Mage Network

Chapter 1180

The right way organization and the hunting spirit team joined hands to explore a special living treasure, and the news spread quickly. In addition to the world’s wilderness, the world has spread in the dust.

The main reason is that this action has the participation of the magical race.

“The magic machine race teamed up with the hunting spirit group?”


“Yeah, the hegemons of Secret Springs can’t invite the magic machine to join, this kind of thing can’t happen. The magic race will not cooperate with any forces, they only cooperate with individuals. This is their consistent style, never changed. Those who are hunting spirits should be Hu Bing, and it is impossible to say that the magic machine race is joined.”

“This time is possible.”

“No, the magic race will not change its position.”

“You may not know that the magical race has a reason to participate. The hunting spirits find a relic of the last generation of the magical civilization, so even if the magical race does not require those skills, they also need to pursue that history. I believe the magic machine Race will not join the hunting group, but this cooperation is very likely.”

A similar message spread.


People began to ask people who are more likely to talk, the wings behind them, the incarnation of the magic machine clansman.

The answer is: no joining, just cooperation.


Just a cooperation.

With this answer, people also understand it, but they will not continue. The Hunting Spirit is the secret of the Secret Spring, except for the Second Type, which means that their bad things not only require courage, but also may be at risk. So, many things, people know what they know. To say that this kind of ‘promotion’ is unreasonable, maybe another meaning, and everyone simply turns a blind eye.

“Magic Planet?”

“Yes, Mr. Tang Feng. This special planet is in the wilderness of the world, but it is hidden, the average person can’t find it, and it can’t be found. Only we can open the door of the passage, but the time limit is only 100 days. If we can’t find any information and items in 100 days, we must withdraw, otherwise we will be locked in.”

“Off? Can you shut down our level of Mage?” Tang Shidao deliberately said with a smile.

“It’s all made up of Void, and the inner metal is also the source and source crystal. Also, it adds a lot of special energy-absorbing arrays, just like the dusty battlefield, there is no Force. Forcibly breaking. These are the materials, you can take a look at it.” Rosen submitted the information to show the sincerity of the cooperation.

“Well, when will you leave?” Tang Shidao can only pick up.

“Mr. Tang Feng, are you going to go over in person? I will explain first, it seems that there are still many such relics, each one is different. Do you go in person?”


“Well, let’s go tomorrow, can you?”

“it is good.”

After Losen finished talking, he left with a smile.

The plan went smoothly and things finally took the most powerful step. No matter whether the emperor comes or not, the magical race is considered to be pitted. As long as Tang Feng was attacked and secreted, the magical race must cover up this secret. At that time, the magic machine race has a ‘weak spot’ pinched in the hands of the hunting spirit group. Even the crime of attacking Tang Feng can be pushed to the head of the people.

By the time.

Tang Feng, who is in danger of death, has to die with the emperor.

Go back to the stronghold.

Luo Sen hasn’t spoken yet, and he has seen a group of big guys stinking a face. Luosen’s good news says that he can’t export, he can only ask: “What happened?”

Wu Yuan shook his head and sighed softly: “The things about the Rubik’s Cube have become big.”

“Noisy? Are we not about to preach?”

“No, it’s more serious.”

“What happened?” Rosen could not help. Things have been opened smoothly, and the credit is coming soon. What is wrong with this time?

“Not only in the wilderness of the world, but also in other secret worlds. The dusty world is madly passing, and more ancestral powerhouses are coming. Even more strange, the news circulating elsewhere is very weird: they declare that the Rubik’s Cube The planet has Yuan Tianshu’s magic machine Legion, and Yuan Tianshu’s only magic ‘mechanical eternal life’. So, now there are a lot of strong people.” Wu Yuan’s face is very bad.

Hundreds of hunting spirits teamed up, this is a huge Force.


Really serious amnesty is still: the secret spring hegemons.

More terrible.

The world’s wilderness is just one of the oldest secrets, and all of the clan is like a band of loose thieves. The biggest fame is the four secrets, they are a super-empire of racism. In other words, any of the four secrets is like the joint Force of all the secret spring hegemons of the world. Their size, just the name can scare countless strong men.

The four secret worlds have never been chaotic, because they have been killed since the beginning.

“Impossible.” Losen did not believe that the news would leak. This news is not known to many people.

“The outside world has spread.” Uight indifferently said.

“That… this… yes, who, Wei…. You come out. You said, what the hell is going on? Is it what you did?” Rosen subconsciously believes that the ancestral elders The companion deliberately pitted him. But he can’t attack his peers and can only blame another unrelated person.

“How many people are there in the Los Angeles elders?” Wei said to go out and ask.

“Oh…” Losson stunned.


Only the dozens of ancestral elders in the meeting, or who else is eligible to decide.

“Well, I understand. Let’s not mention the insider, this Rubik’s Cube is the most important relic, right?” Wei asked again.

“This…” Rosen was stunned again, he couldn’t nod.



