Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 138: 138, wedding date

   Chapter 138 138, Wedding Date

   The next morning.

   Qi's courtyard became lively.

  Qi Desheng is a quick-witted person. As soon as he agreed yesterday, he began to help the contact person after he went back. He even asked Qi Jiaxing to drive an ox cart to the tile kiln of the next production brigade to order a batch of tiles.

  No, everyone in the Qi family had just finished breakfast, and before they even had time to clean up the dishes, the villagers who came to help work came together.

   So Qi Yuanhua and his wife hurriedly greeted everyone, while Qi Qing and Qi Jun were sent around by their parents, and they hurriedly poured tea, poured water and handed things for everyone.

   Everyone just packed up the thatched shed, and the tiles from the next brigade were delivered, so the entire Qi family courtyard was busy.

   Just when everyone was busy, Qi Han directly pulled Qin Tianru out the door.

  There are parents at home, and there are enough staff, so the two of them went up the mountain with peace of mind.

   Qi's small courtyard is just at the foot of the mountain, which deviates from the denser residential area in the village, so the two of them don't have to worry about or avoid anyone when they go up the mountain.

  The two slowly climbed up the mountainside. Anyway, their purpose today is not really to dig any flowers and plants, everything is just an excuse.

   "Wow, the scenery from this perspective is really good~"

   Qin Tianru sighed in admiration. She didn't know if it was because of this location. She felt that standing here and looking down, the whole small mountain village seemed to be covered with a layer of white gauze, revealing a different kind of hazy beauty.

   "Then let's go here to see the scenery. If you like, I can draw it for you."

   Qi Han didn't feel anything special about the scenery in front of him.

  Perhaps in the last life, this place carried so much bitterness and helplessness that he couldn't look at it with admiration or admiration.

   Hearing this, Qin Tianru was slightly surprised, "Are you still able to draw?"

   Qi Han hooked his lips, "I have studied for a few years."

   After all, their family is in the woodcarving business, and before carving wood, he has to learn to simulate painting patterns first, and later he likes architectural design, which also requires certain painting skills.

   Therefore, painting is not difficult for him, it is just a basic skill he has practiced since he was a child.

   "Wow~ Brother Han, you are amazing! Let's talk about it first, and then you will paint this landscape."

   Qin Tianru first gave his partner a sweet wave of rainbow farts, and then immediately made a promise.

   "Okay." Qi Han looked doted on his face. His girl is so easy to satisfy. It's so coaxing to draw a landscape picture to be so happy.

  The two of them snuggled together intimately, enjoying the scenery of this mountain village.

   Ever since they met, they have been on the go, busy for half a month, and only now have they settled down.

   At this time, the two of them rarely enjoyed this moment of peace and beauty.

   Seeing that it was almost time, Qin Tianru took out some seeds and used his supernatural powers to spawn a group of common flower seedlings.

  The task of going up the mountain has been completed, and the two of them do not want to delay too much time, because there are other things to be busy today, so the two of them are not ready to go into the mountain to hunt for wonders at all.

   So the two of them carried the flower seedlings and went straight down the mountain to go home.

   As soon as Qin Tianru and Qi Han walked into the courtyard, they saw Shen Yuerong's happy expression and greeted them both with joy.

   "Xiaohan, Huanhuan, come quickly! Your uncle and grandfather have chosen a good date for you, and it will be on the ninth of next month."

   It is now late March, the ninth of next month, and it will only be half a month when it is full.

   Qi Han: The wedding date has finally been set, and we are going to marry a young daughter-in-law~!



   (end of this chapter)

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