Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 295: 295, attack!

   Chapter 295 295, attack!

   "Second brother, what's wrong with you?"

   The third child immediately approached the fainted second child. He had no doubts about Qi Qing's words. After all, one was a tall man, and the other was a girl who was powerless.

   It is impossible for her to bring down his second brother even a weak woman.

   "Second brother. Mmmmmmm~"

   The third child didn't even have time to scream, let alone turn around to look at the person who attacked him, and the whole person was hit by a powerful electric current.

  Qi Qing gritted her teeth and pressed firmly on the things in her hands.

   "Poke you to death! Poke you to death!"

The little **** the side    widened her eyes and covered her mouth with her hands, for fear that she would make a sound.


   At this moment, Qin Tianru rushed over. She was worried about the two girls. After she completely cleaned up the fourth child, she immediately came over.

   Hearing the voice of the eldest sister-in-law, Qi Qing seemed to have found the backbone and support in an instant, she withdrew her hand, turned around and threw herself into her sister-in-law's arms.

   "Are you okay?"

  Qin Tianru was afraid that she would be a step behind and Xiaoqing would be taken advantage of, so she really had no face to face her parents and brother Han.

   Her idea is indeed very risky, but it is the best way to get out at the moment, and it is also the way to reduce the damage rate of the whole car.

   "I'm fine, how about you, sister-in-law?"

   Qi Qing immediately withdrew from her embrace and looked at Qin Tianru with concern.

   "I'm fine too."

   Qin Tianru smiled and patted Qi Qing's head soothingly, but his eyes inadvertently caught sight of the little girl behind him. Seeing her face was frightened, her eyes were red and swollen.

   "Little sister, are you alright?"

   Qin Tianru came over and asked gently.

   Zhou Qi shook her head blankly.

   Qin Tianru nodded reassuringly, fortunately, he started quickly, seeing that her clothes were complete, it should be that the gangster had not had time to start.

   "Xiaoqing, take your little sister to hide in the grass over there. No matter what you hear, don't make a sound, and don't come out. Can you hear it clearly?"

   "Sister-in-law~" Qi Qing felt a little uneasy when she heard her sister-in-law's explanation.

   "Don't worry, my big brother and I have our own way, nothing will happen, as long as you obediently protect yourselves, it will be the greatest help, understand?"

  Qi Qing nodded with red eyes, and then she gritted her teeth and pulled the little girl, resolutely hiding in a lush grass.

  Qin Tianru stayed in front of the two fainted gangsters, waiting for the next target to be delivered to the door.

   Count the time, someone should be coming soon.


  The development of things was indeed as expected by Qin Tian. The three gangsters in the bus heard the screams of their brothers. If it was just one person's voice, they could still think that the brothers were having some fun.

   But they heard a scream, and the two voices were not the same person, so they couldn't ignore it.

The eldest headed by    frowned and instructed the fifth eldest behind the car.

   "Fifth, go and see what's going on, let the three of them hurry up and let it go, don't spend it on women all the time."

   The fifth man nodded silently, and got out of the car with the big knife in his hand.

   Seeing this, a trace of worry flashed in Qi Han's eyes.

  The fifth brother walked towards the grass not far away, "Second brother, third brother."

   Seeing no answer, he continued to call while walking.

   "Help me~"

   Suddenly, a weak female voice sounded from the grass on one side.

  The old fifth immediately rushed towards the sound source with the big knife, and a figure could be vaguely seen in a grass.

   "Second brother, third brother!"

   Qin Tianru squatted on the ground, his face was full of timidity, and his eyes were full of fear.

   "What's the matter?" The fifth man pointed at the woman with a big knife.

   Qin Tianru's voice trembled, occasionally shaking his small body.

   "That. There are ghosts and they are taken away. It's scary. They are coming to arrest us soon. There are really ghosts"

   Old fifth's whole face wrinkled, what did he hear?


   He couldn't help looking around, only to realize that there were indeed three people missing.

Where did    go?

  Suddenly, there was a rustling sound all around, and the fifth froze.

what sound?

   Qin Tianru shrank his neck at the right time, trembling all over, and his eyes were full of horror.

   "Come. The ghost is here~"

  Old fifth suddenly felt a chill on his back, as if something really blew cold air on his neck, he couldn't help swallowing, and looked around defensively.

The sound of    was getting closer, and the old fifth clenched the big knife in his hand.

   Suddenly, he felt as if his right foot was being grabbed by something.

   followed closely, his left foot was also tightly wrapped, and he didn't dare to look down.

   In this world, no matter how vicious people are, they will be afraid when facing some unknown and confusing behaviors.

   At this moment, the fifth felt that something on his back was slowly climbing up, slowly coming from his waist to his neck.

   His entire back was tense and straight, did he really meet a ghost?

  Suddenly, he felt as if something sharp had bitten his neck. The fifth was completely frightened. He didn't want to die!

   He can't die!

   Feeling that something on his neck was about to bite him again, the fifth man was stunned and ran around, shouting uncontrollably.

   "Ghost~ don't eat me! Ah~"

Lao Wu originally wanted to run to the bus to ask for help, but he was suddenly tripped under his feet, and he fell directly to the ground. Not only that, his feet seemed to be caught by something, and he was dragged back directly. .

   "Boss help me~ help me~"


  On the bus, the only two gangsters who were scared also heard the movement outside, but because they were still separated by a distance, they didn't hear the content clearly, they only knew that the voice was very tragic.

   This is definitely not the sound of having fun, obviously something is going on outside.

   The sixth man, who was originally on the big knife and controlled the driver, said, "Boss, you stay here, I'll go take a look."

   The gangster nodded solemnly, "Well, be careful."

   The driver's neck was freed, and he exhaled a big breath, but there was an incomparably tall and fierce man standing in the aisle at the front of the car, and he could only wait for the opportunity secretly.

   Qi Han saw that only the most ferocious gangster was left in the car, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, finally it was his turn!

   The head of the gangster suddenly saw a young man stand up, and he walked towards him with a fearless face.

   He realized that something was wrong, and immediately picked up the big knife and pointed it at the young man.

   "Stop for me! Don't move! If I move again, I will hack you to death!"

   He is the only one in the car now. If the scene is chaotic at this time, he may not be able to control the situation, so he has to calm down the scene and is not suitable for the time being.

   Qi Han sullenly said, "Get out of the way, I'm going down to save my daughter-in-law, something must have happened outside."

   "Go back! Do you hear me?"

   The gangster remained unmoved, and continued to intimidate the opponent with a stern face. He even raised the big knife in his hand, but the young man on the opposite side suddenly bent down.

   "what are you doing"

   Two thousand plus more completed~!

   Well, the rewards and updates owed to everyone are finally repaid, it's not easy o(╥﹏╥)o



   (end of this chapter)

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