Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 226: 226, good energy

   Chapter 226 226, good energy

   The next day, when Qin Tianru woke up, he found that the place beside him was empty and cold again.

   The person who was obviously sleeping beside her got up early.

   "The spirit is so good~"

   Qin Tianru mumbled, and slowly got up and dressed.

  When she was making the bed, she felt that her right hand was a little sore, and she couldn't use it much.

   Thinking of the fight last night, Huanhuan pouted.

  Although her innocence is still there, she was tossed enough last night, and the two little whites got together to explore a whole new world.

   I have to say that the relationship between the two has taken several steps in an instant after the intimate act last night. This progress is huge!

   "Morning, mother."

   Qin Tianru walked out of the small courtyard and saw Shen Yuerong who was watering the vegetable field in the courtyard.

   "Early, why don't you sleep for a while, it's still early."

  Shen Yuerong responded with a smile on her face. She also came from a young girl. Young people inevitably sleep more and snooze more.

   "My body has developed a biological clock, and I wake up naturally when the time is almost up, not to mention it's time to get up at this time."

   Qin Tianru doesn't like to sleep in late, he usually gets up early in the morning and in the evening, and his daily routine has been very regular.

   She used to stay at home, and she got up at about seven o'clock, maybe a little later in winter.

   Besides, her situation is different now. She is a daughter-in-law and a wife. If both mother-in-law and mother-in-law get up to cook, and she, the daughter-in-law, is still sleeping in bed, it is estimated that the saliva of the female compatriots in the village will drown people!

   "Actually, there's nothing to do at home. You can sleep a little longer in the future. Our family doesn't pay much attention to rules and regulations. Breakfast is relatively simple. I can still make it."

   Shen Yuerong was worried that Huanhuan was concerned about her mother-in-law and daughter-in-law status, and didn't want her to be uncomfortable at home, so she deliberately became more intense.

   "Okay, I know, mother."

   Qin Tianru felt warm in her heart and felt that she was lucky to have such a mother-in-law, but her mother-in-law was considerate, and she couldn't really take it for granted.

   "Mother, did Brother Han go for a run again?"

   Qin Tianru didn't see Qi Han's figure, so he guessed.

   "Yes, I don't know where he got his energy all day, he really is young and strong." Shen Yuerong rudely complained about her eldest son.

   Also, there was no farm work in the village during this period of time. If he was like a young man in the village who went to work in the fields every day, we would see if he would be so energetic.

  I don't know which word was stabbed, Qin Tianru's ears turned red instantly, his eyes flashed slightly, and he was too embarrassed to look directly at his mother-in-law.

   Her brother Han's firepower is indeed strong, and it's too slow. When she fell asleep last night, it was probably near the middle of the night.

   They went back to the room at 9 o'clock to rest and stayed together until the middle of the night. It is estimated that Brother Han woke up at 6 o'clock this morning, so he only slept for a few hours in total?

   And he got up early in the morning to go for a run, this energy is really good!

   "Mom, I'm going to cook~"

   Qin Tianru ran away with a blushing face. She didn't want to discuss with her mother-in-law how energetic Brother Han was.

  In the stove room, Shen Yuerong had already boiled white rice porridge on the stovetop, because the matches in the stove still had a while to burn, just enough time to cook the rice porridge slowly until it thickened.

   (end of this chapter)

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