Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 233: 233, digging bamboo shoots team (5 more)

   Chapter 233 233, Digging Bamboo Squad (5 more)

   Originally, Yang Yunxiang thought that the uncle's family who returned from the provincial capital should be difficult to get along with, but after this period of contact, all her previous concerns and worries were completely dispelled.

   In addition, after hearing about the Qi family's past from her own man, she even thought that their house and the cousin's family should be brothers.

   And the big house of the Qi family in the provincial capital should be a family with the second uncle, both of them are so annoying.

  Why are two-bedroom people with good conduct not one family? Does it really answer the old saying: Every family has a hard-to-read scripture!

   A good pot of porridge has to have such a mouse shit.

   But I sighed with emotion. Now the two of them get along very well. They are not like brothers, but they are better than brothers. After all, the blood is the same.

   "You dig first, I'll take a look around."

   Qi Jiaxing was not at ease and wanted to look around. This bamboo forest was obviously already in the range of the deep mountain, but fortunately it was at the angle of the deep mountain, not in the center of the deep mountain.

   "Brother, I am with you."

  Although Qi Jiaye is usually more playful, he is not sloppy when it comes to doing business. He is very clear about what role he is playing in going up the mountain today, so after hearing his elder brother's words, he immediately understood his actions.

   "Brother Jiaxing, just take a look around the two of you, don't go too far."

   Qin Tianru understood the good intentions of the brothers, so she didn't stop her, but she didn't want them to be too far from her sight.

   Along the way, she would touch some flowers and trees at a distance, so she could sense anything in this area through the plants.

   Therefore, she could not have been more aware of whether there was any danger nearby.

   "Don't worry, we won't go far."

   Afterwards, the Qi Jiaxing brothers walked around the bamboo forest with hoes, while Qin Tianru and a few women started digging bamboo shoots.

   There are really many bamboo shoots in this bamboo forest. It can be said that they are everywhere. One or two bamboo shoots can emerge from the root of a bamboo, and some bamboos even grow around them.

   Based on the area of ​​this bamboo forest, it is estimated that the seven of them would have to dig together for an hour or two.

   "These bamboo shoots are so tender, it's just right to eat this season." Yang Hongying said with emotion while digging up the bamboo shoots.

  Yang Yunxiang happily took over the words, "I think if all the bamboo shoots in this bamboo forest are dug up, how can our family save more than 20 catties of dried bamboo shoots."

   "It's almost the same, but the bamboo shoots have shrunk."

After    Shen Yuerong glanced around the bamboo forest, she agreed quite seriously.

   The number of bamboo shoots in this bamboo forest greatly exceeded their expectations, but fortunately, everyone was prepared for this time up the mountain.

   Not only did they bring a vegetable basket, but each of them also carried a bamboo basket. The Jiaxing brothers even brought two snakeskin pockets, otherwise they would have to run back and forth a few times today to pack all the bamboo shoots home.

   "So many bamboo shoots, when do we have to dig it~"

   Qi Qing dug up the bamboo shoots for a few minutes, and felt a little bit laborious. These bamboo shoots are not wild vegetables, and they can be done with a light cut and tear. It takes a lot of effort.

   It was the first time to dig up bamboo shoots, and she was a little excited, but now looking at the bamboo forest in front of her, she suddenly felt that the sky was a little gloomy.

   "I'm happy to dig until it's dark, so many bamboo shoots are enough for us to eat for a long time. As long as they are stored well, we can eat them next year~"

  Compared to Qi Qing's frustration, Yang Yunxiang swung her **** vigorously. Looking at the tender bamboo shoots, she seemed to be full of energy, and she didn't feel tired at all. On the contrary, the more she dug, the more excited she became.

  "." Qi Qing wanted to cry without tears, she was naive.

   It seems that sometimes too much stuff is a 'burden'. She is afraid that she will explain it here today.

   But what can we do?

