Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 262: 262, accident

   Chapter 262 262, an accident

   "Sister-in-law, do you think I should make new friends?"

   Hearing what the little sister-in-law said, Qi Qing's eyes lit up.

   Actually, she wanted to go to the village to make some new friends, but she was a little worried that the girls in the village would reject her, a person from the city.

   Qin Tianru smiled softly: "If you don't try it, how do you know if it will work? Anyway, remember one sentence, we will go with it if it suits us, and we don't have to force it if we don't."

  She has a different temperament from Qi Qing. She has developed this temperament since she was a child. Secondly, perhaps because of the special circumstances of her family and herself, she doesn't care much about making friends.

   Friends take up very little space in her life. In life, she is a person who enjoys herself.

   But she didn't want Xiaoqing to force herself to become a person with a temperament like herself.

   "Okay, I see." Qi Qing nodded thoughtfully.


  After lunch, Qi Yuanhua and his son went to work as usual. Today, the potatoes should go to the ground, which is the time when they can't relax.

  Shen Yuerong went to Xiao Qi's house to visit, because there is a two-year-old grandson at home, so Yang Hongying is responsible for staying at home to take care of the children, as well as housework such as cooking.

   Then, Qi Qing also went out. After listening to what her sister-in-law said in the morning, she decided to integrate into the life of the production team.

   And a new life starts with meeting new friends!

   Watching Qi Qing go out the door, Qin Tianru showed a relieved smile, but in an instant, the smile on the corner of his mouth gradually cooled down.

   She sat under the peach tree in the courtyard, brewed a cup of beauty tea for herself, then took out a book and read it leisurely.

  This peach tree was brought back by my father-in-law and Xiao Junkang during the lunch break yesterday. She planted it in the yard that afternoon.

   In order to prevent the peach tree from moving and not adapting, she also specially injected an ability to warm it up.

   At this time, the courtyard door was directly open, and everything in the courtyard was clear at a glance.

   Qin Tianru was reading a book about fruit tree planting. After planting peach trees yesterday, she suddenly became interested in fruit tree planting.

   Therefore, she looked very seriously and attentively, and the small courtyard was quiet, as if the whole small world was quiet.

   Qin Tianru likes this kind of peaceful time very much, and has a sense of comfort.

   Gradually, Qin Tianru forgot the time, ignored the surrounding environment, and devoted himself to the sea of ​​books.

  Suddenly, a rush of footsteps interrupted Qin Tianru's concentration.

   She lifted her gaze from the book, and saw a thin boy of seven or eight years old standing at the door. When he met Qin Tianru's gaze, his expression was a little timid.

   "Little boy, are you okay?"

   Qin Tianru closed the book and looked at the little boy tenderly. This was the first time a child in their family came to the door.

  The little boy nodded and said, "There is a big sister who asked me to tell you that she has a broken foot, and let you help her!"

  Qin Tianru stood up immediately, "Did that big sister say her name?"

   The little boy hesitated to say a full name, "She said her name was Qi Qing, and asked me to come find her sister-in-law."

   Qin Tianru walked up to the little boy, "I'm Qi Qing's sister-in-law, where did she get her feet?"

   The little boy pointed in one direction, "It's a little far, I can take you there."

   "Okay, wait for me, I'll lock the courtyard door."

   Qin Tianru went to the main room to pick up the key, walked to the courtyard gate and locked the door.

   "Let's go."

  So, Qin Tianru followed the little boy towards the village, and gradually, the route deviated from the main road.

   "Little boy, what's your name?"

  The little boy said, "My name is Heiwa."

   Qin Tianru: "How far is it?"

   The little boy pointed to the front: "It's just in front of the small bamboo forest."

   Qin Tianru didn't ask any more questions, and followed the little boy quietly.

   "Go in by yourself, I'm going home!"

   As soon as he walked into the small bamboo forest, the little boy suddenly said something and ran away.

   "Hey, Heiwa~"

   Qin Tianru didn't even have time to stop him when he saw the little boy quickly disappear into the bamboo forest.

   "Running really fast."

  No one led the way, so Qin Tianru had to walk along the road by herself, her eyes couldn't help looking around.


  The silence of the small bamboo forest was a little scary. Qin Tianru couldn't help but shouted a few times, and suddenly there was a slight noise behind her, and her right hand couldn't help moving.


   Suddenly someone from behind her tightly covered her mouth and nose, before she could struggle too much, Qin Tianru fainted.

   "Okay, you can come out!"

  Li Daniu shouted towards the bamboo forest.

   Soon, Zhou Qiang came out of the forest and looked at the unconscious woman with a successful smile on his face.

   "Hurry up, get to the thatched cottage!"

  Li Daniu didn't dare to delay any longer, looking at Zhou Qiang's appearance that he couldn't walk when he saw a woman, he couldn't help urging.

   After all, it’s broad daylight and it’s easy to spot.

   So, the two carried the unconscious woman to their base.

  The abandoned thatched hut was a house vacated after the death of a dead family in the village. Because no one repaired it, the house was too dilapidated and the villagers despised it, so it has been abandoned all the time.

   just happened to be the place where Zhou Qiang and the others usually scramble to sell some stolen goods.

   Although this thatched cottage is deserted, its location is not very remote. It is at the very edge of the center of the village. Because it happens to be a dead end in this direction, few people usually come here.


   "Mother, is my sister-in-law here with you?"

   Qi Qing came home but found that the courtyard door was locked, so she found her uncle's grandfather's house.

   "No, your sister-in-law isn't at home?" Shen Yuerong asked suspiciously.

  Qi Qing shook her head, "No, I went to see Dad and the others, and when I got back, the backyard door was locked."

   "That's probably because your sister-in-law also went out for a walk, or went to the mountains."

   Shen Yuerong still knows a little about Huanhuan's temperament, so she doesn't like going to crowded places.

   "Then I'll go look for it."

  Qi Qing just walked to the door when she suddenly found a group of people rushing in one direction not far away.

   "Mother, Auntie, is there something wrong in the village? I saw a lot of old ladies and aunts go over there, looking very anxious."

   "Really?" Shen Yuerong stretched her neck and looked around.

   "What's going on here, let's go and have a look."

   Yang Hongying knew there was a situation when she saw this, and immediately picked up her little grandson and went out. As the daughter-in-law of the team leader, she must pay more attention to some things in the village.

  If she read it right, she seemed to have seen Aunt Zhang and Li Zhaodi in the crowd just now. They were the most popular people on the team.

   can make them rush to join in the fun, something must have happened to which one.

   So, the three of them immediately chased after them.

   A group of women walked towards the abandoned thatched hut without resting their mouths along the way.

   "Aunt Zhang, is what you said true?"

   "That's right, you can't make fun of this."

   "I'm not ashamed to do that kind of thing during the day."

   "It's just smearing our team. We must not let them go easily."

   Today's 6,000 update has been completed, and there is one more update later.



   (end of this chapter)

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