Mage Network

Chapter 1140

After successfully building the life network, Tang Shidao already has a group of devotees who are ‘controlled’. It is currently tens of thousands, and will continue to increase in the future. These people are not the avatars of Tang Shidao, more like the skeleton soldier of the undead Mage, all under the control of the small Wisdom Tree. If Tang Shidao needs it, feel free to ‘fall” or permanently occupy one of them.

Change the angle.

Even without the ability to reincarnate, Tang Shidao can’t be killed by the general method…unless the life network’s life is dead.

on the other hand.

The Soul Network has not yet revealed its fangs. Obviously, it has the same ability to rival the life network. Tang Shidao not only has the life mode of void, but also has the life mode of the virtual world. Therefore, every soul stone may become an advent carrier. The arrogance and contempt of the people of the world are meaningless in the eyes of Tang Shidao.

at this time.

Walking in the secret bridge of the world, both Tang Shidao and Tieyunzhai can sense: Someone is coming.

Moreover, it must be rushed to yourself.

The secret bridge of the world is such a weird and terrifying place. It can’t say ‘bad efficacies, good ignorance’. On the surface, Tang Shidao wants to know the knowledge of refining, and the secret bridge shows a variety of content, which is the good side. Tie Yunzhai was afraid of the giant dragon under the law, and the giant dragon came. This is a bad thing.

But the surface is just the surface.

In the heart of Tang Shidao, encountering giant dragon is not a bad thing. Send a free barbecue for free.

One thing is bad or good. I don’t think I should be able to cope with it. What can be dealt with, no matter how bad things are. It should be untenable, and falling gold in the sky may smash your head. The secret bridge of the world is not friendly to some people. It can only be said that they are too weak. Or, it’s too embarrassing. Or, too greedy. The world is always eating a cake and dying, eating ten cakes to die.

Not weak, not greedy, and the secret bridge of the world will be difficult for you to blame.

“Two, fortunately.”

The road to the secret bridge of the world is very strange, random, and you may encounter anyone at any time.

These people may be deliberately looking for it, or they may not want to run into it.

“Fortunately.” Frankly speaking, Tang Shidao will not be surprised no matter who he sees. This place cannot have only two waves of oneself and the Yuan clan. It has countless people entering, and there are countless people going out, and there are countless others left. Even said that there are countless people who can’t get stuck.

“Not good means, introduce yourself. I am Luo Yi, one of the Roche clan members.” Lu Yuzhi claimed to be Luo Wei.

“My name is Tang Shidao, the next generation. This is Mr. Tie Yunzhai, Tie…”

“Xiaozu.” Tieyunzhai grabbed the words, and really did not dare to claim the clan: “I am only a small character of the Tie family, Mr. Luo Wei laughed. Dare to ask Mr. Luo, you are Luo Xiangyun’s clan, Roche clan Luo What about the old brothers?

“Do you know me?” Luo Wei was slightly surprised.

“I haven’t seen each other since I heard it. After all, you have been away for too long.” Tie Yunzhai only said one sentence, this Luo Yi is the ‘Ancients’ level.

“I noticed that you mentioned Luo Xiangyun. Why, now the Roche clan is Luo Xiangyun Ding Liming?”


“Luo Xiangyu?” Luo Wei was slightly surprised to ask.

“Death, death.”

“Hey, does Luo Xiangyun have such a high force? Then, what about Luo Wei?” Luo asked again.

“Challenging failure, hit hard, and later rebuilding or defeating. Now Luo Xiangyun gives Luojing Luo’s clan members the old status. They will fight again every certain age. At present Luo Xiangyun has won dozens of times, Luo Hao has not yet Winning.” Tie Yunzhai explained in great detail, because this thing is very famous in the dust.

The second echelon challenges the first echelon and fights again at regular intervals.

This ability.

This courage.

Both the challenger and the challenger, both sides are extraordinary. Change to an ordinary person, or Luo Xiangyun got a dead hand, or Luo Hao did not dare to fight again.

“It sounds like a good talk.” Luo Wei listened and suddenly smiled.

“It’s really a good talk in the past.” Tie Yunzhai saw this smile and suddenly felt that things were not as simple as the surface.

“Everyone praises Luo Xiangyun’s broad-mindedness, sea accepts a hundred rivers right?” Luo Yan smiled deeper.

“This… um.”

“Luo Xiangyun did not kill Luo Wei, but he killed Luo Xiangzhen?” Tang Shidao calmly took a sentence.

Just one sentence.

Tie Yunzhai’s face changed, but Luo Wei was still smiling, a strange smile.

Luo Xiangyu, a pillar of the Roche clan, the first echelon. In the decisive battle with Luo Xiangyun, he failed and died, and Luo Xiangyun became the new clan pillar. After that, Luo Wei challenged Luo Xiangyun, failed, and hit hard. However, Luo Xiangyun did not kill him, but also let him rebuild. Even later, he was entrusted with the responsibility of being a big man. It sounds like Luo Xiangyun is a model against the trend.

At the same time, he is broad-minded and does not mind Luo Yi repeatedly challenging.

This story is beautiful.

If it wasn’t for Tang Shidao, the story was really beautiful.

Tie Yunzhai does not know Luo Wei’s clan very well, but he also knows that when Luo Xiangzhen was set to Ding, the strength of the Zong family has a characteristic: the name has a ‘ghost’ character. No one knows what it means, but there is no such thing as Roche’s side branch, and I don’t want to name it. Now, the sect with the word ‘ghost’ has become a brancher, and only Luo Yi has been appointed as a major.

Luo Wei, he became a clan of the clan.

Thinking about the good side, Luo Xiangyun’s “trust” to Luo Wei’s “trust” is nothing to say.

