Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 276: 276, confessing to the family

   Chapter 276 276, revealing to the family

   Around 6:30 in the evening, the couple went around the road and returned to the Qi's small courtyard.

   Qin Tianru was carrying a vegetable basket with some fresh fungi, which she took out from the storage space, holding a gray rabbit in her arms.

   And Qi Han was holding two big fish **** in his left hand, and a pheasant weighing about four or five pounds in his right hand.

  In the courtyard, Shen Yuerong had already prepared dinner, and a few people were sitting in the courtyard waiting for the young couple to return home to eat together.

   During this period of time, she followed Huanhuan every day to watch her cook, not to mention that this cooking skill has really improved a lot, at least it is more delicious than the previous meals.

   "We're back~"

   Qin Tianru greeted cheerfully as he stepped into the yard.

   "Wow! Brother, where did you catch the big fish?"

  Qi Jun saw what the elder brother was holding in his hand, and immediately got up to meet him, taking the two big fish in his hand, his eyes full of novelty.

   This was the first time he saw fish after the family returned to their hometown.

  There is also a small stream in the village, but the water is not deep. Occasionally, you can see some small shrimps, fish, crabs, etc., but you seldom see fish the size of a palm, not to mention that the big brother brought back such a big fish.

   "It seems that you have a good harvest from going up the mountain today."

   Qi Yuanhua was greatly exclaimed for their good luck when he saw that the young couple returned home full of rewards, with neither hands free.

  To say that he had reservations about 'lucky luck' before, now he believes it 100%.

   was really confirmed by his daughter-in-law, Huanhuan is a lucky star, born with good fortune and good luck.

   If one or two times can be said to be a coincidence, if there is a windfall each time, then it is really good luck.

  Although I realized that this eldest daughter-in-law is not ordinary before, this awareness is even more profound now.

   Up to now, neither of the couple has asked where the things are hidden, just like the precious wood in the home before, they chose to believe in Huanhuan, so they did not ask.

   Thinking of the deep meaning behind this, Qi Yuanhua instantly restrained his mind.

   "Not bad luck." Qin Tianru replied with a modest smile.

  Qi Qing happily approached Qin Tianru, reached out and stroked the gray rabbit in her arms.

   "Sister-in-law, you caught another rabbit, just right, you can make a pair with my little white rabbit, uh, is this rabbit a male or a female?"

   Qin Tianru glanced at the gray rabbit, dumbfounded, "Male."

   "That's great, sister-in-law, let's keep this gray rabbit too. It just happens to be a pair with the white rabbit. Maybe it will give birth to a lot of little rabbits for our family in the future!"

  Qi Qing expressed a little excited, she felt a little lonely with only one white rabbit.

  Qin Tianru directly handed the gray rabbit to Qi Qing, "Yes, as long as you don't think it's troublesome to keep, I have no problem."

   "Thank you, sister-in-law, you are the best~" Qi Qing cheered while hugging the gray rabbit.

  Shen Yuerong shook her head helplessly. She was also blessed with good fortune. Every time she entered the mountain, she could catch wild game.

   If there were no pheasants and two big fish, she would definitely not agree to her daughter raising rabbits. After all, people must live well before they can have extra energy to do other things.

   "Boss, didn't you go up the mountain? Where did these two big fish come from?"

   Qi Han put the fish into a vegetable sink, and then turned around to answer.

   "We found it in the mountains."

   "Huh?" Shen Yuerong was surprised.

  Qi Jun looked in disbelief, "Brother, are you making us laugh, how can there be fish in this mountain? Could it be that there are streams and rivers in this mountain?"

  Qi Yuanhua guessed, "Have you entered the deep mountains? Is there a cold pool in the deep mountains?"

   Qin Tianru knew that they had a lot of doubts, so he motioned everyone to enter the room and talk about it.

   "We did enter the deep mountains, but don't worry, we didn't encounter any ferocious beasts, and the whole process was peaceful and smooth.

   You also know that my luck is good, maybe it is a natural intuition that I feel that I can enter the deep mountains, so I took Brother Han into the deep mountains to have a look.

  As a result, we got lost by accident, so we had to follow our feeling, and then we found a very hidden mountain in the deepest part of the mountain.

The scenery there is very unique, just like the paradise described in the poem. There is a small lake in the valley. The fish in the lake are fat and big, and they are very stupid. You can hold any vegetable basket in your pocket. .

   However, what surprised us the most was that there was actually a natural hot spring pool in the valley. Brother Han and I soaked in the bath for a while this afternoon, and found that the spring water can relieve the fatigue of the human body.

   In short, after soaking, the whole body feels a sense of comfort, as if the pores have been opened, and there is a sense of relaxation from the inside out.”

  Qin Tianru inadvertently saw that several of them were stunned, as if they were listening to a book from heaven, and couldn't help but stop talking.

   Could it be that there is something wrong with her expression?

   She just wanted them to know the benefits of that hot spring pool.

"what's wrong?"

  Qi Qing slowly closed her slightly opened mouth, paused, and spoke again.

   "Sister-in-law, what are you talking about? Why do I have the feeling of listening to some martial arts stories from outsiders?"

   Qi Jun's eyes were full of curiosity, "Sister-in-law, is what you said true? Is that valley a treasure land left by hermit masters?"

   Qi Han stretched out his hand and poked his brother in the forehead, "What are you thinking, don't read some messy storybooks all day."

  Qi Jun covered his forehead, "Didn't I hear something from my sister-in-law~"

   "Xiao Jun, sit down and don't interfere with your sister-in-law's speech." Qi Yuanhua couldn't help telling his younger son, but he was actually full of curiosity.

  Shen Yuerong took the opportunity to ask, "Huanhuan, is the valley not in danger?"

"Don't worry, mother, do you think that Brother Han and I are people who have something to do with each other? Don't you think both of us look much better?" Qin Tianru smiled, and deliberately turned his face from side to side to show it to him. They look.

   "Uh, when you say that, it seems that something has really changed."

   Shen Yuerong's eyes focused on Huanhuan's little face, and then glanced at her eldest son's face, which seemed to be more complex than when she went out in the morning, and she was much more energetic.

   It stands to reason that the couple went back and forth up and down the mountain today, and they stayed in the mountain for so long. They should be very tired and in low spirits.

   But neither of them looked like people who had tossed around in the mountains for a day, whether it was the complexion on their faces or their mental state.

   "Sister-in-law, can you take me to the valley next time?"

   (end of this chapter)

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