Mage Network

Chapter 1168

Xun Changqing was defeated in the dusty battle pool, and the evil spirits were solved in the secret world of the world. The versatile universe really stepped into the Spirit Realm layer. Tang Shidao had no interest in ‘Force’. Therefore, entering the world of the wilderness is just looking for some answers, completely ignoring Force cultivation.

It can be said like this.

Entering the world’s wilderness is only to meet things of interest, but not to be strong or poor.

Follow the customs here.

The old man’s approach is wrong, and sympathy is a poison here. However, Tang Shidao saw a warm color. Right now, Tang Shidao does not know that this kind of person is not much in the wilderness of the world. It is the first one. In the white world, black is a heterogeneous existence, not the same. In contrast, in the black world, white becomes a heterogeneous one.

At this moment.

The existence of this old man is more important than an ancestral elder. Because he is different.

It seems like a bird swimming under the water.

Or a fish that flies in the sky.

In the eyes of Tang Shidao, such ‘heterogeneous’ is much more important than the more powerful billions of Mage. When the sun shines, people will stand under the little shade of trees. When the night falls, people will stand next to a small candlelight. Today, this old man is like a candlelight.

“Hey, Hu leader, there is a kid who has been following us.” Every team has a whip, and they like to beat people.

“What is going on?” The team leader is the flag, the most stinky one is generally.

“We do not know ah. Earlier Tang old man to see if he was hungry, want to secretly left him with a length of sweet potatoes, but I was stopped. After that, this kid has been following us. Hu leader, do you want us to beat him Stopped?” The whip all likes to beat people, and there is nothing to say beforehand.

“Your pig’s brain is less provoked by people and fewer people.”


“Even if it is a new one, it is not easy to dare to go down alone. Go, leave him a pile of food, we will not cause trouble.” The team leader is the leader, careful and careful.

However, he guessed wrong.

Not a moment.

The whip runners ran back again: “Hu led the team, he didn’t want it.”

The leader immediately listened to the whip: “Teach you how many times, speak clearly, don’t use these. It’s useless. How do you give it, how does he react?”

“We will pass it to him, he will ignore us.”

“Oh… freaks.”

“Yes, it’s a freak. What should I do now?”

“Put him next to him, then leave.”

Not a moment.

The whip is back again: “The leader, he didn’t take it, he didn’t look at it.”


“Yeah, this guy…”

“This Nimei, I mean we may have trouble. He doesn’t want to eat, he doesn’t care about you, and proves that the other party didn’t put us in the eye. Of course, it may be swearing. The worst reason is that there is a team stare. Come on, he is a sentinel. Anyway, everyone is careful. Remember, what happens must not be active. We are in the crypt, the surrounding monsters are all enemies, we are tired enough.” The team commanded loudly.

“Yes.” More than ten whiplashes are loud, but don’t think Tang Shidao has any ability.

The hunting operation continued.

Once you open it, you can pay a lot for it. It is also a loss to return too early.

The team worked hard to collect fortune.

Tang Shidao is also slowly following, occasionally paying attention to some special murals. Compared to those bought for money, these murals are much more ‘young’ than they are too long. Most of the legacy of the ancient era is close to the core of the Void. Therefore, these murals are obviously not in conformity with the conditions. It is very likely that later generations will observe from the lower level and then copy it up.

“The giant ant Legion is coming, let’s go.”

“The ants will give up, otherwise they will chase us.”

Hunting operations are often not killing, but stealing. This is not a question of combat effectiveness, but the Mage Network does not want to fight too much. Underground caves are often well understood and often encounter different enemies. The most dangerous, herd that has been forced away by a more powerful team at a lower level may be a disaster for the shallow team. Therefore, you can not fight or not fight.

As far as Tang Shidao is concerned, the shallow team does not fight as long as it encounters a large herd, whether it is a herd or a swarm.

Obviously a ‘fire wave’ can be done, Mages is not dare to do it.

Encounter a small herd.

Mages is also a ‘arms contest’ rather than a magic contest, including the same members, weapons and armor are the most commonly used. Very few times, some Mage will cast spells to get rid of the enemy. At that time, they were extremely careful and even needed Mage companion guards to do it. Otherwise, no one is willing to cast a spell to kill the enemy.

Tang Shidao can understand their concerns.

The interference of the secret spring is too serious.

This level of nature does not naturally put the secret spring in the eyes, but Mage below the holy place, put a Fireball is afraid that the secret spring affects himself. After the war, they must be evacuated to a safe place before they begin treatment. The top priority must be Mage, the flag and the whip, then the young cultivator, and finally the middle-aged porter.

There are also scholars on the team who are familiar with the old birds in the underground caves.