Think about the bad side… Tie Yunzhai can’t think.

As a living person.

They did not doubt the tradition of the first echelon. Those who are high in force are right, the winners are right, and the wealthy are right. Luo Xiangyun is a figure, no one dares to doubt his character. Even Yuanxiao, people think that everything he does is dusty, not bad or bad.

The first echelon is correct, they can’t be wrong.

Do you doubt?

That is your fault.

“Mr. Tang, is it…” Tie Yunzhai is a little difficult to turn around. He used to get used to what he believed.

“I am the next generation, I will not maliciously guess.” Tang Shidao smiled.

“You don’t need to be malicious to guess, I can tell you that Luo Xiao big brother is probably one person against a clan.” Luo Wei is calm, no complaints and no anger, just like something that has nothing to do with him: A long time ago, only the clansman whose name had the word ‘ghost’ was Luo, and the others were all guest, including Luo Xiangyun’s family.”

In this case, the truth has revealed half.

Tie Yunzhai’s face began to look bad.

“Although the clan is different, Roche treats the Hakka very well. Some excellent ones have also been given to surnamed Luo. However, there are excellent ones who are not excellent, and they also want to have the same status. The mediocre share the wealth of the sage. With the status, at the beginning, the clan people did not agree. However, the more the mediocrity is, the more the more people follow. The more people can share, the significance of the effort. So, The root cause is buried.”

The second paragraph is like a monologue, and it is also like a self-report.

Luo’s disappearance does not seem to be simple, it is more like intentional.

“Before I left, the Roche clan was still in charge of Luo Xiangyu. However, Roche decided to abolish the Hakka, and all of them belonged to the sub-family of surnamed Luo. I strongly opposed this matter, but unfortunately, the clan did not listen to me, Luo Xiangyu I have no objection. To be honest, I support clansman equality, but I don’t support equal division. If the laborer pays, the lazy person is white, and the family is still willing to work hard. So, I left.” Luo Wei said the reason.

Tie Yunzhai nodded, and his heart was even worse.

According to this internal factor, everything Luo Xiangyun has done…

“I don’t believe Luo Xiangyun can kill Luo Xiangyu. Even if he is a big brother, he won’t necessarily win. However, if Luo Xiangyun ‘kills Luo Xiangyu’ and is armed with Luo Xiangyu, Luo Wei’s big brother will definitely lose. Oddly, how did he kill Luo Xiangyu? As for the challenge of Luo Xiao’s big brother, it sounds more like ‘feeding’. It challenges every time, and when you are not sure, it is exactly the same as a fool.” Luo Wei does not need to say .

Can be mixed with this level of Mage, no one is an idiot.

Some words, do not understand and understand.

For example, Yuan Lan took Yang Luo’s mother clansman ‘threat’ Yang Luo, let him betray Tang Shidao, Luo Xiangyun’s means may be even more absolute. You know, there is only a small group of clansman in the Roche clan who have the name ‘ghost’. This small group of clansman… Rosie must be preserved.

After Luo Wei finished, the scene was silent.

Tieyun Temple has no sound.

Tang Shidao is still wondering another thing.

After a while.

Luo Wei suddenly asked: “Mr. Tang Shidao all claimed to be ‘the next generation’ and sounded resentful. What happened to you, is it?”

Tang Shidao smiled and shook his head gently: “No, it’s just a small thing.”

at this time.

Tie Yunzhai is also laughing, laughing a little bit: “If you really say what you said, the brother is a one against the family. But this one… Mr. Tang, he is probably a person against the world, the whole world “”

“Hey? Actually, there is such a thing? The encounter must be a fate, let’s have a chat.” Luo Wei showed, naturally, there is a small pavilion next to Yunqiao.

Just appeared.

I haven’t seen it before.

“Is the encounter a fate?” Tang Shidao was slightly surprised to hear this.

“Yes. In the secret bridge of the world, there is no need to miss it, no hate, no hate, no chance. We don’t know, meeting must be the fate.”

“Is this place ideal for modernization?” Tang Shidao asked again.

“I don’t know. Although I stayed for such a long time, I still don’t understand it.” Luo Wei said with a slight smile.

“No wonder, you haven’t said so much.” Tang Shidao has a clear comprehension inside.

“This is not a scandal.”

“Well, it’s right. Now let me ask a question, can I?” Tang Shidao affirmed something, but needed an answer.

“Yes, you please.”

“Is there a person named ‘魃’ among your clan ancestors?”

“Hey?” Luo Yi was also embarrassed.


Thinking very seriously.

This is definitely not perfunctory, and Luo Wei is really serious about it. The name has a ‘ghost’ word and there is no doubt that there is a similarity. The most important thing is that the secret bridge of the world is really no match. There must be some reason for the two sides to meet.

“Last name Luo?” Luo Wei thought for a long time before asking.

“No, there is no surname. However, it has a nickname called ‘Ghost King’.” So far, Tang Shidao also revealed something.


The two did not respond, and they did not hear the name of the ghost king.

“There is no surname, only the name… Well, there is still one possibility. If we have a relationship with each other, this embarrassment is really from the Roche clan, then… it is a woman. For a long time, Roche women did not have a surname. Only name.”

“I don’t think so.” Tang Shidao frowned.

“Then I can’t do it, because the secrets of the Roche clan are only known to the clan pillars. Luo Xiangyu is dead, those secrets… probably no one knows.”

Tang Shidao nodded.

If the secret bridge of the World is no match, then I have been thinking about the problem of life weaving recently. This Luo is one of the related points.

Luo Xiangyu is dead?

It doesn’t matter, there is one that is alive, isn’t it?

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