Mage Network

Chapter 1129

The second technique of Lingling was announced, and the storm on the dust was further expanded. Since the instrument can be divided, there are more than one type of test. There are more choices in life, and low-end instruments may also be helpful. It’s not a bad thing to split 50% of Mage. If you are afraid of being unable to control it, divide 50% into two 25%.

Even if 90% of the division, nothing, get ten pieces of the instrument, each 9%, the deity is 10%, properly or lead.

most important.

After all, the spirit is only a spirit, it can only affect the deity, can not replace the deity … at least not this phenomenon.

Therefore, Mages of Innate Skill is more active.

at the same time.

The elders of the major clan are sighed in relief. In the future, they will lie… oh no, after the distribution to the lower level, you can falsify… Oh no, you can change a more ‘reasonable’ arrangement. For example, the source of iron for Mage around the holy land, pig iron is enough. When you are promoted to the landlord in the future, we will help you to change a better, more obedient, obedient.

This is just as good and kind as the father mother will help you keep the New Year red envelope.

Take away your one hundred.

Give you five hairs.

Don’t worry about your custodial fees.

Speaking of the difference is different.

You ask why the descendants of the upper class use jade, and the descendants of the lower layer use stones? You see, you are more than heart, jade is a stone, the same. The clan selection is talented and everyone treats them equally. For example, you are a group of fools, we have always treated you as a fool, and there is no difference in equality.

At this moment.

Some smart people also know that there are problems.

However, the real smart person will not tell the problem, because everyone only needs the truth that everyone likes to hear, not the bloody truth.

“Tang Shidao is doing something again.”

The name of the old clan members of the major clans, Tang Shidao.

Hearing will be a nightmare.

Can’t hear you can’t sleep.

“Let’s say, what’s the matter?” The old men had to listen. Not only to listen, but also to listen to the first time, the reaction is slow.

“The animal spirit experiment, he succeeded.”

“Speaking that we can understand, we don’t want to think about it now.” The old people are very headaches, this must not be a good word.

“Tang Shidao and Wei Luo have been cultivating a group of old Warcraft who are dying recently. They are not extending their lives or strengthening them. They are familiar with them and helping them to fulfill their wishes. An eagle will voluntarily divide the soul after death. Part of the red smog. The animal spirit experiment is an experiment that divides the fusion of soul and animal spirit. Now there is a new change in the red smog, which increases the source crystal wings of a pair of eagle eagle.”

“…” The old people are sighing and can’t say a word.


too tired.

Can’t keep up with the rhythm.

The birth of the spirit.

The first step: self-division.

It makes the upper and lower levels of the clan a competitive relationship, and the lower clansman both pray for better instrumental assignment.

The second step: the division of the spirit.

It has greatly increased the use of the instrument, and the demand for unlimited resources. The competition for the resources of the major clan has become hot, and the status of the refiner has been upgraded by two levels.

The third step: the fusion of the beast.

“It may change the relationship between major races, such as the beast and Warcraft, Warcraft and humans, humans and spirits. If the fusion experiment works well, the animal trainer system will restart and occupy a certain proportion. From another angle, race The war between the two will be reduced. Because, by virtue of the force of force everywhere, there will be no collaborators in the entire clan.”

“Hey, he is ‘asylum’ weak race.”

“The fusion of the beasts can indeed shelter some weak races. If the fusion of the beasts is beneficial, all Mage will not be able to avoid this path in the future. At that time, a trusted beast is very important. Trust, just need to cultivate daily. If a strong man has a strange animal, his entire race may be sheltered.”

The old people, you say a word, everyone knows the truth.


No one can object to Tang Shidao’s ‘sinister intentions’. Because the fusion of the beast is good, everyone will do it, and whoever does not do is a fool. It is not a sin to shelter a weak race. On the surface, everyone has an attitude of ‘we like to do the same’. No way, the big clan must have a guest, and the relative clan is a weak race.

You said that you don’t like weak races, and the Hakkas have to run out.

Five days later.

Wei Luo went back to battle and played another game with the player who owned the instrument. Of course, the attitude is enthusiasm, the atmosphere is friendly, and the contest is fair. Wei Luosheng is at the speed of the source crystal wings, the other side wins in the original Force.

So, draw.

Is it impossible to fight in the fighting pool?

Do not.

Not necessarily.

Players with similar strengths may be fighting for decades, and the audience will not let you play for so long. In addition to the similar strength of the draw, one side of the retreat may also be a draw. Retreat does not mean that the strength is poor, the strength is higher, but do not want to waste good things will also give way. This time, Wei Luo was obviously weak, but the other side retreated and made a draw.


