Mage Network

Chapter 1174

“The most in need of spirituality is not the weak, but the Mage that has been stuck in the holy world and has been unable to advance.”

“What is this? Is it…”

“Yes, Zhou Family, the abdicated Patriarch, he is now promoted. In just five days, can you imagine? The magic machine clansman said that he is almost successful, that is, he has a footstep. So, get some tips, he I immediately made a successful promotion. Now Zhou Family is happy, I am celebrating.”


“what did you say?”

“I said that Zhou Family is mentally retarded. What is the right foot, who is not bad this. There is no magic machine clansman, he has a bad life all his life. Also celebrate, hurry to ask the clansman pointing, take advantage of this It’s only three years ago. Celebrate, celebrate a hair, people who really appreciate it don’t know. We don’t have such a good opportunity, all the idiots are wasted.”

“There will be in the future. In addition to Tang Feng’s efforts to make money, now the magic machine clansman is also making money, we will have opportunities in the future.”


Similar conversations are spoken in major cities around the planet.


Very unexpected, no one thinks that there is anything wrong with this. The magic machine race quickly took root, quickly expanded, spread quickly, and everyone turned a blind eye. Tang Shidao had expected that the revival of the magical machine civilization would be difficult. The result, no, not only is not difficult, but it is also easy. Even said that the nearby clan is helping, and hope that the clansman is getting more and more.

Less than half a year before and after.

The magical machine race has changed from ten to one hundred, from thousands to thousands. At this time, Tang Shidao finally wanted to understand.

Why is there no resistance?

Because… there is no country, no society, and no complete system in the world.

Based on a secret spring.

They are a nest of thieves, the clansman is the miner of each and everyone… the miner who digs gold. In the eyes of the thief, the number of miners is too large, based on the group, the group, the family, these are not their business. In addition to occupying the secret spring, they don’t care about anything. Even if someone destroys all the planets and kills all life, as long as the secret spring is still in their hands.

Well, the thief, they will not care about the good life on the land.

They can do well, and it doesn’t matter to other people.

at this time.

“Master, why don’t we develop to the higher level?” The mechanical phase also has something that you don’t understand, you can only ask the owner. Because of the existence of the life network and the soul network, secret communication is very easy. Moreover, the mechanical immortal magic itself has a special derivative: the eternal life password. It allows each magic machine clansman to have a special communication channel, and the mechanical phase is equal to the meeting point of the ‘magic machine network’.

“Because it is too slow.”

“The top layer can control the lower layer, isn’t it faster?”

“You are talking about Mortal World. It’s the easiest to succeed from top to bottom. But this is Void, it’s a dusty world, it’s a wilderness. There are always different ideas and pursuits in the unlimited lifespan. So, you The most needed is not Force, but quantity. Why do you temporarily exist as a spirit, because you need someone who ‘leads you’.”

“If we are the independent leader…”

“People will be afraid of you, reject you, and even fight with you. Now, you are like auxiliary tools, and they are the most needed existence in people’s minds. I need you to fix this impression, and you need to continue for a long time. Once people When I think of the magical race, I immediately think of the aid of this ‘Blade Wing’. Now your collaborators are very weak, you are like the protagonist. Later, the collaborators are strong, you are like auxiliary tools.”

“It’s like a smart assistant for sci-fi Plane?”

“Yes, this is the definition now. Now that you continue to increase the number, you will expand away from the secret springs and not participate in the upstream competition. In this way, those upper-level people will be assured. Wait until your number is high. Most people are accompanied by it. It is impossible for the upper class to think against it. If this is a country, you are most vigilant. But this is not a country. Everyone just wants the benefits and does not want to.”

“originally is this way.”

The owner’s ‘rejuvenation’ is not a family, but a large and unimaginable group.


Directly occupy this world’s wilderness.

No war is needed, and it is possible to occupy it only by ‘quantity’. If the number of clansman is half or half, even if there is no ruling empire, people naturally follow the will of the magic race. Why do you start with the spirit, the reason is to let everyone accept, and let everyone can not do without such help. Anyway, there is no need to worry about the cultivation aspect, the magic machine network can provide training.

The clansman is different from the normal life model and can be learned and promoted in the network.

Usually accumulate energy.

The network solves the problem.

In this way, the strength will be upgraded.

Another half year.

A year before and after, the magic machine clansman has nearly 100 million. 1 earn 2, 2 earn 4, 4 earn 8 , … when the number is small, the growth is slow. However, 8 earned 16, 16, earned 32, 32 earned 64, and then turned a few times, this number is against the sky. More terrifying, this 1 change 2 to 10,000 change 20,000 is also the same, 100 million change 200 million is also no problem.

The wreckage of the ancient devil is not too much, and can’t support the growth of the clansman.


The equals of the people through the cultivation of the small Wisdom Tree, coupled with the secondary use rights granted by Tang Shidao to the great scorpion and mechanical eternal life, they have been able to make new magic mate. Because it is still the mode of the blade wing, it does not need much material. In other words, the equalizer can already use the batch manufacturing to ‘proliferate’ clansman.


This growth has long emptied a planet, and the Warcraft hairs are not enough to sell.

However, the weapon phase is very obedient to diverge clansman.

Not only the nearby planet, the clansman also crossed the middle of the secret spring and the secret spring, and went to the other side of the secret spring, Small World, to continue this development model. Therefore, people near the secret springs only hear a lot of clansman, but few can see. Even if the first stop, the number is not much, people are not surprised that the number is too small.

Only one sentence is needed.

