Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 132: 132, processing method

   Chapter 132 132, How to deal with it

   Although they were shocked when they heard the amount of 100 yuan, after all, 100 yuan is definitely not a small amount for their rural family, and some team members may not save 100 yuan even after working hard for a year.

   However, they also understand that today is different from the past. No matter how expensive this wheat seedling is, there are a lot of people who are willing to spend money to buy it.

   Nowadays, the grains outside don’t know what the sky-high prices are, let alone the wheat that has passed the seedling stage.

  Qi Zhongkang thought about the money in the brigade's account, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

   "How can this work? You can get as much as you want. You can't let your family suffer. What's more, it has cost you a lot of human relationships to buy this batch of wheat seedlings."

   "Yes, public is public, private is private." Qi Desheng also echoed.

   "Uncle, cousin, the extra money is not much, even if our family just returned to the village."

  Since Qi Han decided to do this, he naturally wanted to maximize the benefits of things.

   Qi Desheng and Qi Zhongkang looked at each other and finally accepted.

   In terms of relationship, the two of them are the closest people in the village. Naturally, they hope that Qi Yuanhua's family will have a good life in the village. Therefore, when they heard Qi Han's last words, they quickly understood his intention.

   Qi Han shifted the topic to Maimiao again, "Uncle, cousin, what are you going to do with this batch of wheatmiao?"

   Hearing this, Qi Desheng looked at Qi Han and asked in turn, "Xiao Han, do you have any opinion?"

   He can see now that his grandnephew is not ordinary. Although he is younger than the two grandsons of the big house, he is very mature and stable in his approach to life and behavior.

   Even in the occasional conversation, he can see a trace of brilliance and thoroughness in his eyes, which is completely beyond the elegance of his age.

  Secondly, he could see that their family seemed to have this great nephew as the backbone, and he was obviously a very thoughtful person.

   After getting to know him in the past few days, he knew that the other party was not a targetless person, so he also wanted to hear Xiaohan's thoughts.

  Qi Han did not hide his clumsiness, and said bluntly, "I suggest that this batch of wheat seedlings should not be publicized, and it is best not to plant them in our production team, there may not be any problems in a short time.

But I am afraid that in two or three months, this batch of wheat will cause a lot of trouble, so I think it is best to plant this batch of wheat seedlings in the mountains, and then select a dozen reliable members from the three production teams. , Everyone is divided into three groups, and they take turns to go up the mountain to plant the guards. "

   "Well, your consideration is not unreasonable." Qi Desheng nodded in agreement while thinking.

   The famine has not yet erupted in a large area, so it is not a big deal to have a few hundred wheat seedlings in their village.

   But if the famine situation becomes more and more serious in the future, then the existence of these hundreds of wheat seedlings is related to the lives of many people. Don't underestimate this amount, the critical moment can really save the lives of many people!

   But now no one can tell what the famine will be in two or three months, so just in case, they had better keep a low profile, otherwise in the end, they may not be able to keep their hard-earned rations.

  Qi Zhongkang thought about it carefully, and also felt that his cousin was very thoughtful. There was no loss in concealing it for the time being, but now it has been announced to the public, which will leave hidden dangers.

   "It's really terrifying! Or Xiaohan, you thought about it more comprehensively. My uncle and grandfather almost made a fool of yourself."

   Qi Han said indifferently, "I was also thinking about it on the way back, and the specifics still depend on how you operate."

look here!

   PS: Regarding the updated wheat seedling question, please answer below.

   I found that many people are holding on to the number of wheat seedlings, and they are catching me all kinds of popularization. I really want to cry.

   The author is not from that era, and he is not familiar with planting. Many of them rely on Baidu and the impression of the countryside in my memory to understand. If there is any unreasonable place, please ignore it directly!

   A plant in the text is not one, nor is it a grain. A wheat seedling will grow 4~7 branches of wheat ears, and a wheat ear has four rows of fruit grains.

   The 1000-grain weight of wheat is 30-60 grams, which is the conventional data.

   There may be different planting methods, different names, different soil climates and different yields in different regions.

   Most importantly, this is not a chronicle!

   Then, please pay attention!

   We Huanhuan are blessed with plant-based abilities, and the output will naturally soar. Please watch it with a fantasy filter.

   Secondly, wheat flour is a fine grain, and the fine grain can be exchanged for double the coarse grain.

   It is also written in the article. There are not many, but it can play a very important role in saving lives at critical moments. During the period of starvation, a few catties of food can help many people breathe a sigh of relief!

   I just wanted to highlight the preciousness of this wheat seedling.

   Finally, please don't hold on to leave a message for me, everyone will treat the author as a idiot with no common sense, no brains, a novice in life, and don't leave me a message!




   (end of this chapter)

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