Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 202: 202, farewell

   Chapter 202 202, Farewell

   She might as well be a little salted fish enjoying herself.

   However, her family didn't seem to see their intention to win, but they always worried that they would feel inferior under their aura and would be a good baby who was wronged and bullied.

   In this regard, Qin Tianru also expressed his helplessness. He could only let the family immerse themselves in their own ideas, and occasionally cooperate with them to perform, as long as they feel happy!

   Qin Yiling couldn't help laughing when she saw that her little sister who was friendly and harmless said this.

   She felt that this was like a child emphasizing that he was not a child, and had no credibility at all.

  Qin Yiling stretched out his hand and pinched Huanhuan's nose, "No matter how old you are, you are our child."

  "." Qin Tianru puffed out angrily, she knew it would be like this!

   How can anyone believe the truth?

   She is so difficult~

   Seeing that what they said was almost the same, Qi Han stepped forward and assured his parents-in-law.

   "Parents, don't worry, I will take good care of Huanhuan, and I will not let her suffer the slightest grievance."

  The Muyi people smiled gently, "We trust you, if you have any needs in the future, just tell us that we are a family, don't feel embarrassed or anything, only outsiders can meet outsiders, you know?"

   "Okay, I remember." Qi Han agreed.

   With such bright and reasonable parents-in-law, at this moment Qi Han couldn't help but ask himself: What good thing did he do in his last life to be lucky enough to meet such a good Yue family?

   He now feels that the envy or bitter words of the villagers in the past two days are quite reasonable.

   It is indeed that he has had great luck, and it is his blessing to have such a Yue family!

   Yan Ze walked up to Qi Han and patted him on the shoulder, "Come to our country if you have time."

"Yes, certainly!"

   Qi Han smiled and replied, if he had the chance, he really wanted to visit their world.

   Qin Tianyi interjected, "Our side is not bad, you and Huanhuan can come back and live for a while."

"it is good."

   Qi Han felt warm for everyone's heart and concern.

   "You guys take care."

  Compared with everyone's enthusiasm, Qin Yixi is more concise and clear.

   "Big brother, you too."

   The young couple said goodbye to their families one by one.

   "Let's go, the sky will be dark if we delay."

  Qin Mingsheng reminded, it was almost five o'clock, Huanhuan and Xiaohan still had a long way to go back, and if they continued to grind, it was estimated that they would be on their way at night.

The Qi family originally wanted them to stay for one more night and leave tomorrow, but there are so many of them that it is not very convenient to live here. Secondly, the identity of the eldest son-in-law should not be left for too long, and the scientific research room of the eldest son is also inseparable. people.

  So, they decided to leave after the wedding banquet. Anyway, it doesn't make much sense to stay for one more night. This is not the place for them to stay. From now on, it belongs to Huanhuan and Xiaohan's new life.

  If you miss them in the future, you can arrange them at any time, there is no regional problem.


   Qin Tianru took Qi Han's hand and waved goodbye to his family.

   Until the figure disappeared completely, the young couple were still standing there.

   After a minute or two of silence, Qi Han took Huanhuan's hand, "Let's go, it's time for us to go home."

   When the couple returned to the Qi family's courtyard, the wedding banquet scene had returned to normal, and all the helpers had returned, leaving only the Qi family.

   "Are you back? Have they all got in the car?"

   In the main room, Qi Yuanhua and his wife, along with their siblings, were clearing the accounts of today's wedding banquet.

   (end of this chapter)

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