Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 188: 188, age question

   Chapter 188 188, Age Matters

   "Take away these seafood, and keep the rest."

   Mu Yiren took a look and immediately had a choice.

   "Okay." Qin Yiling quickly took it away.

  Qin Tianru took out the small stool prepared in advance, "Come here, let's sit in a row! Let's enjoy the mountain scenery here first, and then go back later."

   Seeing this, Qin Yiling directly took out a folding table and placed several snack and fruit plates on the table, plus a few drinks and fruit teas.

   "It's pretty good, let's just pretend our family is out on an outing."

   Qin Tianru immediately smiled, "Yeah, it's rare for our family to be so neat, or the eldest sister will enjoy it!"

  The Muyi people looked around at the children and felt very happy, "When your eldest brother and younger brother get married, they will be truly complete."

  Qin Tianru winked at the eldest brother and the younger brother, and gave a cheering gesture, "Big brother, little brother, you have to cheer up~ Don't pull me and the eldest sister's hind legs, we will get married and start a business as soon as possible."

  "." The corners of Qin Yixi's mouth twitched slightly, he was only 21 years old and was about to be urged to marry?

Qin Tianyi took a sip of Coke and said, "Please, sister, I still have a few months to come of age! It makes me look like an old bachelor who can't find a girlfriend. Besides, eldest brother is not in a hurry, I will just Don't be in a hurry."

   Qi Han suddenly looked at Huanhuan and asked with some difficulty, "Huanhuan, how many months do you still have to be an adult?"

   "Yeah, didn't I say that?" Qin Tianru tilted his head and thought.

  "." Qi Han was dumbfounded.

   He can't remember whether they have mentioned age before. Secondly, there are no obstacles in their communication and ideas, so that he ignores the issue of age and feels that they are like-minded peers.

   I didn't expect his girl to be eighteen years old, which was embarrassing.

   If you compare it with mental age, then he is even more old and young, and even he feels a little bit of a beast.

   As for his parents and relatives and friends talking too much about age, it is also because the age of women getting married is too young, so they will not have other ideas at all.

   But he is different. He has experienced one more life, especially since he has a national marriage age.

  The Mu Yiren smiled, "According to the time difference between the two time and space, to be precise, Huanhuan will be an adult in a month and a half, you don't need to have too much burden and thoughts."

   They originally wanted to take time to talk to Qi Han today, but they were suddenly brought up by their younger son.

  The reason why they didn't object too much is that first of all they know that the fate of the two children is doomed and they will get married sooner or later, and secondly, according to the customs of this era, if the banquet is not held as soon as possible, it will damage the reputation of the two children.

  In this case, they naturally agreed to hold the wedding banquet first.

   Qin Mingsheng immediately became serious, "So, do you know what to do? The wedding has to be done. As for the rest, don't think about it for now."

   Married but can't do anything, I guess it would be a little uncomfortable to switch to any man, but the object of this matter is his daughter, so that's another matter.

   Anyway, it's not yourself who is suffering and aggrieved.

  "." Qi Han nodded helplessly, he couldn't do anything, what else could he think about?

   Yan Ze, who happened to be sitting on Qi Han's left hand, reached out and patted Qi Han's shoulder, which was a silent comfort.

   It's so miserable that you can't pull your daughter-in-law to roll the sheets on the night of the bridal chamber!

  Fortunately, when his family was around him, he was already 18 years old, so he didn't have to be like his brother-in-law who could only watch but not eat.

  Yan Ze suddenly discovered a pattern, the Qin family's mother and daughter's age at crossing and marriage turned out to be younger than the other.

   When it was Qi Han's turn, he lost his bridal chamber and could only make him feel wronged.

   He decided that he would cover him more in the future for the sake of all the brothers-in-law.

   唧唧o(╥﹏╥)o~ I originally wanted to write the beginning of the wedding in time for today, but it happened to be April 6th.

   In the end, I found that I still overestimated the number of words, and I couldn’t write the wedding. I tried to add more updates, and found that it took two more updates to solve it. In the end, I felt that I should not embarrass myself.

   Put it in tomorrow's update!



   (end of this chapter)

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