Mage Network

Chapter 1127

Faling, spirit, two nouns spread, everyone is a little embarrassed.

The Failing lords of the major voids heard more information and knew the existence of the Great Soul, but still could not understand the meaning of the spirit. The dusty Mage strongs only heard the last paragraph, knowing less information, and never imagined at all. At this moment, their only advantage, Wei Luo has the ‘instance’ red smog can provide research.

But is Wei Luo so good to talk?

of course not.

“Sorry everyone, I only give priority to friends who don’t fight Zongmeng.” Wei Luo naturally refused everyone’s invitation and said that he really didn’t have time.

“Mr. Wei Luo, can we send scholars to study the red smoke together?” everyone asked.

“You need to ask Tie Yunzhai to be an old man. I personally have no opinion. The second thing, Mr. Tang has been studying the things of the spirit and looking for a more convenient way. So, I hope you don’t bother. Maybe Mr. Tang doesn’t mind, but we will remember who is the instigator and who is the cooperating person.鈥?Wei Luo indifferently said, suggesting that there is a blacklist for the War Zong League, to see who will.

Everyone naturally knows that it is not good to disturb now, nor dare to do bad things.


The Yuan clan and so on have a lot of war faction clan. They had tried to suppress this next-time visitor. I didn’t expect people not to sink, but to rise higher. Going this way, Tang Shidao is not a problem.

“Report up.”

“Yeah.” Yuan Zhen heard the advice of his subordinates and agreed. Now is not the time to use things.

In fact.

At the time when the name of the instrumentality came out, the major clan held a meeting.

For example, the Wei’s clan.

Wei Lieqi immediately convened all the old members and re-discussed the question about Wei Luo. The guardian is assigned to the scene and the rest can use the remote magic image to participate. This time, we must not come, at least we must send representatives of the sub-branch.

“Well, everyone is gathering, let’s get started.” When Wei Liqi opened his mouth, the atmosphere immediately changed.

Older than ordinary staff.

The old man is not only more advanced, but also knows more secret things.

If you are so serious, you must have a serious event.

“The defending champion has already spoken…” Wei Lieqi, a senior member, said that the scene was quiet. The name of the defending division is too big, the column of the clan, the members of the old people are afraid to breathe a bite: “The elders of the spiritual things know, and they have seen it with their own eyes. The elders said that regardless of self-segmentation or ancestor The fusion of the spirit, both can be achieved. The confident person is best to choose the second, the ancestral level… Although difficult, but can not be reached.”

“Yes,” a group of old people are also listening, and the average level of people can not think.

What is the life universe?

Refers to what is God or something.

Not a peerless genius can’t play.

There are now defending doctors’ licenses, and they are also relieved. Compared with outsiders, they definitely believe in the column of the clan.

“The second thing. If you want to study this kind of implementation technique, it is best to be self-aware. The elders said that he has no exact way to achieve it. It is only a little clue. Tang Shidao gives the method, but the technique is probably It鈥檚 just that he knows the talent. Half of the red smoke is Wei Luo鈥檚 own, flesh and blood, and the red smoke is half.鈥?

鈥淚s this possible?鈥?The old men couldn鈥檛 help but whisper.

“Don’t ask me, I don’t know. The elders said this, I just said this. The elders also said that Tang Shidao probably has some way to separate Wei Luo and half of it into the red smoke. You can understand For the sake of Wei Luo, even if he died, he is not really dead. He is alive when he is alive. Now the red smoke is like a living creature, and it has the possibility of self-cultivation. Therefore, Wei Luo, his spirit, red smoke, The three add up to save his ordinary Innate Skill.”

“The old and the old, the elders want the clan to repay Weiluo?” The old men could not help but ask.

鈥淭here is no such thing as saying that the elders mean the spirit itself. It is very important to change the inn skill of the Innate Skill. Our big family has many poor descendants, and if they are willing to pay, they may get overturned. The opportunity to call today is to discuss this matter. Do we have to enforce it?”

“This…” All the members listened and hesitated.

Spiritual things.

There is nothing wrong with Gabriel.

However, the universal implementation is difficult. reason? lack of resources!

In the dust, the resources of magic materials are naturally rich. However, the instrument is not necessarily. On the surface, everyone has a complete set of fittings, and the size of the manipulators is more than ten pieces per person. From another angle, there are many common implements, but the top implements are few. The players in the fighting pool, each with at least one set of source iron implements. It seems that there are many, in fact, how many people in a clan can enter the fighting pool?

Looking at the top of the pyramid, one eye is all dominated by the spirit.

But the truth is… the ruler is only a tiny amount of existence.


The landlord.

Holy place.

These characters are not too many, and at most they will always be ordinary Mage and ordinary people.

The Wei’s clan, the fighting pool player, dozens of source iron implements are normal. However, the descendants of the ‘level difference’ in the flag of Wei Lie are not referring to them, but Mage is the sacred place of the Supreme Lord. These people occupy the most and are unimaginable.

Do the old people do not want these people to grow up?

miss you!

Do the old people need them to work?


But why hesitate?

The reason is simple…because the instrument will not fall from the sky. Although the birth pool will be sprayed, it is also very accidental.


If you nod your head, where does the instrument come from?

The answer is: the upper layer split.