“Because of our hunting, there are fewer World of Warcraft and magical minerals. We need to go to new places and open up a new small site.”

In this way, solve all doubts in one sentence.

Why do people believe?

Very simple.

Wearing the blade of the wing is the son of his own, or the best elite of the clan. Going to the nearby planet to open up new hunting spots, that is to benefit from their own clan… I have good things, of course, must be correct, do not accept rebuttal. It is a mistake that I am not good at myself.

As for the magic machine race expansion does not expand?

Turn off my ass.

My clan can make money to expand.

The magical race is too confusing, just two wings. When others look at it at a glance, do you think that the wings are profitable or the people who wear the wings are profitable?

Must be an individual.

Even if the collaborator pointed at the wings, this is my Master.

People don’t believe it either.

Smart is also an auxiliary tool, just a fart.

that’s it.

One year, two years, three years, and only a few years, the magic machine race is already a spark. Unconsciously, there was a group of Mage in the sky with a winged wing. In this environment of bad spelling, the word ‘handsome’ has lured countless practitioners. The magic is not a magic machine, the division is not a master, it is a secondary, the key is handsome.

Have wings, want to fly and fly, still not afraid of secret springs to absorb energy, you can not have a set of money.


Can you sell if you have money?

Is there such a thing?

It turned out that they are partners and need two-way choice. Well, it sounds higher and must come.

“Is this a life race too?”


“Isn’t that similar to a bodyguard? Can we really use them with peace of mind?”

“You don’t want to use? Let me give it!”

“Thinking of beauty! In this year, I dare not fly to be inferior cultivators, and to fly is the best. Even if they are poisonous, I must eat.”


Gradually, the clansman, who became the winged wing, became a fashion and slowly became a status symbol. Mage friends of the same status, one with wings and one without wings, the latter did not dare to speak loudly.

Old friends meet each other.


Wingless? No wings, you say an egg.

Sect master meets.

The lover will meet.

Meet the enemy.

The eyes gently swept your back, wingless, tsk tsk, outdated poor ghosts. That sympathetic look, no magic machine clansman accompanied by not dare to go out. Above this matter, the mechanical phase did not let the clansman pass, because there is no need to tell lies.

Only need this one sentence.

“Partner, your friend has been rejected by my clansman, and his talents and skills are not enough. If you don’t need it, you should spend more time with other people and hunt with others. For another year or two, He probably can’t keep up with your footsteps. Mixing with him will only slow down your cultivation. Of course, it is only a suggestion that you can be a true friend and you can help each other slowly.”

Such a sentence.

The death penalty is over.

No Innate Skill No skill, no effort, no resources, salty fish, help each other. The true friends who came to the wilderness of the world are all friends of wine and meat.

Why can ‘winged’ despise others?


Lao Tzu was admitted, was chosen, a proper Child of Destiny.

You are all mortal.

This is not a question of money, the magic machine clansman will pick a partner. So, he can choose your proof to prove your value. The wings on the back are not only an aid but an endorsement. Quite a mortal society diploma, technician certificate, no proof is slag. Laozi is winged, and regardless of whether I have the ability or not, Laozi is recognized.

and so.

Strength can be slow, wings must have.

Magic machine race, come on and expand.

The weapon reported to Tang Shidao, both of whom were speechless. I have seen that the new race is unmoved, but I have never seen the new race become more aggressive. In the race of the wilderness of the world, the brain circuit is really different from others. At this point, the two are also the same idea: steady, wretched development, don’t wave.

A few years.

Too short.

The magic machine race has expanded, but it is still too far away from spreading the entire world. However, at this rate of development, no more than two decades, a pair of wings is not a dream.

at this time.

“Have you investigated the Tang Feng?”


“The results of it?”

“A spokesperson for a new race. The magical machine that once lost sight reappears. They chose a human being as a spokesperson. Tang Feng has been hunting for more than four years, making money constantly, and collecting wild murals. But no seeing He really studied murals. Tang old man also checked, ordinary mortals, not worth mentioning.”

“You said, Tang Feng has been making money?” Hearing this answer, the members of the assembled Zhengdao organization have already drawn an answer, and their goals are endless.

“Yes, I’ve been working all the time, I’ve been making money, and I’m probably not in stock.”

“hehe, don’t say that, it’s good to work hard to make money. Have you sent someone to ask, can you cooperate?”

“People have been sent. But Tang Feng can’t seem to be the Lord. The clansman is a life. They don’t agree with our cooperation intention. They also said: They are not afraid of death, and death will only return to the ‘wisdom network’. Casting the body can be born again. So, we want to go to war and they will accompany them, anyway, they will not die.”

“The life of the magic race is a message archive?”

“Yes, probably, so they only lack body, but fearless death.”

“Much like some magic…”


“No, it’s okay. Well, we know, you go on.” The right organization is rooted in the dust, and naturally it is not without knowledge.

At this moment, the rest of the members also thought of something.


Their eyes flashed: Is it okay, the magical race is not the protagonist, the ‘person’ is the goal of everyone. It’s a pity that the secret spring blocked the exploration. The man had not seen his face for a few years and could not find where he was.

“Tang Feng is the inheritor of the freak?”

“It’s possible. But our primary goal is not him. The freak… Well, we don’t know if we die. If we take the initiative, it’s just beat the grass to scare the snake.” A small role, waiting for him to grow up and then ‘eat’ is not too late. Continue to diverge the man’s hand and find the whereabouts of the person. Remember, we don’t want to place a bill, I suspect he will follow us and wait for our chance to place a bill. He Being able to kill Xun Changqing, we must not care.”

“it is good.”

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