Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 135: 135, agree

   Chapter 135 135, agree

   Qi Han was reluctant to let Huanhuan be wronged.

   Therefore, he also agrees with his parents' proposal in his heart, and it is best to arrange the marriage in the near future!

   Qin Tianru blinked innocently when he saw that everyone was looking at him, "I have no opinion~"

   Hearing the words, Qi Yuanhua and his wife were immediately full of joy, and they were greatly relieved. As long as Huanhuan nodded and agreed, then the marriage was equivalent to more than half.

   Qi Han smiled when he heard Huanhuan's answer, his eyes full of tenderness and doting.

  Although he understood her intentions, he still wanted to hear her answer with his own ears.

  Qi Qing and Qi Jun are also very happy. They like and recognize this little sister-in-law from the bottom of their hearts.

   After all, my sister-in-law shares adversity with their family, and she is willing to follow their family back to the countryside to live. This friendship is different.

  Shen Yuerong said with a smile, "It's fine if you don't have any opinions, then we will leave this matter to our husband and wife, but Huanhuan, can your parents come?"

   "Uh, I'm not sure about that, auntie, just go as planned."

   Qin Tianru is not sure whether he can contact his mother before marriage, but it would be a pity if they did not attend the wedding.

   But the mysterious and mysterious things like the time-space tunnel, she can't control it, so she can only let it go.

   "That's fine, but no matter what, the marriage should be notified to them."

  Shen Yuerong was very careful about etiquette. Although she didn't know the situation of the Qin family very well, she didn't want her in-laws to misunderstand. Their husband's family abducted their daughter without even saying hello.

   If this leaves a bad impression, it will be her son who will suffer in the future.

   "Okay, I will." Qin Tianru replied obediently.

   Then, Qi Yuanhua and his wife took Qi Qing sister and brother to the house to carry luggage.

   Now that the yard has been tidied up, everyone decided to live in tonight. Although this farmyard is not as good as the blue brick compound, it is better to live in someone else's home.

   Of course, the couple also wanted to leave some space for the young couple to be alone.

   After all, the marriage was mentioned just now. As the two parties, why should we communicate again.


   There was no one else in the room, so Qi Han didn't care, he directly grabbed Qin Tianru's little hand and stared directly at the person in front of him with deep eyes.

   "Have you decided?"

   Qin Tianru understood the sentence without beginning and end, and nodded his head very seriously.

   Qi Han sighed, "Then what about your parents?"

   He knew that Huanhuan definitely wanted her family to attend their wedding.

  If her family was also in this world, then he would do everything possible to get them to come to the production team, but the problem now is that his parents-in-law are not in this world at all.

   How does this make him invite?

   He was afraid that he had lost his mind and couldn't invite the Qin family.

   He wanted to marry Huanhuan as soon as possible and become a legitimate husband and wife, but he didn't want her to have any regrets.

   For a moment, Qi Han's mood was a little unspeakable.

   "If my parents knew the real situation on our side, they would definitely not blame us. My parents are really nice and open-minded.

  Even if they didn't come to our wedding, I believe they would bless us as soon as they got the news. "

   Qin Tianru knew that Brother Han was thinking of her, but the matter of the time-space tunnel was not something they could grasp, so she didn't want to see Brother Han worrying about it.

  Leave everything to God's arrangement.

   Sorry guys, there are only two updates tonight.

   I am participating in author training these days, and the update time may not be stable.

   Secondly, the thinking is a bit confusing, I need to brush it up, I can't write too much.




   (end of this chapter)

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