Chapter 10: If you get a wife like this, what does your husband want? (Seeking collection, flowers, monthly pass, praise.)

Ye family, study room.

After completing the Universe, Ye Xuzhang suddenly opened his eyes, his expression a little confused.

“It’s weird, why is it so smooth today?”

“About twice as fast as usual?”

How did Ye Xuzhang know that Mrs. own is a pure yin body, and he is an extremely rare pure yang body.

Yesterday, after the bridal chamber, the two people intersect with each other, and the universe is blended, and they have reached the point where Yin & Yang are mutually beneficial.

This has great benefits for both of them.

Not only does the practice become faster, but it also has the effect of purging the essence, making the qualifications of both husband and wife to a higher level.


Another Universe ran, and there was a knock on the door.

“Miangong, it’s noon, it’s time to eat.”

“Oh, here it comes.”


Pushing the door open, Qi Yixuan was waiting outside the door with a smile on his face.

Seeing Ye Xuzhang come out, she gave a light salute, and said softly: “I have seen Xiang Gong.”

“Madam, don’t be so restrained in the future. You will have to be courteous every time you meet. It’s too tired.”

Qi Yixuan felt sweet and nodded gently: “Well, it’s fair to hear.”

“Msang Gong, I have something to tell you about my concubine.”

Immediately, Qi Yixuan informed Ye Xuzhang about what she had just met Ye Xiaoyu.

“Msang-gong, you don’t blame me for my own opinion, do you?”

After a woman marries as a woman, the dowry is her last guarantee.

In this era, because divorce is commonplace, a woman’s dowry is extremely important.

In many couples, even if they have deep feelings, their wives will not easily give out their dowry to their husbands.

What about own wife?

Only the second day after he married into Ye Mansion, he took out twenty thousand taels!

If you have a wife like this, what can your husband ask for?

Ye Xuzhang sighed, and secretly said in his heart: “Madam, I will definitely treat you well.”


When I came to the restaurant, there were two tables in it.

One of them is used by Ye Xuzhang and his wife, and the other is used by Liu Dalu, Chunmei, and Uncle Chen.

As for the other servants in the house, they all eat in the room.

The hag’s name in Ye Mansion was Xie Lan, because she came to Ye Family with Qi Yixuan, and she was considered the core figure of Ye Family, so she ate with Uncle Chen and the others.

After the husband and wife were seated, Qi Yixuan picked up a piece of fish and placed it in the Ye Xuzhang bowl.

“Msang Gong, this is the braised fish made by my concubine herself. You can try it.”

Ye Xuzhang picks up the fish and puts it in the mouth. It is delicious and salty, with a hint of spicy in the fragrance, which is appetizing.

“It’s delicious.” Ye Xuzhang praised.

“If it tastes delicious, eat more.” Qi Yixuan clamped another piece, with endless joy in her face.

It seems that getting Ye Xuzhang’s appreciation is the happiest thing in her life.

“Madam, in fact, Dalu cooking is delicious, you don’t have to be so tired.”

Qi Yixuan shook her head: “Not tired, not tired, as long as Xianggong likes it, the concubine will do it for Xianggong every day.”


That’s what she said, and that’s what she did.

One year passed quickly after the cold and the heat.

Since this day, the lady Ye Xuzhang has three meals a day plus a supper, all by herself, and she only cooks it for Ye Xuzhang alone, so that he can enjoy it.

Ye Xuzhang is naturally very satisfied with Mrs. own.

She is gentle and virtuous, with a heart and soul, not only is considerate to herself in every way, but also has a good sense of family.

Since she got married, she has been in charge of things in the mansion on the third day, life costs, everything is handled in an orderly manner.

On Ye Xuzhang’s side, martial arts progress is also extremely rapid.

After that day, the system issued several sign-in tasks.

In total, he gave Ye Xuzhang nearly ten years of skill!

And he is only two years away from worrying about exposing martial arts.


(New book set sail, seeking collection, flowers, monthly ticket, book review, praise.)*

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