Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 266: 266, processing results

   Chapter 266 266, Processing Results

  Li Daniu's old lady brought a group of relatives, and came to the Zhou family murderously, and asked the Zhou family to compensate and apologize.

   There were more than a dozen tall, middle-aged men from the Li family, and they kicked the courtyard gate of the Zhou family directly.

   Such a big movement immediately attracted the attention of the surrounding neighbors.

   At this time, it was time for every family to have breakfast, so after hearing the news, everyone rushed to the door of Zhou's house to watch the excitement.

   In addition, someone shouted loudly on the way to notify the brigade captain, so within a short time, most of the people in the village ran to the gate of Zhou's house.

   Even the Qi family who lived in the village heard some noise.

   "Daddy, I'll take a look."

   Qi Jun took a meat bun in his mouth and ran outside.

   "This brat!"

   Qi Yuanhua glared angrily, and when he asked him to do something, why didn't he see him so active, he was busy and had fun, and ran faster than a rabbit.

   "Is the brigade gathering again?" Qi Qing took a mouthful of rice porridge and glanced outside the courtyard gate.

   Qi Yuanhua was almost done eating, and he was also worried about the movement outside.

   "I'll go and see, you eat."

   What's the matter, so I can catch the stinky boy back.

   So, the three of them sat in the main room and continued to eat their breakfast leisurely.

   Today is Bamboo Bacon Bun with Bamboo Shoots, super delicious!

   Qin Tianru ate the delicious meat bun with a look of enjoyment, and was not interested in what was happening outside.

   Of course, there is a group of cute spies, and she can know what happened in the village without her going out to inquire.

   It was because she heard the 'report' immediately, so she was not interested.

  The matter of Zhou and Li's family is not as good as the meat buns in her hands!

   After Niangsan finished eating breakfast and cleaned up the stove and the main room, Qi Yuanhua and his son walked back leisurely.

  Shen Yuerong asked casually, "What's wrong? Has something happened to someone?"

  Qi Jun couldn't wait to tell the three of them the scene of the incident.

   It turned out that the matter of Li Daniu and Zhou Qiang was spread to the production team where Li Daniu was, and the whole team was watching the jokes of the Li family.

   This kind of thing is very appalling even in the countryside, and some people have never heard of such a thing in their entire life.

   One can imagine how much shock this incident has brought to everyone, and it has also caused a lot of bad influence.

  If there is a scandal in any of the brigade, it will also affect the reputation of the brigade, which will have a great impact on the village.

   Therefore, the Li Daniu family was reluctant to recognize this stigma, so after the family discussed it, they decided to put all the faults on Zhou Qiang.

  No matter what, their Li family will never bear this reputation.

   This is also the reason why Li Daniu's old lady can call so many young and strong young men, but any relatives who are close to the deceased do not want to be affected by Li Daniu's reputation.

The purpose of the    Li family is also very simple. They came to the Zhou family as victims to ask for an explanation, and even wanted to ask for compensation.

   "Ah? The Li family asked the Zhou family for an explanation?"

  Qi Qing looked surprised, obviously unable to understand the Zhou family's brain circuits.

   What happened yesterday, it seems that Li Daniu is better? He was the one who made Zhou Qiang faint.

   So, who is the victim?

  Qi Yuanhua continued, "Well, the Li family said that Zhou Qiang used some kind of trick to frame and smear Li Daniel, and also said that Zhou Qiang asked Li Daniel to go there yesterday, and the location was also fixed by Zhou Qiang"

   This time, he can be considered to have seen what a country vixen is. That old lady of Li Daniu, let alone how ugly the words are.

The meaning of    in that sentence is that Zhou Qiang is an abnormal pervert, that thing is just a decoration, a man wants to be the one under the pressure, and in short, he scolded a lot of ugly words.

The purpose of the    Li family is very simple, that is, to ask the Zhou family to compensate and apologize, to make up for the loss of their Li family, and to make the Zhou family bear all the crimes.

   Then, the two families stood in the yard and started arguing, and even started to fight. In the end, Qi Zhongkang came forward and asked people to separate the two families.

   "What about the end? Does the Zhou family agree?"

   Shen Yuerong was a little curious, but she felt that with Li Zhaodi's temperament, she should not easily compromise.

   For someone who likes to take advantage, it is probably more uncomfortable to make her lose money than to kill her.

  Qi Jun replied quickly: "It's a loss!"

   Qin Tianru raised the corner of his mouth slightly, but the result was completely unexpected.

   The play of the two families' dog bites dog is really wonderful.

   She hadn't even gotten into it yet, and they started fighting within themselves.

   She guessed that Li Daniu should use himself as a weight to blackmail Zhou Qiang. After all, their plan failed, and they did not dare to publicize the things that framed them.

  Otherwise, the Qi family would definitely find trouble with the Zhou family. In order not to get into trouble with the Qi family, Zhou Qiang had to admit it all.

   The story of what happened was indeed as Qin Tianru had guessed. The plan failed, and Zhou Qiang naturally had no leverage to threaten the Qi family's money. If the Qi family knew about it, his troubles would only be more.

   Who made the current production team leader the Qi family?

   In the end, Zhou Qiang had no choice but to swallow it temporarily.

   "Ah? That person Li Zhaodi is willing to give it?" Shen Yuerong was very surprised.

  Qi Yuanhua: "This is a private discussion between the two of them. I don't know what they were murmuring in the house. Anyway, the final result was that the Zhou family made compensation."

   "Don't worry about them, they are not good people." Shen Yuerong's tone was slightly contemptuous.

  Although the Zhou family made compensation and took all the stigma, the matter did not end there.

  The romantic affair between the two has directly become the hottest topic of discussion in Shili Baxiang in the past two days. There is no one, and it even spreads more and more, and the more it is said, the more outrageous it is.

   In short, the reputation of the two families has been greatly affected, and Li Daniu and Zhou Qiang, who are the parties, are locked in the house and dare not go out.

  If it was a romantic affair between a man and a woman, everyone would talk about it and it would be over, but such a scandal is really shocking, and the protagonist is still by their side, everyone will naturally feel very surprised.

   As a result, many people added their own imaginations in the process of retelling, and finally the story became more unethical and fragrant.

   After three days, the heat in the village gradually subsided.

   This afternoon, everyone was gathered around the dam of the village committee courtyard, discussing how to find food rations.

  The potatoes have been planted yesterday, and there is no more planting task in the future. Everyone once again entered the mode of working for half a day and resting for half a day.

  There is no way, in order to save energy and prevent excessive physical exertion, we can only minimize labor, otherwise we will be hungry faster.

   At this moment, a group of people came in from the direction of the village entrance. They were well dressed. The most conspicuous thing was that they wore a red armband on their arms, and they looked arrogant.

   Today's update is complete~

   The update without a response is a bit scary~

   Don't forget to vote~



   (end of this chapter)

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