘text’.

“The world is a compulsory school, and the school is these fighting fields.”

“Looking at the fighting competition?”

“No, go directly to the fighting field. For example, the fighting ground for ordinary Mage, the first level is the playground for all beginners. Even if you have never practiced, the first time you enter school, they must be on the field. Initially possible It’s a fight, it’s probably more than a study, and it’s always on the stage. The classrooms in the world are all stages, and all students must perform on the stage.”

“Strongs like to show off themselves, but the weak may not like it.” Tang Shidao nodded, this move is a bit unhuman.


There are only dragons here, no one.

The past does not agree with the weak, and does not want to be despised and can only become stronger.

“The weak can stay in the ranks, no one cares if you can climb up. The world is almost the original Dragon Race and the mixed Dragon Race, and a small number of other races. Therefore, the wildness of the war must be maintained here. It is not suitable for combat. It can also be developed in terms of technology. Here, Warrior is as popular as scholars.”

“You said Warrior and scholars?” Tang Shidao was slightly surprised.

“Has Mr. Ren Huang heard this description?”

“Nothing World.”

“Sure enough, Mr. Ren Huang knows the place. Have you ever been to… Well, I am sorry, I have too many mouths, don’t ask, don’t ask, let’s go. Mr. Ren, do you want to go to the fighting field to have a look? “The Dragon Field hears the “Nothing World” four words. There is a feeling that it has only been heard and never really been.

However, it knows a lot.

I think that some people in the world have visited and recorded the travel log in detail, so the dragon ancestor Warrior will understand this.

Warrior and scholars.

Indeed, this is the customary name of Virtual World. Because the virtual world is the energy World, they are not divided into Mage and the body Warrior. Those who can fight are called Warrior. Those who engage in technology are called scholars. This simple name is also used in the world of the world. Certainly, the original Dragon Race is very aware of the situation of the World of Nothing, and is willing to imitate this more convenient way.

Enter the inside of the fighting field, the first floor of the fighting field.

so surprised.

The educator is a sacred Mage, away from this group of pupils… Hey, no, this group of kindergarten children learns a difference of thousands thousand miles. Even more surprising, the educator is very patient, trying to make every child learn to use his skills, and also strive to tap the qualities of each person, in order to facilitate the pace of development in the future.

For a moment.

Tang Shidao understands why the holy land Mage is here… in order not to miss the talent seed.

Ordinary Mage is not impossible, and may be overlooked.

At Mage World, few people can be the protagonists of a region. You have to be a genius, you have to work hard, you have to have Divine Vision’s mentor. Here, everyone is the protagonist… The few mentors try to make every child learn to be the protagonist. It’s not good, it’s your own problem, the mentor is giving you this opportunity.

Going up again.

Higher and stronger education classes, even more unexpected… There are no placements for eugenics and poor students, all the same.

There must be advantages and disadvantages in Mortal World, because it can’t afford to be wasted and can’t afford it. It is as if the strongest king in the game can’t mix with the bronze slag, because it is a reaction, and will slowly play the most powerful king. But this is not Mortal World, this is Magic World, and it’s worth spending.

Mage’s lifespan is too far away from mortals.

The giant dragon itself is also a long-lived race, and they don’t care about the loss of time in ten or eight years.

“We don’t take the initiative to divide, but the students themselves can ask to change the class.” Long domain does not disturb the classroom, with magical secrets.

“Because you don’t ask for quick success?”

“Yes, that’s it. We don’t ask them to become quick, but we hope that their foundations will be as stable as possible. Juvenile fame may be a good thing or a bad thing. We don’t mandate, we just let it go. If they want teenagers to become famous We are happy to support. If they slowly cultivate the foundation, we are willing to support. In short, we do not force them to do it, only let them choose.”

“But they must work hard. After all, the past does not agree with the weak.” Tang Shidao can also understand that the big environment will affect individuals.

Even if it goes with the flow, Dragon Race students must work hard.

You can be lazy.

But you have to bear ridicule.

Here the tutor will protect you from bullying, but will not protect you from ridicule. It’s not a human right in the world of the world… No, it’s not a ‘longquan’ society, it doesn’t matter what kind of mentality you have, ‘children’s waywardness, juvenile rebellion’. In this magical world that can be resurrected, it doesn’t matter what you think about your brain. What you do is important.

Going up again.

Teaching has been rare, and most of them are competitions.

“Beyond the Holy Land, the meaning is not too big. Therefore, the instructors will ask the students to confront each other and promote themselves in the ‘fighting’. No matter whether Warrior or scholars, there is a way to fight. As long as the two negotiate Agree, you can do even more bizarre duel. Because the battle is more impressive than teaching, these students need more duel.”

“Is there a student who has a closed meditation?” Tang Shidao asked.

“Yes, a lot. We support any kind of battle. Meditation, that is, it is against yourself.”

Tang Shidao lightly nodded.

At this time, I began to understand the reasons why Long Domain led the way: to show the force!

The general clan.

Show that force must send the most strong ancestral elders, or show the most strong instruments. Just the opposite of the world, they showed… a group of children.


Tang Shidao can nod his approval… This is indeed a more powerful force.

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