Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 208: 208, my mother!

   Chapter 208 208, Mother!

  As a bride, Qin Tianru made her first breakfast at her husband's house, and no doubt she was liked by everyone again.

   Qi Yuanhua and Qi Han prefer the crispy sweet and sour diced radish. They drank two bowls of rice porridge with this dish, while Shen Yuerong and Qi Qing prefer the sweet oat custard buns.

   Originally, Qin Tianru was worried about whether he would make too many custard buns, but the last one was not left, and they were all eaten up.

   Qin Tianru was very happy to see that the food she made was so loved by her family. She felt that this was the best way to express her recognition and appreciation.

   "If I keep eating like this, I guess I'll grow meat soon."

  Shen Yuerong couldn't help touching her belly, feeling very worried about her future figure.

  Huanhuan's craftsmanship is good. Whether it's cooking or making snacks, it's very delicious. Every time she can't help but feed herself.

   In the past, she always paid more attention to health preservation and kept her seven points full on diet, but now when she encounters the food made by Huanhuan, she has only one thought in her mind.

  I don’t have enough food, what can I feed?

   "Me too, I feel like my belly is growing." Qi Qing said with empathy.

  For male compatriots, there is no such concern at all, they only think that it is delicious and should eat more.

  After the meal, Shen Yuerong took advantage of Huanhuan to return to the room, and immediately pulled Qi Han, who wanted to go back to the room, and dragged him directly to the outer wall of the stove.

   "Mother, what are you doing?" Qi Han looked puzzled, why did he feel that his mother was mysterious?

   Shen Yuerong first looked around to make sure that no one was there, and then whispered to the eldest son.

   "Ahan, Huanhuan is small, you have to take it easy later, don't hurt anyone, you know?"

  "." Qi Han was stunned, why didn't he understand his mother's words?

Shen Yuerong: "Also, Huanhuan's temperament is a little soft, you have to let her be a little more, you can't do things that force her, you are a man, you can't patronize your own comfort, but also pity the girl's body, Understand?"

  "." Qi Han frowned, why does this sound more and more strange?

   Shen Yuerong saw that her eldest son was silent, and she became more and more sure of her guess. Her son was really dissatisfied.

  80% of the time, he was too much and was rejected by Huanhuan, so he used his physical strength to spread fire early in the morning.

  Tsk tsk, this young man is so full of blood and energy!

   "What are you stunned, do you remember what I said?"

   Qi Han was at a loss for words, "Mother, what are you talking about?"

  Shen Yuerong looked like she hated iron but not steel, "I said what did you guys do last night. Let you take it easy in the future, you should also know how to respect each other's wishes in that matter, did I make it clear?"

  "." Qi Han's face darkened directly.

   This is really a mother!

   He didn't do anything, he was still slack!

  If he really did something last night, he would be willing to admit it.

   But the problem is, he didn't do anything last night, how could he be reluctant? How did you feel comfortable?

   He almost choked to death last night!

   "Hey, I can't tell you yet, can I? Who are you showing your black face to?"

   Shen Yuerong saw the eldest son with a dark face, she thought he would not listen to the advice, she was very unconvinced, and she was immediately annoyed.

   Qi Han took a deep breath, holding back his anger and anger, this is his mother.

   (end of this chapter)

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