To put it bluntly, it is reduced from the hands of the top warriors of the clan and then assigned to the next level. The next layer is also reduced and assigned to the lower layer. To be more plain, the old people must first take out some of them and divide them into the top forces of the sub-branch. Then, these top-level forces will reduce their share and give it to the Supreme, and the Supreme will be given to the Lord.

“I don’t force you.” Wei Lieqi also knows it is difficult.

This group of people.

It is easy to eat into the stomach and it is difficult to spit it out.

It is difficult.

“I will reduce the 90% of the instruments and give them to the outstanding descendants of the Zongmai. If you are willing to split the soul of the soul, look at their own meaning. You can go back and think about it and think clearly. The deliberation is only the beginning, and you don’t have to rush to give the answer.鈥?Wei Lieqi鈥檚 attitude is also a warning.


This word is a toxin in the dust.

The fight is slow.

The road is slow.

The collection is slow.

The study is slow.

Any kind of ‘slow’ is a toxin, the toxin that most people don’t want.

The veterans are not fools. They all know that once the Wei clan does not do this, other clan do. Then, one day, a thousand years, a hundred years, or a shorter time. Other clan will have a large number of talents, and the Wei clan will become a ‘talented wither’ situation. You must know that in addition to the native, there is also a large family of patrons.

If the Hakkas are not good, they can easily switch to other clan.

It is definitely given.

Otherwise, I have no fun.

But, given how much, this is a problem. Without pretending, this is actually cutting your own flesh. When you kneel down, don鈥檛 hesitate to blame.

The Wei’s clan has not been discussed.

at the same time.

The other clan is also in the same meeting, the content is basically the same. It is even said that all major voids have similar meetings, and each force can’t get around this problem. The spirit of Faling represents the top of the road, but the spirit represents the hope of ‘slag’. Every force is the same, there are few excellent seeds, and there are many slag seeds. Therefore, no one can dare to neglect the problem of spirituality.

“We were put together by Tang Shidao.” Yuan Zhen was recently unhappy.

“It’s good for us too.” Yuan’s old people can understand, but the benefits of the spirit are real.

“A good guy.” Yuan Zhen Yu Fury has not disappeared.

“Really.” The old men also nodded.

It is not inappropriate to give Tang Shidao a ‘鐙?#8217; word because it is not a fair world. It should be said that although there are many resources here, it is always stronger and stronger, and the weaker are getting less and less. Why are there private treasures for the hidden treasure and the Weidhi hidden treasure? The reason is that the top layer never lacks resources, only the lower layers are lacking.

Today, Tang Shidao ‘one hit’ penetrates the backpack of all the strong.

Don’t think about it if you don’t miss something.

Can this be opposed?


Because all the clan have slag, you didn’t save them because there was no way. Now, there is a way, you still can’t save…hehe, Weiluo can leave the Wei’s clan, we don’t know how to leave the Yuan clan? You don’t give us something to make a spirit, let’s find someone else.

Everyone knows this kind of mood.

For example, Yuanxiao.

Even if he opposed it in his mouth, he thought about it inside: Should the elders of Yuanxiao give me a good thing? Let me rise to the second half? For so many years, there is no credit and no hard work.

He can think like this, and other people in the family naturally think so.

“We must appease everyone, the distribution must be changed, and the middle and lower layers are more divided. The old members, I am not against you. This time, our Yuan clan can’t be alone. Tang Shidao, this person is my miscalculation, I To a great extent, this person should have been killed or expelled from the past. Now that we are late, we will appease our family first.”

“We understand.” The old men have a bitter face. The mouth says that understanding, the heart can not understand.

Yuan Zhen could not say more.

The more troublesome thing is the follow-up. Whether you are a person or a clan, you can concentrate on Force and resources to grow. Once the resources are scattered, the whole is getting better, but the fist with the most Force is soft. The Yuan clan changed its distribution, and the hunting corps sent to the next generation also had to be reduced. Without military resources, blind wars only hurt themselves.

Don’t say anything else.

In the recent period, the dusty world has to suspend the ‘strategy’ of the next generation, and deal with the clan affairs first.

It can be said.

Just the word of the spirit, each of the next world can get the opportunity to ‘rehabilitate’.

at this time.

Void somewhere.

A dozen special silhouette gathering heads, they also have familiarity with the silhouette of the big phoenix, the big IX, the original too early.

“You said, how does the soul study this thing?” Although the original strength was strong, the academics were not as good as others.

“Is he going to the world of nothingness?” The big phoenix is 鈥嬧€媠till an egg, not born.

“How do you say?” I asked strangely at the beginning.

When he “killed” him, he disappeared for a while. The world of nothingness is also the world of life, but it is death for us. I have both big life and big death, but I can’t study big soul. He can succeed. I am afraid there are more than two conditions.” Big phoenix also has a lot of things, and it is one of the founders of the Mage Network.

“Have you been there?” asked Grand IX.

“No, I don’t have time to go, I can’t get away. But I sent something to go, so I know a little.” Da Kuihuang replied.

“I have been to eight times, but I can’t study the great soul. I think that the soul is an energy body, nothing special.” The Great Nine World experienced a little experience, and actually went to eight virtual worlds.

“In any case, we can relax for a while.”

“Yeah. We have been unable to get a breather for many years. I didn’t expect an idea to be realized in the district.” Big IX exclaimed.

鈥淭he Mage Network has talented people and the Mage Network is fortunate.鈥?

“It is also our luck.”

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