However, their status is not much higher.

Force is always in the first place.

“Hello, hello, the team leader asked me to send a little gift, I hope you can accept it.” The second meeting of the old man was a gift, from the command of the team leader.

The gift is food.

A little plant, a little meat, a little Warcraft meat.

Not much but with some hidden meaning.

“I don’t need it, you hold it.” Tang Shidao gestured a little.

“This… But, you, you seem to have not eaten for two days. There are flying insects in the previous paragraph, you need your feet, how much you eat.” The old man handed it again, believing that the leader ordered him to send it. And then ask for a message.

“I don’t need it, I don’t eat raw meat. Do you have something to ask? You said.”

“this is not me……”

“Let’s talk about it. Haven’t asked your name yet?” Tang Shidao simply asked himself.

“I am surnamed Tang, no name, you call me Tang old man.”

“Oh, very unexpected, I am also surnamed Tang, my name is Tang Feng.” Tang Shidao brightened his identity brand.

“Hello, Lord Tang Feng.”

“I am not malicious to you. You can tell your leader not to worry. In fact, the person I am curious about is you.” Tang Shidao gives a little guarantee.

“I?” Don old man listened strangely.

“Yeah, you are very weird. I have seen many people here, no one has kindly reminded me, no one is kind enough to help me. And you, you are the exception. I can see that you did not deliberately do this, and It’s a subconscious move. It’s like, you’ve done it many times, and you don’t have much to think about it.”

“I… I can’t help. I am weak, I am not Mage.” Tang old man quickly waved.

“Yeah, this is weird. You are weak, not Mage, but you have this habit. More importantly, you are still alive. You know, in this environment, you are hard to live, early I don’t know how many times I died. Say you are lucky, someone is sheltering, that’s not right. You only have one arm left to prove that you have no luck. But you are just alive.”

“I…” Don old man does not know how to answer.

“There may be good people in the wilderness of the world, but I don’t think they will live long. It is very unreasonable to be able to live to this age. Without protection, no luck, no Force, it is totally unreasonable to survive.”

“Is it luck?” Tang old man regretted the words, and the other party clearly said that he had no luck.

“No. I personally think that you have nothing. However, there are often some wonderful coincidences in the world. Some people are especially smart at birth, some are particularly strong at birth, and some are especially gifted at birth. Some people, they have nothing, but they know how to do the right thing.”

Don old man listened.

He really doesn’t understand.

“Are you a scholar?” Tang Shidao suddenly had another problem.

“Well… not too much, I just know a little more about underground caves.” Don old man nodded.

“This is the right thing. You can still rely on strength when you are young. You can only rely on knowledge after you are old. The rest of the elderly do not have your ability, so they are hard to survive. You are so “hulai”, but you can do well. Alive. I ask you, 2-Layer, do you know?”

“Reading… I have seen some.”

“Well, it’s the right thing. Your Force, it’s impossible to go to 2-Layer for the rest of your life, and no one invites you to go. But the rainy day is the foundation of growth. You kind of person, this age, think more Further is basically impossible. But your study makes you have this possibility. I will ask you again, have you seen these murals?”

“Remember some.” Tang old man was said to be jealous, and he himself did not know what he was doing right.

“Remember? Very good, this is a very correct thing. I ask you, why do you remember?” Tang Shidao smiled.

“There are some pictures of monsters in the cave.”

“No, most of them are not.”

“Well, no one can do it. Remember that there is no, the team can be assured that they will not encounter such a monster.” Tang old man only works according to his heart.

“Remember ‘have’ and remember ‘no’? Very good.”

“…” Tang old man doesn’t know if there is anything good about it. I wonder if the other person thinks more. In fact, I am only doing a better life for my family, try to do as much as I can, and learn a little more, in case I will lose my role in the future.

he does not know.

Tang Shidao From the perspective of the creation of the gods, the ‘survival’ of the old fogey is basically an unknown thing.




The creation of the gods does not need to read the life of a person, just look at these three items to know how a person will probably be. In Tang Shidao’s opinion, this old man probably can’t live thirty, but he is now over a hundred years old. Because of the existence of the secret spring, magical energy can’t nourish too many creatures here, only a small amount of help. Otherwise, he may be younger and stronger.


Only to this extent, he still survived for a hundred years.

If it is Void, I really don’t know what it will look like.

Tang Shidao knows the existence of the world of nothingness, so he does not believe that fate is destined. However, in contrast, if this old man once lived in a world of nothingness, he once had a strong Force and a temper of eagerness. Although death washes his Force and memory, there are still some things that are ‘reserved’.

Then his existence is reasonable.

Tang Shidao is strange… If so, what will be retained?

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