Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 178: 178, weng son-in-law

   Chapter 178 178, Weng Son-in-law

   "I'll take a look."

   So the mother and daughter gathered in front of the ox cart to sort out the gifts.

   The two men on the side stared at him with big eyes and small eyes. Of course, it was Qin Mingsheng who stared at Qi Han with all kinds of resentment, and the latter looked like he was obediently accepting it.

   After choosing for a long time, there are more than half of the gift bags left on the ox cart, which are some food and various living materials, which are very practical.

  The Muyi person turned his head to ask for proof: "Huanhuan, I heard you say that there is a famine here?"

   "Well, yes, but the current situation is not serious." Qin Tian answered truthfully.

   But there is one thing she hasn't confessed to her parents yet, and that is the fact that her brother Han is a rebirth. After all, this kind of thing is too private, and Brother Han has not even told his biological parents.

   After all, this kind of thing is too bizarre, it is really difficult for ordinary people to understand, and it may even be very scary. She didn't want anyone to look at Brother Han like a monster.

   In addition, the experience of the last life was not too good for him, and when he was with her, he rarely mentioned the past.

   Therefore, she has never explained this matter to her parents, so let's take it as a little secret between her and brother Han.

  The Mu Yiren said confidently, "Don't worry about the grain, my dad and I bought you 200,000 catties of rice, 100,000 catties of white flour, and 50,000 catties of miscellaneous grains.

  I have already put it in your storage space, you can eat it first, and I will give it to you after you have finished eating. After that, let me know if you need anything. Mom will prepare it for you, so don’t go hungry. "

   "Mom, have you forgotten what your youngest daughter's supernatural power is?" Qin Tianru was dumbfounded, she would never be short of food.

  The Muyi people disagreed, "Since there is ready-made food, why bother to rush for seeds?"

   It is easier to buy directly with money, you can have as much as you want.

  "." Qin Tianru was completely speechless, what a real mother!

   Fortunately, her ability has been upgraded now, and it is no longer as tasteless as before. Even if there is an ability that produces seeds, there is no place for her to use it to give full play to the value of the ability.

   Listening to this, you can see how disgusted her birthing ability is. Before changing it, she is estimated to be beaten by her own mother again.

  The Muyi people continued to talk to themselves: "We also purchased some other living materials and put them into your storage space. You can organize them yourself when you have time."

   "Okay, I know~"

   Qin Tianru replied obediently, suddenly thought of something, and said, "Mom, when we return to the village, bring some wheat seedlings back in the name of the two of you."

   "Okay, no problem."

   Mu Yiren agreed without hesitation, and turned around to find that her third brother was still looking like a bitter and vengeful brother, and his temper was getting bigger and bigger.

   This dog has a temper!

   "Third brother, what are you talking about?"

   Qin Mingsheng glanced at his daughter-in-law, did they seem to be chatting like this?

  Qi Han responded with a smile. His father-in-law was communicating with him silently. Although he didn't say anything, the knife in his eyes had already stabbed him several times.

   He could feel his father-in-law's deep love for him.

   "Xiao Qi, come here, I have a present for you."

   Seeing that the third brother was still irritating, Mu Yiren had no choice but to go out on his own. He couldn't ignore his son-in-law the first time he saw him, otherwise he thought it was the couple who didn't want to see him.

   (end of this chapter)

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