Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 217: 217, Shan Zhen

   Chapter 217 217, Shan Zhen

   "Come on, come on! What good stuff? Where is it?"

   Hearing her sister-in-law said there was something good, Qi Qing rushed over excitedly, with a look of high spirits on her face.

   Shen Yuerong and Yang Yunxiang, who were picking wild vegetables at the mouth of the mountain, couldn't help but look up when they heard Qi Qing's excited wow.

   After looking at each other, they were worried and walked towards their position.

  Qin Tianru stretched out his finger, "Here, this is it."

   "What is this?"

  Qi Qing blinked blankly, looking at the eggshell color on the ground, oval to round, blunt at the top, with a honeycomb-like pit on the surface, something like a mushroom, and a question mark at the end.

  Is this what my sister-in-law said? It looks kind of ugly.

   Qin Tianru introduced with a smile, "This is Morchella, a kind of precious edible and medicinal mushrooms. It is a good food supplement for strengthening the body, and it tastes particularly delicious."

  This morel mushroom can not only be braised, but also stir-fried and stewed in soup. In short, it has high nutritional value.


   Shen Yuerong, who had just walked to the side of the two, just heard the introduction, she was surprised, and then her face was full of joy.

   "This is a good thing. I didn't expect that I could see live morels today."

   She has eaten morels several times before, but because it is a wild mountain food, you can eat as much as you want, and the quantity is very limited, so the morels that she bought in the past are almost all dry goods.

   Qin Tianru laughed secretly, thinking that his mother-in-law was very funny, but such fresh morels are indeed uncommon.

   "Mother, let's dig quickly."

   "Yes, yes, such a good thing cannot be wasted in vain."

   Immediately, a few people dug up all the morels in this area, and it happened that Qin Tianru's basket was more than half empty, which could be used for morels.

   There are about twenty morels in this place, enough to make two dishes.

   Qin Tianru is extremely satisfied with today's harvest. As for more mountain treasures, there will be time to dig it out in the future.

   Now that there are my mother-in-law and the others, it is not convenient for me to dig the ginseng root, but according to the map, the place seems to be in the deep mountain range, and I think no one will break in in a short time.

   Besides, even if someone digs it up, she doesn't feel that it's a pity. Anyway, there are many good things in this mountain, so she doesn't have to worry about finding them.

   "Sister-in-law, let's go down the mountain on another road. We can see if there are any other gains on the way."

   Qin Tianru saw that Yang Yunxiang was going to take them down the mountain on the same road, and immediately proposed.


  Yang Yunxiang agreed after thinking about it. She felt that Huanhuan's words made some sense. Anyway, they were all going down the mountain, and there would definitely be no new gains from the road they had traveled before.

  If they go down the mountain by another path, maybe they will discover other wild vegetables?

   In this period, no one would think that there are too many wild vegetables.

  Qin Tianru pointed to a path and said, "Then let's go this way."

   Of course, she didn't just point it out. The reason why she walked down the mountain was because the road map she just passed through the mountain showed that she saw good ingredients on this road.

   Being able to rely on the mountains to eat the mountains and bring back fresh ingredients from the mountains, Qin Tianru felt that this was more appropriate and safer than 'smuggling' out of the storage space, at least it would not arouse suspicion and snooping from others, and it also saved her having to spend her brain cells to find reasons.

   (end of this chapter)

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