Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 130: 130, sweet sister

   Chapter 130 130, Sweet Sister

   "Ouch, how embarrassing this is."

   "Thank you thank you~"

   "Qi Han's daughter-in-law is really atmospheric."

   "Have you cleaned your yard? I can help."

   Everyone thanked them one after another, and the scene became lively again.

  Although everyone was a little embarrassed on their faces, they were really reluctant to return the candy in their hearts.

   It's not that they are greedy, but that they want to bring it back to satisfy their cravings for the elderly and children at home.

  You can eat fruit candy several times a year in rural areas. This stuff is not something you can just eat whenever you want.

   Besides, this is the candy brought back from the provincial capital, which must be more expensive than the candy sold in the town.

  Look at how beautiful this colorful fruit candy is.

   Even in the hand, you can smell a sweet smell.

   And the owner is generous, just grab a handful per person, and everyone has at least a dozen candies, and this fruit candy can top a few taels of meat.

   And some of the upright and honest team members were really embarrassed to take it for nothing, so they took the initiative to enter the yard to help with the work.

   So, when Qin Tianru turned around after distributing the candy, he found that there were many people in the yard helping to clean up.

  Someone is cleaning the courtyard with a broom, some is wiping the furniture with a rag, and some is helping to fetch water

   Looking at this scene, Qin Tianru is quite relieved, at least the sincerity of everyone's communication is mutual.

  Compared to the people in the crowd who were not satisfied with the handful of fruit candies just now, the people who help with the work in this yard seem more lovable and lovable.

   Although Qin Tianru didn't know these people yet, she took a closer look at them, remembering the faces they were familiar with, and then slowly getting to know them.

   Qin Tianru received a wave of praise in the village because of this operation.

   While in command, Shen Yuerong also paid attention to the situation outside the gate. Seeing Huanhuan's actions, she was very satisfied.

   Her prospective daughter-in-law is really speechless!

  Thinking of this, she couldn't help but glance at her eldest son who was busy with work. She has been worrying a lot about her eldest son in the past two years, and she was always worried that her son would not be able to get along with him.

  Unexpectedly, in the end, he found a little daughter-in-law for himself.

   From this point of view, she has been worrying for nothing before, or her family Xiaohan has the vision.

   Qi Han on the other side, although his hands and feet are busy, half of his attention is on his family Huanhuan.

   Seeing Huanhuan talking and laughing freely in the crowd, his heart was full of pride and emotion.

  Why is his family Huanhuan so likable, everything he does can pierce his heart.

   She seems to have a magic power that makes people want to get close. As long as she wants to, she can easily integrate into any group and become one with everyone.

   Up to now, it seems that no one who has come into contact with her has a negative attitude towards her.

   The little girl seems to have always been smiling, sweet and well-behaved, which is indeed very pleasing.

   Qi Han felt that his family Huanhuan was a well-behaved sweet sister.

  With the help of the villagers, the yard was quickly renovated, and Qi Desheng and Qi Zhongkang also came to hear the news.

   Qi Yuanhua and his wife enthusiastically sent away the villagers who helped, while Qi Han greeted his uncle and his uncle into the house to talk.

   When he was carrying things just now, Qi Han took the lead in carrying He Miao into the house, because it was covered with a layer of plastic paper, so no one paid much attention to the things in his hand.

   "Uncle, uncle, this is what Huanhuan and I got from going to Hongjiang County this time."

   (end of this chapter)

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