Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 206: 206, the bride

   Chapter 206 206, The Bride

   "Okay, then you can chop wood."

   Qi Yuanhua saw his son say this, so he didn't say much, and went directly to the thatched hut in the backyard.

   After Shen Yuerong got up, the outer wall of the stove was already full of firewood, and they were neatly stacked. This amount was enough for them to use at home for several days.

  "." Shen Yuerong looked at the wood pile in doubt.

   In this early morning, who is so bored that he doesn't sleep and gets up to chop wood? Too much energy and can't find a place to use it?

   Around six o'clock in the morning, Qin Tianru wore a water-red shirt. According to custom, the newlyweds should wear it festively for the past few days, so as to have a good omen.

   "Mother, good morning~"

   "Xiaoqing, good morning!"

  After saying hello, Qin Tianru looked around the courtyard and didn't see the person she was looking for.

   "Mother, have you seen Brother Han?"

   She woke up this morning and found that the position beside her was cold. She had always slept well, and she didn't know when Brother Han got up.

   Shen Yuerong asked in confusion, "Isn't Ahan in the house?"

  Last night was the couple's wedding night. There was enough for them to toss, even if it was normal to wake up late, she was someone who had come here, so she could understand.

   "No!" Qin Tianru shook his head innocently.

"I know."

  Qi Jun came back from the backyard sleepily and happened to hear their conversation.

   "When I got up, I happened to see my big brother going for a run."

  Shen Yuerong squatted in front of the sink washing vegetables, and muttered when she heard the answer from her younger son.

   "I'm really free in the early morning~"

   Suddenly, she seemed to have thought of something, and she couldn't help but look at the neatly stacked firewood on the outside wall of the stove.

   Are these also made by Akan?

   So, how strong was his energy in the early morning?

   He was chopping firewood and running again this morning. Could it be that last night was not enough for him to toss?

   Shen Yuerong's gaze couldn't help but look at Qin Tianru in front of the flowerbed.

   As a mother and a visitor, she couldn't help but be a little worried.

   Could it be that her son doesn't know the importance, Huanhuan's petite body can't bear it, so her son is a little dissatisfied with his desires?

   Shen Yuerong thought about it secretly, the more she thought about it, the more she felt that it was the case.

   "Mother, what do you want for breakfast? I'll make it."

After    confirmed the trace of her brother Han, Qin Tianru stopped looking for people everywhere.

  Today is the first day of the wedding. According to custom, her new daughter-in-law has to make this first breakfast.

  Shen Yuerong came back to her senses and said, "We don't choose, just look at the ingredients and make them."

  She is not a harsh mother-in-law. She didn't want to push all the housework to her daughter-in-law, but she couldn't stand Huanhuan's cooking skills, so in this regard, Shen Yuerong didn't push Huanhuan to be polite.

   She has already thought about it. She can leave the cooking at home to Huanhuan in the future. After all, the food she cooks is delicious, and she will take care of other trivial housework.

   Anyway, she thinks differently from those women in the village. She married a daughter-in-law for the sake of her son's future life and someone to accompany her.

   "Sister-in-law, I'll help you make the fire." Qi Qing heard that her sister-in-law was going to cook, so she actively took over the position of the fire-burning girl.

   Qin Tianru came to the kitchen and glanced at some of the existing ingredients, and then he had a breakfast menu in his heart.

   Breakfast should not be too heavy on flavors, light is more healthy and is more conducive to digestion.

   (end of this chapter)

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