Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 165: 165, admiring the couple

   Chapter 165 165, admire the couple

Qin Mingsheng couldn't sit still, "I finally have news of Huanhuan, can I not be in a hurry, it has been more than two months since Huanhuan left, if there is no more news, I don't know what I will do. things to come.

  You also said to me, didn't you think about tea and rice during this time, thinking about ways every day, we, this feeling is the same. "

   Muyi looked at him, "So, I said the wrong thing?"

  Qin Mingsheng came to his senses instantly, straightened his back, and admitted shamelessly, "No, you're right! I can't speak."

   After he said that, he squeezed towards Muyiren's side and changed the subject wisely, "Daughter-in-law, let's talk about Huanhuan, why did you get in touch all of a sudden?"

   Mentioning this, the Muyi people are still a little confused.

   "I don't know, I was just bored watching TV when I suddenly felt something shaking in the system space. I looked at it with my consciousness and found that the green stone previously stored in the space was shaking violently.

   Immediately, I sensed Huanhuan's storage space, and then I looked inside, and saw a note on the table where the message was delivered, I immediately took it out, and then, you will know. "

  Qin Mingsheng looked down at the letterhead paper in his hand again, his face a little ugly.

The content on the    letter is very simple, saying that she went to a parallel world in the 1950s, and that she met the destined person, and she had to follow him home for the time being, so that they would not worry about her.

   "What is this? Why do you have to choose our daughter, so now, will our family Huanhuan repeat the same mistakes as her eldest sister?"

Mu Yiren patted him angrily, "Will you use words? Our family has a good time with Aze, and we have a happy and beautiful life. If Huanhuan can really meet her real son, that is also true. A good thing, how can it be called repeating the same mistakes.”

   She didn't even know what to say about him, her two daughters were so old, and her daughter was accusing her like that. It was obvious that she felt sore in her heart, and she deliberately distorted the facts.

  Although she is also very worried about her little daughter, if Huanhuan really finds someone who is destined, she will naturally support her blessings.

   Qin Mingsheng curled the corner of his mouth secretly, still a little unhappy in his heart, what a well-behaved and caring girl in his family, he must be reluctant to let him marry her now.

   suddenly found out that his two precious daughters were not even nineteen years old, so why did they get married early?

   Thinking of this, Qin Mingsheng felt heartache!

   "Hey, our Huanhuan is still so young, I still want to keep her for a few more years, I don't want her to get married as early as Duoduo."

   Having been a husband and wife for more than 20 years, Muyi naturally understands his thoughts.

   "Fate has arrived, and no one can stop it. Everything is destined by God. Besides, wasn't I young when I married you? How old are Bi Duoduo and Huanhuan?"

   Talking about this, Qin Mingsheng was speechless. When his daughter-in-law married him, she was just over twenty years old, when she was young and beautiful.

Mu Yiren took his hand and coaxed softly, "Okay, such a big man, I still imagine that when I was young, I would be jealous. Children have their own good fortune, and it will not be us who will accompany them in the future. So, if they meet someone they like, let's bless them."

   (end of this chapter)

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