Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 242: 242, carry the daughter-in-law down the mountain (add more for the reward)

   Chapter 242 242, Carrying the Daughter-in-law down the mountain (adding more for the reward)

   Half an hour later, the Hantian couple walked out of the valley.

   They still used vines. The reason why they didn't open the entrance in the valley from the stone crack at the half waist was because Qi Han didn't want to expose the valley for the time being.

   He wants to temporarily use this valley as the secret garden of the couple. If this life will continue to develop according to the trajectory of the previous life, then this valley may be of great use at a critical time.

   If you expose it now, it will be a bit of a loss.

   But if there is a chance, they can bring their family into the hot spring first.

   "Can you still go? I can carry you."

   Qi Han saw Huanhuan frown slightly, and suddenly realized something.

   His little daughter-in-law has a soft body and is quite squeamish. It is really rare to walk so many mountain roads today. In addition, they have experienced a lot today, which is also more exhausting.

   It is already five o'clock in the afternoon, and the light in the deep mountain is a little dim. If you walk down the mountain from the deep mountain, it will take an hour and a half at the fastest.

   He was worried that his family Huanhuan could not bear it.

   "No, I can still go, let's go, it's getting late."

   Qin Tianru's feet were indeed a little sore. Today, she walked on the mountain road for at least four hours, completely breaking the limit of her one-day exercise.

   But she still refused. If you let Brother Han carry her on his back, it will only prolong the time. Moreover, the way down the mountain is not easy to walk. She is worried that Brother Han will slip or fall when he is carrying her.

   "Well, if you really can't walk, you must tell me that men's physical strength is stronger than women's. You won't worry about me. I just carry two of you."

   Seeing Huanhuan's resolute attitude, Qi Han didn't want to force her hard, but he still emphasized that he planned to wait for her to walk for a while before carrying her down the mountain.

   Leave her alone for now!

   "I can walk now, let's talk when I can't." Qin Tianru insisted on his own opinion with a puffed face.


   Then, Qi Han took Huanhuan's hand and walked out of the deep mountain cautiously.

   The road out of the mountain was also very smooth, and the wind and waves were still calm along the way. They smoothly avoided the wild beast area in the mountain.

   At this time, the sky was getting darker and darker.

  Because it was too late, Qin Tianru completely ignored some flowers and plants along the way.

   When they went out this morning, they told their parents that they would go home before dark. How could they know that this trip into the mountains would take so long.

   If they didn't come down the mountain quickly, she worried that the family would worry about them.

  According to the current time, after they descended the mountain, it was estimated that the sky was already dark.

  However, Qin Tianru's footsteps became slower and slower after walking out of the deep mountain. She felt that her feet were as heavy as two lead **** were tied, and she couldn't exert any extra strength.

   Gradually, every step made her feel very difficult.

   Although Qi Han always pays attention to the movements around him, he will pay attention to the people beside him from time to time.

   Noticed that Huanhuan's speed was much slower, Qi Han squatted down directly in front of her, his tone was very resolute and decisive.

   "Come up, I'll carry you down the mountain."

   Qin Tianru hesitated, "I can still go~"

   "Huanhuan, be obedient!"

   Qi Han patiently persuaded him.

   "Good boy, with your current leg strength, we will only go slower. I might be able to go down the mountain earlier with you on my back. Don't worry, I am familiar with mountain roads and won't fall on you."

"All right."

   Qin Tianru pursed his lips, leaned over on Qi Han's back, and wrapped his two small hands around his neck.

   Qi Han easily stood up with Huanhuan on his back, and then walked forward steadily.

  Qin Tianru bowed his head on Qi Han's left shoulder and asked softly, "Am I very heavy?"

Qi Han chuckled lightly; "Just how heavy your small body is, even if you carry two more weights, you'll be fine, but you don't believe it, the morning runs these days are not in vain, besides, my physical strength is good. OK, you don't know?"

   "Hmph~ I don't know." Qin Tianru hummed softly.

   Qi Han turned his head and glanced at the person lying on his shoulders, smiling deeply.

   "That's right, those were just pediatrics before, they were only appetizers at most, and they didn't fully reflect my ability. However, there will be opportunities to make you feel full in the future."

   Qin Tianru's ears became hot in an instant, and her face was flushed. She felt that she was no longer the pure fairy she used to be.

  Look, listening to these words now, the thoughts in her mind are completely distracted, and they are full of pictures that are not suitable for children.

  What a shame!

   But her brother Han said that she was so excited that she couldn't calm down.

   "Don't say it~ Besides, I'll bite you~"

  Qin Tian was arrogant and said harsh words, but when he heard it in Qi Han's ears, he only felt that the voice was particularly sweet and soft, very cute.

  No way, his family Huanhuan couldn't help being soft and soft, and even her voice was soft and waxy, even if her tone was fierce at the moment, it was not deterrent at all.

   instead makes people feel like they are acting like a baby.


  Can't help, Qi Han chuckled softly, even if he didn't look back, he could imagine his baby's cute look with fierce milk.

"stop laughing?"

  Qin Tianru was annoyed, and pouted directly at his left ear.


   Qi Han suddenly gasped, it wasn't painful, it was itchy, like being hit by an electric current, it was so numb!

   "Don't move!"

   Qi Han freed up a hand and slapped the man on the back.


   Qin Tianru straightened his back, like a kitten whose tail was stepped on: "How could you hit me in that place?"

   Qi Han's mouth curled into a smile: "What's wrong with hitting, it's not like I haven't touched it."

   "Hey, I don't want to talk to you anymore~"

   Qin Tianru pursed his lips tightly and refused to communicate again.

   This man who just opened a bit of meat, can't afford to offend him!

  Anything can be involved in that aspect, and I can only say something that makes people want to think about it.

   She can't help but be a little worried now. After the man really eats meat, wouldn't that mean running the train with his mouth full?

   No wonder so many women say: Men are big hooves!

   Qi Han shook the person on his back and coaxed softly, "Okay, I'm teasing you, I won't talk about it."

  "." Qin Tianru rolled his eyes very indecently, is she the kind of little fairy who can be coaxed?

   Also, thank you, I don't want to play with you!

   Qi Han asked warmly, "Are your feet any better now?"

   Qin Tianru looked up and saw the familiar scene around him, and they walked halfway up the mountain unknowingly.

   All the time she was arguing with him all the way, she didn't notice the surrounding environment.

   Yes, brother Han!

   This breathless, restless footing made her ignore the fact that she was being carried by him.

   "Brother Han, are you tired? Do you want to take a break?"

   Qin Tianru instantly forgot that he was sulking, and asked with concern.

   Hey, I haven't typed so many words for a long time, and I can't keep up with my status.

   Add 2,000 more today, and continue to make up tomorrow~

   PS: Explain one point.

   This book is a warm text for everyday life. It's not the kind of cool text with fast rhythm and strong abuse.

   Some relatives left a message saying that the plot is fast, but Qi Han's memory of his last life will take a while.

   This book focuses on the daily warm days of the young couple, and then the story of growing up and struggling together.

   The plot of the previous life is only used to promote the timeline, not the main plot.



   (end of this chapter)

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