Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 219: 219, harvest

   Chapter 219 219, Harvest

   "Really? Are there any books about this?"

  Yang Yunxiang expressed her curiosity that these rural things are still mentioned in this book.

   If this is the case, then she will be relieved. In fact, thinking about it, they are all cultural people from the city, they have read more books, and they must have more knowledge than their countrymen.

   is that she is too fussy.

   Qin Tianru nodded with a smile, "Really, I didn't lie to you, eat it with confidence."

  Qi Qing ran to another big tree, pointed to the tea tree mushroom growing at the root and asked, "Sister-in-law, do you think this nest of tea tree mushrooms can be picked?"

   Qin Tianru turned his head and glanced at it. Although the group of tea tree mushrooms was smaller than the one he picked, luckily they were all formed.


  Shen Yuerong was also interested, and took a sickle to look around carefully. Since Huanhuan said it was a good thing, she would definitely pick more and go home.

   "Huanhuan, I also found a nest. Can you pick this one?"

   They are also lucky, there are several nests of tea tree mushrooms near the big tree Qin Tianru found.

   Qin Tianru took a closer look, "Mother, this nest of tea tree mushrooms is still too small, let's pick them again in a few days."

   This nest of tea tree mushrooms has just emerged with a mushroom head, and it is still too young. Even if you pick it back, you will not be able to taste any flavor. Instead, this delicious ingredient is wasted.

   Anyway, the growth cycle of tea tree mushroom is relatively long, and it is a good time to pick from April to October.

   "Just stay here?" Shen Yuerong was a little reluctant, what if someone else took it home?

  Yang Yunxiang smiled and said, "Auntie, the people on our team don't know this stuff at all, don't worry, no one will pick it up."

   "That's right, let's pick it up again in a few days." Shen Yuerong was instantly relieved.

   Before everyone was paying attention, Qin Tianru touched the ground with her palm again. This time, she directly locked the search range at a distance of 500 meters nearby, which made it easier to sense what plants were around.

   "Let's go."

   On the way down the mountain, under Qin Tianru's intentional or unintentional guidance, the four picked two handfuls of fresh toon sprouts and a few packs of mulberries.

  Toon sprouts are called 'vegetables on the tree' and contain a lot of nutrients, which have the effect of anti-aging, nourishing yang and nourishing yin.

   But Qin Tianru likes to use toon sprouts mixed with eggs to make pancakes, which are very refreshing and not greasy.

   "This mulberry fruit looks pitch-black, and it tastes quite sweet."

  Qi Qing had a vegetable basket hanging on her wrist, holding a mulberry fruit wrapped in leaves in her hand, and ate it with relish while making comments.

   Hearing the sister-in-law said that mulberry is one of the fruits, she thought it was quite novel. She had never even heard of the name before, let alone eating it in the provincial capital.

   Qin Tianru didn't feel a little funny when she saw Xiaoqing's lips turned purple and she didn't know anything about it.

   She wanted to stop her at first, but Xiaoqing couldn't stand her mouth and wanted to try it, so she had to let her eat it.

   "Don't look at this mulberry fruit that grows on this hillside. It doesn't look very eye-catching, but it is said that it was a tonic for the emperor as early as two thousand years ago.

  This mulberry fruit is also known as the "folk holy fruit". It has the functions of nourishing the liver, invigorating the kidney, and anti-aging. It is especially suitable for women and middle-aged and elderly people with insufficient qi and blood.

   Moreover, this mulberry fruit can also be brewed, used as an ingredient for cooking, or dried and used to make tea. In short, it has many uses and effects. "

   Today's update is complete!

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   (end of this chapter)

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