  Who asked her to follow her up the mountain excitedly, and she would dig down even if she cried.

  Fortunately, the Qi Jiaxing brothers came back soon. With the two of them joining the team of digging bamboo shoots, the efficiency improved a lot in an instant.

   At this time, the physical disparity between men and women is clearly reflected.

   Qin Tianru's state is not much different from Qi Qing's, and she belongs to the soft body type and can't do any heavy work.

  Compared to Qi Qing's less work, she still does some light work, such as planting flowers and plants.

   But in the face of the laborious job of digging bamboo shoots, she couldn't stand it.

   As a result, the two sisters and aunts would sit on the stone next to each other from time to time to take a break, and even Shen Yuerong would take a break in the middle, and Yang Hongying and the others were the most powerful.

   is simply a great expert at digging bamboo shoots. The four of them never rested from beginning to end, as if they didn't feel tired at all, Qin Tianru's aunt and sister-in-law were dumbfounded for a while.

   At 4:30 in the afternoon, the bamboo shoots in the forest were finally dug.

   Qin Tianru was very embarrassed. Seventy percent of the bamboo shoots stacked on the ground were dug by the four of them, while the three of them dug only half.

   Their family is embarrassed to split half with their family.

   At this moment, Qin Tianru and Qi Qing stopped digging, but squatted in front of the bamboo shoots to load bamboo shoots.

  Suddenly, there was a rustling sound in the bamboo forest.

  The Qi Jiaxing brothers immediately noticed the change, and immediately stopped their work and looked around vigilantly.

   "Don't move, there is a situation!"

   On the other side, Yang Hongying, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, who were struggling to dig bamboo shoots, froze their hands in shock, holding their **** and not dare to move, their eyes filled with worry.

   Gradually, the sound was getting closer and closer, and Shen Yuerong and Qi Qing's mother and daughter couldn't help but froze, and they didn't dare to take a breath, for fear of disturbing some kind of beast.

  In the bamboo forest, it is estimated that Qin Tianru is the most calm.

   As soon as the sound made a sound, she felt the message from the surrounding plants to herself.

  So, she didn't panic.

   Qi Jiaxing and Qi Jiaye picked up the hoes in their hands one after another, tightening their bodies, maintaining a state of precaution.

   "You guys don't move."

   Qi Jiaxing whispered, and the hand holding the **** couldn't help sweating.

  Suddenly, everyone only felt a flower in front of their eyes, as if a dark shadow passed in front of them, and before they even had time to see what the dark shadow was, they heard a muffled sound of 'bang'.

   Then, they saw a large roe deer lying less than one meter away from Qin Tianru, and in front of it stood a large stone.

   At this moment, a trace of blood was flowing on the stone.


   Seeing this phenomenon, everyone could not help but stunned.

   "What's the situation?"

   After a while, Qi Jiaye spoke up.

   The accident happened so fast that they didn't even know what was going on.

   In short, it’s very confusing.

   Sahua, this book will be added to the shelves today!

   The editor has arranged a very good day today, which happens to be my birthday.

   I hope that on this day full of blessings, the new book will get a good result after it is released.

   Update more than 10,000 at noon, and more than 10,000 at night~

   After the launch, the word count for each chapter has been changed to 2,000 words!

   Here, let’s talk about the activities listed below:

   1. From today until the 23rd of this Friday, you can participate in the red envelope grab with the full order screenshots of the day. Everyone has a share.

   Contains all regular reading platform readers.

   2. The new book is on the shelves today, and the bookstore is participating in the PK. In order to get a good result in the bookstore, at 10 o'clock on the evening of this Friday, the top three readers on the monthly list will give a gift!

   Hope you all support!


Kind tips:

   The game plots involved in this article are all fabricated!

   It is strictly forbidden to capture, trade, and eat wild animals~ This is not allowed!

   Let's cherish those cute animals!



   (end of this chapter)

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