Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 214: 214, new discovery of power

   Chapter 214 214, New Discovery of Powers

   Qin Tianru's eyes were fixed on the little wild flowers, not wanting to miss any bells and whistles, and the expression on his face could not help but contain a trace of tension.

   The reason why she suddenly had such an idea was because her eldest sister could have **** with her.

  Since she can perceive the consciousness of plants, is it possible that she can also interact with them?

   Even control or give orders?

   Of course, these thoughts and thoughts are just thoughts between thoughts.

  Under Qin Tianru's gaze, Xiao Yehua's waist moved slowly, and Xiao Hua actually bent her branches in her direction.

   Qin Tianru covered his mouth excitedly and suppressed the exclamation in his mouth.

  I didn’t expect this to happen!

  Why didn't she think of it before?

   In fact, her thinking was too narrow, and she didn't even think about extending or expanding her thinking direction, which caused her to trap herself in a fixed frame.

   Then, does this mean that as long as she wants, all plants can be controlled by her own hands?

   This is equivalent to a process of mutual gifting. She gives plants their own powers, which can help them grow better, and at the same time develop their own plant spiritual power.

   And plants can respond to themselves, inform their perception, and even use it for themselves!

   At this moment, Qin Tianru suddenly felt a sense of awakening.

   Now with her plant perception ability, she can't help but perceive the consciousness of plants, and can interact with plants and even drive them.

   In the same way, can her previous healing ability also be used on plants and animals? You can try this out when you get a chance.

   Anyway, the skills are in hand, you can do it anytime, but you don’t need to rush it for a while.

   In order to confirm her idea again, Qin Tianru then touched some wild flowers and weeds.

   Sure enough, the plants that were not injected with powers did not have any sensory response, but when she injected a trace of powers, the flowers and plants became conscious.

   Moreover, she also discovered a phenomenon. Before the power was injected, if the root system of the plant itself was better, she could feel a faint sense of consciousness, but it was not strong.

   If it is some nameless plant, or a relatively inferior plant, then she needs to inject power before she can perceive the consciousness of the other party.

   It seems that the better the root system of the plant itself, the clearer the consciousness she can perceive, and the more interactive she is with them.

   In other words, the more valuable the plant, the better its own spirituality. Before the power is injected, the better plants can also feel a faint sense of consciousness.

   For example, honeysuckle is more spiritual than ordinary small wildflowers.

   Once injected with her ability, the emotional response that Honeysuckle gave back to herself would be clearer and stronger.

   After clarifying her thoughts, Qin Tianru was overjoyed. It turned out that her powers were so powerful. Thinking of the powers that she had been despised and useless for the past seventeen years, she never expected to bring her such a big surprise.

   Finally, she didn't embarrass the Qin family, after all, they were all so powerful.

   Qin Tianru was secretly amused for a while, and seeing that her basket was still empty, she was embarrassed to continue to delay.

   She squatted in front of a piece of wild herbs and slowly picked them, the thoughts in her mind continued to diverge.

  Since she can perceive all plants now, and she doesn't know this ability of hers, can she help herself perceive the treasures around her?

   Such as ginseng and Lingzhi.

   (end of this chapter)

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