Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 231: 231, Lucky Fortune (3 more)

   Chapter 231 231, Lucky Fortune (3 more)

   Qin Tianru sensed the bamboo forest through ground contact. Because there were a lot of them, she didn't find it alone.

  These bamboo shoots are delicious whether they are eaten fresh or pickled, and dried bamboo shoots are much more delicious than dried pickles. As a foodie, she will naturally not let them go.

   Originally, she planned to call her mother-in-law and Xiaoqing to go to that bamboo forest to dig bamboo shoots, so she thought about weaving rattan baskets.

   But at that moment, she gave up her thoughts again.

   That piece of bamboo shoots, with the strength of the three of them, I am afraid it will take more than half a day to dig, and now it is a bit late, they have to go home for lunch.

   Anyway, they can't finish digging in one trip, so it's better to be a personal relationship. These days, the uncles and grandpas have taken care of them, and their family should respond to this relationship.

   Of course, except for the cousin's family!

  Shen Yuerong nodded in agreement, "Well, you're right, Huanhuan is more thoughtful in what you think, then let's go home first, and come back after lunch."

   After Qin Tianru finished weaving the second rattan basket, all three of them carried the basket with six hands.

   In order to avoid the sight of the villagers, Qin Tianru deliberately chose a path and went down the mountain from the other side of the mountain, just around the foot of the mountain near the Qi family courtyard.

  In the small courtyard, the three of Qi Han have already got the soil embryo out of the soil oven, and they will probably be able to complete the stacking in the afternoon.

   "Why are there so many wild vegetables, where did your mother-in-law pick them?"

   Qi Yuanhua was surprised to see that the three of them were carrying baskets of wild vegetables in their hands.

   Doesn’t it mean that the wild vegetables on the mountain are almost picked?

   Then why did the three of them come back with so many wild vegetables?

  Shen Yuerong smiled, "You don't even look at who picked it up. The villagers can't pick wild vegetables, but that doesn't mean we can't find them either."

   "What's the matter?" As soon as Qi Yuanhua heard this, he knew there was an inside story, and immediately asked curiously.

   Immediately, Shen Yuerong and her daughter began to eloquently recount their experiences today.

   Now the mother and daughter have no doubts about Qin Tianru's good fortune. They feel that as long as they go up the mountain happily, they will definitely find something good.

   After hearing this, Qi Yuanhua and Qi Jun looked at Qin Tianru who was cleaning wild vegetables with surprise. They didn't expect that there is such a lucky person in this world. This is simply the love of God.

  Qi Yuanhua thought about it carefully and thought it was reasonable, if Huanhuan had not rescued Ahan in time, and had foreseen what would happen to their family, otherwise their family still didn't know what the tragedy would be like?

   Therefore, Huanhuan is really lucky, and she is also the kind of woman who thrives on her husband and family.

   Qi Han, who was pounding the earthen oven, was a little puzzled, but he didn't rush to ask Huanhuan because his parents were there.

   For lunch, Qin Tianru made noodles directly, and scrambled eggs with wild leeks that he picked today to make a noodle whistle.

  The fragrant bowl of noodles also made everyone satisfied.

   After dinner, Qin Tianru and the three were not in a hurry to go up the mountain. After all, they had been running back and forth in the morning, and their energy and physical strength needed buffering time, so they were going to go back to the house to rest for a while, and then set off when they had enough energy.

   After returning to the house, Qin Tianru took out the ginseng flower pot and placed it on the desk, preparing to bless it every day after getting up.

The Qi family are all well-educated people. Under normal circumstances, they would not rush into their room. Even if they saw it, Huanhuan didn't worry about what they would say. After all, they didn't stay at home all the time. What, they didn't see all of them with their own eyes.

   "You dug up ginseng?"

   Qi Han walked into the house and saw his daughter-in-law playing with a flower pot. He took a closer look and instantly recognized the plant in the pot.

   Qi Han didn't feel very surprised when he returned unexpectedly. After all, he knew that his daughter-in-law was blessed with good fortune.

   It was just a little surprise that his daughter-in-law found ginseng so easily.

   This lucky person is different!

   "Yes, Brother Han, I forgot to tell you something yesterday, and my ability has a new skill!"

   Qin Tianru happily took Qi Han's hand and brought him to the bedside to sit.

   "Oh? How did you find out?"

   Qi Han's eyes lit up, he had always been curious about his daughter-in-law's abilities, and when he heard Huanhuan mention it, he immediately asked.

   "I also stumbled upon it, and you would never have imagined that there is more than one new skill."

   Qin Tianru's emotions were also very excited, and he talked about yesterday's experience with a small mouth.

  "." Qi Han was stunned.

   He felt even more shocked than the last time he heard that Huanhuan could perceive plant consciousness.

   At this moment, he had the feeling that he was listening to the scriptures, this world is not simple anymore.

   As long as you touch a plant, information about plants will appear in your mind?

   As long as the palm of your hand touches the ground, you can sense the growth of all plants?

   Even familiar with all the surrounding road conditions, can you perform accurate positioning and search?

   He was so shocked that he was speechless, not knowing what to say.

   There are only a bunch of exclamation words dangling in his mind now.

   He can only say: Awesome, too awesome!

   He has married a daughter-in-law who is more powerful than a god!

   "Brother Han? Are you alright?"

   Seeing Qi Han's dull expression, Qin Tianru couldn't help but stretch out his hand and shake it in front of him.

   "I'm fine."

   Qi Han swallowed his throat and responded, and then he asked, "How far can you perceive the distance when you touch the ground?"

   Qin Tianru was startled: "Uh, I really haven't studied this carefully, I'll try it now."

   said, she squatted on the ground and put her right hand on the ground.

  How can the farmyard in the countryside pay attention to the problem of ground laying? It is enough to build the house firmly. Therefore, the ground of the Qi's small courtyard also maintains the most primitive land surface.

   However, when the Qi family courtyard was renovated, the ground was flattened, so it looked very flat.

   Qin Tianru didn't know if she could feel it in the soil without plants, but she thought that the earth is connected, as long as there are plants in the land, the world under the ground should be able to connect.

   Sure enough, her perception is feasible!

  Qin Tianru couldn't help but concentrate, wanting to feel the area that his perception can explore.

   She seemed to feel that when this thought flashed in her mind, her perception began to spread rapidly around the village, until it was outside the village.

   Seeing Huanhuan put his hand away, Qi Han asked excitedly, "How? How far?"

   "It seems to stop when it extends to the entrance of the village." Qin Tianru replied rubbing his hands.

   Qi Han was slightly surprised: "That's too far."

   (end of this chapter)

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