Mage Network

Chapter 1186

The end of an unusual battle in the Rubik’s Cube, a faint history has come to a close.

The message is sent back to the major Void.

“Is the ancestral elders at this level?”

“Legion is not the right route at all?”

“Faling is dominated by the use of activating Fa Ling, and the ancestral elders still use the activation method. This is impossible. If the number is more up to the next level, Ms. Zen is not the weakest existence. Anyway, I don’t believe that the ancestral elders’ dependence is ‘mastering the court’, so it is no different from the Failing master. Is there any other tycoon in the secret world? I am afraid they have found the correct route.”

The news spread, without exception.

No one believes that the ‘dominant gods’ of the ancestral elders is the ultimate indicator, and they do not believe that the ancestral elders can bear this.

In Void.

There are countless ‘special areas’ that can produce restrictions, even if there is a way to fight against the ‘land of the devil’ and the land of no magic. At the top level, the ancestral elders were all Void’s body for a second, which was too difficult to accept. Because the dust has deceived the masters in the past, this time, people no longer believe in the rumors of the world.

Perhaps, some of the ancestors did not reach higher. However, the dominating court cannot represent the truth.

“The magic machine race is coming back.” The elders sighed softly.


“The group did not completely indulge, at least, their heirs came back. I don’t know if this is a blessing or a curse.” The elders didn’t think too much. The more you know about the dust, the more you know… relying on mountains and mountains, relying on water and water, only relying on yourself is the real choice.

The big Void needs to be self-reliant, instead of looking at the rookie flying on the top of the head.

Magic Rosa also has no intelligence plan.

Because the apostles know who the ‘Tang Feng’ is.

the other side.

At this moment in the wilderness of the world, the reputation of the magical machine is loud, and people are thinking that they have changed. Unexpected, no. As before, the magical race still chooses its own partners, working together, learning together, and progressing together. As if, the spokesperson Tang Feng’s ‘records’ had no effect on them.


Tang Feng is not proud of this. He is still calmly exploring and continues to search for the remains of the magical couple left by Yuan Tianshu.

At this time, both the right path organization and the hunting group are ‘following’ in the footsteps, and we are the appearance of loyal allies.

Although everyone knows that in the unconstrained space, the role of the Void body is not so terrifying, because it can escape to avoid. However, no one wants to try the hard Void body. After all, everyone’s magic and skills are practiced in Void, and all means may be invalidated. Deliberately challenging such people, there is a deep taste of death.


The use of ancient instruments may be effective, but I only have brute force and weapons. Tang Feng can kill you directly.

Before you can target the method, you can only choose to dodge.


No, we just don’t fight against the money.

at the same time.

The old generation of the magical race began to be resurrected. Because of the energy of Tang Shidao’s tens of thousands of members of the hunting spirit group, a small amount of relics is enough for a little distribution. Because of their return, Yuan Zhen and Luo Sen and the others had to speed up and quickly provide the greatest relics. If they delay slowly, the reborn monkey clansman may find those legacy.

For some reason, some hunting spirits joined.

They don’t know about the relics of Yuan Tianshu, but they know that some people have had a good relationship with Yuan Tianshu.

“I am very interested.” The spokesperson ‘Tang Feng’ also accepted these people.

As a new leader of ‘crossing’, Tang Feng must pay attention to everything in Yuan Tianshu. Joining new allies can also give Losen and the right way a sense of crisis, saying that I not only have your help, but also others voluntarily come over.

During the exploration of the ‘Tang Feng’ treasure hunt, another person appeared.


The goal of the organization of the right path, the inventor of the ‘Artifact Spirit’ who was most wanted to be removed from the world, a madman who has no fear of the past, and who claims that the ‘everything can be killed.’ More importantly, he also has a special bloodline: the creation of the gods.

“He is the second one?”


“There is another person in Void, Olympia. But now Olympus is dead. If we find O’Ling’s ‘death’ way, it is very likely to get rid of the emperor. Note that the emperor has been to the secret bridge of the world. I learned a lot of things. Before entering, 苟 Changqing has already lost his hand. He has a ‘native magic’ that can completely absorb the energy consumed in all battles. If you want to deal with him, it is better to be a critical strike, or A hit is heavy.”

“Absorb all the energy consumed?”

“Yes, this is the most troublesome place. Godine Legion has little effect on him. The most effective is still the ancient implement, but it is too risky to use this kind of thing. If you don’t win, you will lose it. Yuanxiao that idiot, borrow Out of the ‘spiritual suffocation’ for the subordinates, the whole ancient instrument is sent to the emperor.”

“Can you convince the four worlds to deal with the emperor?”


“Why not? He is not a good class. He has personally said that he may be killed. This kind of person is more dangerous and more terrifying than he wants to occupy.”

“In the eyes of the four worlds, the emperor is the trouble we have caused. They have no obligation to help us clean up the mess. You know, the world of fire is the effect of ‘only fire, no use.’ The Shangshifeng world, the Shangshi water world and the Shangshi soil world also have the same effect. They are very safe in their own secrets, and outsiders cannot beat them with the Force they are best at.”