He is not a fool. Now, the members of the major clan of Wei Luolian are hard to meet. He is not a fighter.


I agree to play this way, he is for a performance.

Wei Luo is now the top exposure, and he will take a look at himself when he plays a whole life. He is also clear about the mission of this field. All ethnic groups are not interested in the outcome of the game, and are only interested in the experimental results of the ‘beast fusion’. Therefore, let the source crystal bi-wing show forformable power, he only tried to cooperate with Wei Luo’s performance.

After the draw, the player is honored to be remembered.

“I will find you next time.”

In a word, the fighting player almost cried. It’s not easy, it’s finally mixed up. Although he was not qualified to have a name in the past, the sentence of ‘Wei Luo’s opponent’ in the various ethnic groups has been satisfied. Next time, Wei Luo will probably become stronger and more likely to defeat himself. But it doesn’t matter, it can be defeated under the top traffic, and it is not lost when it is killed.

Aside from the crowd, I heard all kinds of envy and hatred.


This is not the end.

Only one day apart.

Wei Luo came again and brought a sentence: “Mr. Yang Mo, Mr. Tang saw our game. He said that your spiritual practice is a bit wrong, and the next time I play with me may not be worth seeing. So, Mr. Tang I want to ask you to go over it, he wants to give you some advice.”

At this time, the name of Yang was smashed.


He was the first to hear such a polite speech. What to provide a little opinion, clearly is to teach, teach you to practice.

Without the slightest hesitation, Yang Mo nodded and agreed.

Don’t talk about teaching at this time, take away the slice and recognize it.

See this situation.

The other players in the fighting pool are even more envious. Since the birth of the spirit, Tang Shidao has been unable to be treated as a fighter, and it is clearly a rising star in the world. The recent expansion of Zongzi League is extremely fast, and new clan is joined every day. If Mr. Tang is not a visitor to the next generation, his level is mixed into the sect master of the new clan.

Coming to the next generation.

This identity takes too long and too long to cover up, and it is impossible to be forgotten in a short time.

At this moment.


All major forces have received the experimental report and related materials of ‘Beast Spirit Fusion’. It can be said that they are not surprised to have problems. That is the emperor, when is the emperor ‘the bottom is inactive’. Even if he is the bottom note, what he has done is never low-key.

more important.

“He has the creation of the gods, that is the most reasonable explanation.” The elderly have often contacted friends recently to discuss the dusty world.

“Yes, those people will doubt the power of the Emperor, but the creation of the world is the best evidence.” One @长者 agrees with this sentence.

“There are very few Forces we have seen?” Dagan Luo did not believe that the dust was so weak.

“Yes, very few.” The original ancestral turtle is the clearest aspect.

“What about other forces?” Dagan Luo’s guardian void is very diligent, but it is just doing this. In a sense, he was one step away from the group of people in the Great Quebec and the Great Nine, not to the extent of entering the battlefield against foreign enemies.

“Most of them are outside the world.” The original ancestors did know some news.

“Hey, don’t you say that they are outside the invasion?” Dagan Luo listened a little strange.

“Two dry, do you think people on the dust are fools?”

“Ah? Of course not.”

“In this case, why do you think it is okay? We all know that the dust is the top of the pyramid, the highest, the top, and the most important is the ‘limited space’. Although it will gradually increase, it is completely inferior to the life race. The growth rate. In our opinion, this place is no different from the dead.” The original ancestors smiled.

“They are looking for a new way?” Dagan Luo woke up as soon as he heard it.

“Yes. The outside world is only a superficial means. What really is being done is: occupying the outside world and expanding new living space. It is better to use an example. Primodial jurisdiction, one of the outside world, from the original Taichu town Sitting on the guardian. In the dusty world, there may be very few outsiders who like to study academics. However, there are countless other worlds in the world of Force.”

“…” Big Gan.

“You didn’t get it wrong. In the outside world, there are a lot of people with the same strength as the original Taiyuan. But they are different. They are different from people like Yuanxiao. They don’t see the resource of void. I don’t want to be desperate with the big phoenix. Maybe you can’t understand it, but their group of murderers may die. It’s a scarecrow, it wins and kills, and how many resurrection pools are useless.”

“So, the emperor is just watching?”

“He is probably still exploring, by the way, studying academics. As far as the known Force is concerned, the Emperor can be defeated except for the first echelon. You think that this level of Force can suppress all the big voids, let Big Quehuang and Dajiu Can the people of the world not get out of it? At this level, the same year, the spirits and Zen nine, one person can sweep. You think that the dust is small, the dust that I understand is big, it is not like Big void small.” The original ancestral turtle explained.

Said that you only see one point.

Behind this point, it is also connected to countless circles.

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