Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 229: 229, go up the mountain again (1 more)

   Chapter 229 229, go up the mountain again (1 more)

   Seeing that her mother seemed to question her sister-in-law's ability, Qi Qing, who was Huanhuan's number one fan girl, began to make some insinuations.

   "Mother, since my sister-in-law said so, she must know the way, and let me tell you, my sister-in-law is very smart and has a lot of knowledge. She knows many plants on the mountain and will not get lost.

   And don't you think my sister-in-law's luck is particularly good? Every time she enters the mountain, she can find something unexpected, so let's just follow my sister-in-law with confidence and boldness! "


   Shen Yuerong hesitated, and after hearing what her daughter said, she suddenly realized that it was really what Xiaoqing said.

   She couldn't help but think of Huanhuan's 'precognition ability'. It seems that someone with such great ability is already extraordinary, right?

   If Huanhuan has any special abilities, it seems to be completely reasonable.

   "Okay, mother, don't do this, let's hurry up the mountain."

  Qi Qing took Shen Yuerong's hand directly and took her to the side of the mountain. At the same time, she did not forget to turn around and greet Qin Tianru behind her.

   "Sister-in-law, follow along~"

   Qin Tianru laughed secretly, it's really nice to have a sister-in-law, she doesn't have to worry about any problems.

   So, the three avoided the other crowds in the village and took another path to the mountain.

   Shen Yuerong's mother and daughter are people who don't remember the road at all. They follow Huanhuan's footsteps the whole way. They don't know which road they are taking, they only know that the road on the mountain goes around.

   "Okay, here it is." Qin Tianru stopped and said.

   "What's in here?"

  Xiaobai Qiqing looked around blankly, and in front of him was a sloping field with lots of green grass, and not far away was a dense forest.

   Qin Tianru said with a smile, "It's not right in front of you."

   Shen Yuerong looked at it, frowned and thought, "Is this a leek? It looks a bit similar."

   Qin Tianru nodded with a smile, "Yes, this is wild leeks, we can pick some and make them into pickles at home."

   "Sister-in-law, leave it to me."

  Qi Qing happily raised the sickle. In the past two days, she has transformed into a little expert at picking wild vegetables. This wild vegetable is not a problem for her at all.

   Qin Tianru smiled, "Just right, I'll leave it to you here, there's another piece over there, I'll go over there with my mother to pick it up."

   "Okay, no problem, let's go."

  Qi Qing waved her hand indifferently, and immediately threw herself into the harvest of wild vegetables.

   "Mother, let's go over there."

   Qin Tianru took Shen Yuerong's hand and took her to a place about fifty meters away.

   This place is densely populated with wild vegetables. She chose this place to distract her mother-in-law and the others. She has other things to do.

   Looking at the endive vegetables all over the place, Shen Yuerong looked happy, "Huanhuan, you are so good at finding a place, I didn't expect there would be so many wild vegetables here."

   Qin Tianru said with a light smile, "Mother, then you can pick vegetables here. I'll take a look nearby. Don't worry, I won't go very far."

   "Then you should be careful." Shen Yuerong warned her, but she didn't stop her. Now she has seen her daughter-in-law's ability to hunt for treasures.

   Seeing that both mother-in-law and Xiaoqing were digging wild vegetables attentively, Qin Tianru walked away with confidence.

   After walking for more than 200 meters, Qin Tianru squatted down and saw her wrist move slightly, and a household planting tool box appeared on the ground.

   She took out a small rake from the small box and slowly loosened the soil around a plant, then took out a small shovel and began to shovel out the soil around the plant.

   Seeing the roots emerging from the soil, Qin Tianru put away the shovel and operated it with both hands instead.

The reason why   Huanhuan is so careful is naturally because this plant is very precious.

   At this time, what she was digging was the ginseng that she discovered yesterday. According to the information displayed by her perception, this ginseng was hundreds of years old.

   Qin Tianru carefully took out the ginseng to make sure its root system was intact, and then she took out a ceramic flower pot from the storage space.

   She likes to grow all kinds of flowers and plants, and she will have some flower pots in all storage spaces.

   Qin Tianru put all the soil around the ginseng into a flowerpot, and then transplanted the ginseng into the flowerpot.

   Now there is no shortage of medicinal materials at home, so she does not plan to sell this ginseng, or use it to eat, she plans to raise this ginseng.

  Because this ginseng is the most spiritual plant she perceives after the power upgrade.

   Her eldest sister has the ability to psychic all animals, and even the most ferocious beasts can become her pets, which she envied before.

  Although she has no spirit beasts to be pets, she can try to raise a spirit plant as her detective assistant.

   Plants are very familiar with the same kind. If there are a few plants with spiritual power around her, they can also provide some information for herself if she wants to find something in the future.

   They can even act as bodyguards. If there is any trouble around her, they will also inform herself.

  This idea was thought out on her way down the mountain yesterday.

   She wants to 'feed' spiritual plants every day with her plant-based abilities to improve their spiritual intelligence, so will they make them stronger?

   Qin Tianru put both the flowerpot and the toolbox into the storage space, then carried the vegetable basket and continued forward.

   Not far from her line of sight, there was a towering tree, Qin Tianru knew it, it should be Luohansong.

  This Arhatsong pine is about eight or nine meters high, with luxuriant branches and green trees, especially tall and sturdy. Seeing that it has a history of at least a hundred years, it must have spent a long time in this mountain.

   Qin Tianru put his hand on the tree pole and said softly, "Hello, big tree, do you know any good places in this deep mountain?"

   There was a slight pause in the air, and then Qin Tianru exclaimed, "Really?"

   She just wanted to test her own perception, but she was unexpectedly happy.

"thank you."

   Qin Tianru's face was full of joy. In order to thank Luo Hansong, she injected some supernatural powers into the tree.

   She now feels that this mountain is really a treasure, and there are countless surprises waiting for her to discover a little bit.

Before   , she had some concerns about the deep mountains. Before she had enough ability to protect herself, even if she wanted to explore the deep mountains, she would not act rashly.

   But now it's different, her ability can completely make her feel like a fish in water in the deep mountains, avoid all dangers, and explore the treasures in the mountains.

   In addition to the information revealed by the big tree just now, Qin Tianru was even more moved.

   She wants to go deep into the mountains!

   Qin Tianru held back the urge in her heart, it was obviously not a good time, she was still with her mother-in-law and sister-in-law by her side, if she left for too long, they would definitely make them anxious.

   (end of this chapter)

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