Although Wei’s suggestion sends out one of the most important relics, borrowing the Force Treasure of the Magic Race. However, the ancestral elders did not agree and only selected a medium-level ruins. Although the same can not find good things, but at least, the Rubik’s Cube is only a medium size.

“We don’t say this first. Wei, you said, what harm does the leakage of machinery eternal life?” Losson said nothing, not to mention the topic.


The answer to this question is beyond everyone’s expectations.

Wei’s arched hand: “Luosen elders, I can analyze it. But can you tell me first, what magic is mechanical eternal life?”

At this time.

Losen has nothing to say.

“What effect does it have?” Wei asked again.

“This…” Rosen should not come up.

He knows.

However, he does not want to explain, and does not want to let a small role know too much. At this moment, all the ancestral elders present are well aware that the information leak has nothing to do with this Guardian. He did not participate in the meeting, and he did not know the decision. Even the magic of mechanical eternal life is not clear.

“Wei, you go ahead.” Rosen waved.

Everyone is silent.

The intelligence officer didn’t even know the magic, and he could analyze it.

“Okay. I want to say that if the mechanical eternal life is really not on the Rubik’s Cube and you don’t want to make people remember, the best way is to prove where it is. For example, in a certain realm, a certain power, or in someone’s hand. As long as it proves that it is not on the Rubik’s Cube, others will not remember it.” Wei’s arched his hand and returned to his original position.

Everyone knows that the field has tried its best to provide advice.

The advice is also very good.

But… still can’t say.

If the magic machine race spokesperson Tang Feng has ‘mechanical eternal life’, and Tang Feng will enter the Rubik’s Cube, this is basically no worse than the rumors. As for the magic machine Legion, everyone knows no. However, this ‘no’ is just that everyone can’t find it. It doesn’t mean that the Rubik’s Cube is really not. In case Tang Feng enters and finds the magic machine Legion, even if it is some will, this rumor is not a fake.

Now the hunting spirit group can hold everyone, saying that you don’t have it?


I really can’t say no.

But, if you have it, you won’t dare to talk. You must know that there are no rules in the world of dust and the secrets of the world, only fists. If you lie to everyone and say no, the result is found. Then, this ‘eat alone’ behavior will lead to the siege of all directions. At that time, everyone will not only divide your backpack, but also divide your body.

The hunting spirit group, the team that robbed the spirits, is itself a robber.

The robber robbed someone else.

Being robbed is also a normal situation, so the more careful you act, the less you will get into trouble.

“What do you say?” Losson looked at Yuan Zhen and Luo Xiangyun, and the inner suspicion of the news was spread by the right way, in order to destroy his plan.

“Now the news has spread, what can be done, can only continue.” Yuan Zhen also suspected that the news was spread by Luosen and Wuyuan, because the more people are more unfavorable to the right path. On the other hand, the hunting spirit group, here is their territory, and there are some secret masters behind them. Many people, confusion, may be good for them.

“Okay, go ahead.” Rosen nodded. At this point, I only hope that my own strength will be able to survive.

at this time.

Through the life network, Tang Shidao knew the news for the first time. Over the years, Tang Shidao has reduced the speed of new additions, controlled the number of members of the life network, and only carefully selected some talents suitable for training. However, the first group of people who died in the secret bridge of the past, such as Wei, have been cultivated by the small Wisdom Tree and infiltrated into the dusty clan and major institutions.

Final Results.

The dusty world has changed, and the small Wisdom Tree knows for the first time. Coupled with the soul network, it is clearer than the full picture, and some secret conversations can be heard.

This time it is abnormal.

Yes, the intelligence is that Tang Shidao let the magic Rosa leak and spread.

Tang Shidao did not want to let the apostles participate in the matter of recycling the heritage of 72 people. However, they can help with some intelligence and logistics. Another point, deliberately attracted a large number of strong, because Tang Feng needs a large-scale training.

If the Rubik’s Cube really has the relics of Yuan Tianshu, the spokesperson ‘Tang Feng’ must be robbed.


It is to grab the light, not to grab a part.

Therefore, the spokesperson ‘Tang Feng’ is destined to use all the unyielding Mage to force the army until it retrieves all the objects.

If the Rubik’s Cube has no relics?

It is also easy to handle.

Sneak down some mechanical eternal works and go in. Others found that the spokesperson ‘Tang Feng’ must recapture. The result is the same, the battle still has to be played.

The Rubik’s Cube is a big stage.

The spokesperson ‘Tang Feng’ needs to tell everyone in this way: the things of the magic machine race can only be recovered by the magic machine race.

In the major Void, Tang Shidao will use a reasonable way.


In the dust, the most effective truth is the fist… Tell everyone with your fist, how big is my ‘reason’. This time not only to solve the legacy of Yuan Tianshu, but even all the things related to 72 people are a warning: Yuan Tianshu and his friends and followers, and this follower will spare no effort to recover those legacy.

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