“That was born…”

“We are dead, and the four worlds will not be affected. Do you understand? We have a site made up of Void Yuanyang, and it will never be destroyed. The passage is still there, and the above-mentioned dead light does not matter, all the past lives. The secret world is unaffected. Although we don’t want to admit it, we are only a ‘small station’ here, and the rest of the world is full of stars.”


“If the emperor can kill, he can kill. If you can’t kill, you can avoid it. There have been countless murderers in the world, and we have avoided countless times. What is the result? It is not that we laughed at the end. There is no winner of Yongheng in the world. We will never die in our lives.”


The target characters reappeared, and the people of the world first investigated the actions of Tang Feng. They found that the suspicion was only white suspicion…the two were completely different.

Different abilities.

The bloodline is different.

The induction is also different.

For decades of records, Tang Feng’s trajectory is more perfect. From the holy place to the ancestral elders, he grows under everyone’s eyes every step of the way. In contrast, Tang Shidao is more mysterious, and it is dominated by Fa Ling. It was promoted to the level of the ancestral elders a few decades ago.

The most important evidence for the two.

An ancient instrument: the hand of knowing… It also confirms that the two are indeed different and belong to two different living beings.

“You said, is it possible for two people to die?”

“Thinking beautifully, but do they have hatred?”

“Make a little fake hatred.”

“Are they stupid?”


At this time, Lantern and Luosen and the others also heard that the emperor officially appeared, although it was hidden, but at least everyone knew that he really came. In the wilderness of the world, all the secret hegemons are secretly guarded. The emperor is different from the spokesperson of the magic machine race. One is a war madman and the other is a scholar.

The emperor stepped into the wilderness of the world, and the cloud of war also followed.


Yuan Zhen and Luo Sen and the others also follow the ‘Tang Feng’ side, just like a talisman.

Are they jealous?

No, this is the performance of loyal allies, definitely not afraid of the emperor to find the door.

“I am not interested in the wilderness of the past. I just looked for three people. You should not hinder me.” Tang Shidao occasionally appeared, but there were always people who came across. You must know that the hegemons of the major secret springs have already been distracted by people, and they must ask for a letter.

“Excuse me, Mr. Emperor, who are you looking for? Maybe we can provide a little help.” The messengers of the secret spring hegemons did not dare to care.

They are very clear inside.

Although the people of the world deliberately discredited, but in terms of strength, the man in front of him can be compared with the master of the secret spring, and even the patriarchs who are on the ground are afraid to fight alone. Such a person may not be a sturdy person to the secret spring, but the team that joins other secret springs is in trouble.

“The first one, ancestors.”

“Oh… we have heard it, can you help me inquire. May I ask Mr. Ren, why are you looking for a ancestors?”

“Because the Witch clan.”


“The second person, the teacher is four.”

“Hey… you… what are you looking for in the Shidu elders?”



“The third person, hehe.”

“Well? Please forgive me, what is this ‘魃’ surname, he is called ‘魃’? Is it a man or a woman?” The secret spring messenger really can’t understand. When Tang Shidao and Luo Wei explained it, Luo Yi did not know. The Roche clan, who is most likely to be related to cockroaches, does not know. Others are certainly not clear.

Some 72 people are names, some are nicknames, and some are nameless.

I want to check it, it is easy.

It is too difficult to find out.

What’s more, snake Mage can’t leave too many clues to do things, and life weaving can erase all traces of inspiration.

“I don’t know, I only know this word. You don’t want to hinder me. It doesn’t matter if you don’t help.” Tang Shidao didn’t say too much this time, not even the ghost king. After all, someone in the secret world may have heard of this nickname.

“Mr. Emperor, you know, there is a right way to organize…”

“A person who has confidence, one will dare to come. If there is no confidence, 10,000 will be useless. You said, can the right organization be able to kill the teacher?”

“Probably… impossible.”

“Then I don’t care, you can call them. I have been in the wilderness for a long time. Before, my battle shadows came and I found some clues. Unless I find relevant information, I will not leave. So, I Waiting for them to come to me.”

“…” The secret spring messengers can’t answer, they can’t call people… shut them down.


The words of the emperor spread, and the right organization did not appear. They only discussed these clues.

Three names: Yan Zu, Shi Sidu, Yan.

A clue: The Emperor wants the Warrior to cross the four.

In different levels of Mage, this represents a different meaning.


One of the leaders of the life-threatening Legion, Magic Court, its view: “Are you sure he wants to challenge the division to cross?”


“Well, I know. Probably… he also has that kind of Force.”

“What Force?”

“You still can’t touch these things, otherwise it will be difficult to learn related derivative skills in the future. However, remember that the strength of our past four worlds is because of the existence of such genius research, expansion, breakthrough, and finally countless people to work together to amend I have told you that Tang Feng is going to fight, and I am accompanying it. It is not a boast, I really have a ‘beyond’ ineffectiveness. Although, it is just a replica.”

The intelligence of Primitive Demon Race couldn’t understand, but they all believed in these words.

The four worlds.

Each has a higher Force above the apex… Although it is unknown, everyone knows it must be.

Because of this Force, the four worlds have never been embarrassed.


The patriarchs of the dusty world are screaming again… They are used to it, and it is the result of this. They dare to fight, there is no right way to organize.

Directly dry people.

Never pyridin.

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