Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 142: 142, letter

   Chapter 142 142, Letter

   "Father and Mother, there are two letters from our family, one is from Uncle and the other is from Uncle Liu."

   Sure enough, when they heard the letter from their relatives, Qi Yuanhua and his wife instantly shifted their attention with joy on their faces.

   "Really? Take it apart and see, what did your uncle say~"

  Shen Yuerong couldn't help urging her son to open the letter quickly, more than ten days have passed since their family left the provincial capital.

   Now their family has settled down, but sometimes she can't help but worry about her parents' family, for fear of something going wrong on their side.

   Qi Han opened the letter and read it quickly, and then told his family the key points.

   "Now you can rest assured, the uncle said that they have all left the provincial capital smoothly, and now that the whole family is reunited in the countryside, let us not worry.

  Secondly, say thank you very much, otherwise they will definitely be unprepared and fall into a passive predicament. "

Originally, the Shen family only believed half of it at first, and this trust was still based on Qi Han's personality. After all, what Qi Han revealed was no trivial matter. All the members of their Shen family held important positions. How could they all resign and return at once. Township?

   But thinking of what Qi Han told them, they had to take precautions, so the uncle of the Shen family asked the old man Shen to bring the woman and the child back to their ancestral home, and then they waited to see the situation.

   After the news of the famine broke out, the uncle of the Shen family instantly believed it.

   The prophecy really came true!

   At that time, Qi Han mentioned two things, the first one was famine, and now the prophecy has been confirmed, so the second thing is estimated to be inseparable.

  Thinking of the consequences that the second incident would bring to their family, the uncle of the Shen family immediately stopped taking him, decisively dealt with the work in the provincial capital, and took his sons to his family.

   "That's fine, that's fine~"

  Shen Yuerong finally felt at ease at this moment. After experiencing this, she now does not expect any glory, wealth, or fame and status. She only hopes that all her relatives can be safe and healthy.

   Qi Yuanhua said with emotion, "It seems that the wind was heard earlier in the provincial capital."

   Qi Han nodded in agreement, calculating the time when the letter was sent, it was almost when they told the uncle and grandpa about the famine.

   It is estimated that in the past few days when they returned from the county seat to the village, some news has been quickly spread.

   "Brother, look what Uncle Liu's letter said."

  Qi Qing pointed to another letter and urged, she was also thinking about Uncle Liu and Granny Liu. After all, the two old people have lived with them for so long, and they are half of their family.

   Hearing this, Qi Han quickly read it, and immediately put away the letter.

   "Don't worry, Uncle Liu and the others are all very well, and they live a very stable life."

  If possible, he also wanted to bring the two old men back to their hometown with them, but considering the various problems in reality, he had no choice but to give up.

   The household registration of the two elderly people is not on their side. They have records of their origin, so their situation is different from Huanhuan’s. It is not easy to change the household registration location.

Taking a step back, even if he tried his best to change the two old people to the Shengli Production Brigade, the village pays attention to the collective labor work point system. The two are not too young, so it is difficult for them to go to the ground every day to do farm work. ?

   The second and most important reason is that there is a big hidden danger between the identities of the two and the relationship between their families, and he will not keep them by their side.

   (end of this chapter)

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