Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 128: 128, the whole village is strange

   Chapter 128 128, the whole village is strange


   "Big cart!"

   "What a big car."

  The children in the village chased after the car and shouted excitedly.

   This was the first time I saw the shadow of a truck in the village. No matter men, women, or children, they were full of curiosity and could not help but follow the direction of the truck, wanting to see something strange.

  Although the roads in the village are all yellow mud roads, the advantage is that the roads are relatively spacious, and the trucks can be driven directly to the courtyard of the old house.

  The team members who came after hearing the news saw the position where the truck stopped, and their doubts were instantly answered.

   Originally, they were still a little puzzled. With the situation of their brigade, who has the ability to mobilize the big truck, but if it is the Daqi family who just moved back to the village, then it makes sense.

   After all, they are people who came back from the provincial capital. I heard that the business is quite big.

   Then, everyone began to wonder what was on the car, making such a big battle.

   After Qi Han got out of the car, he saw his little brother in the crowd, and immediately waved hello.

   "Xiaojun, go and call your parents and the others."

   As soon as Qi Jun approached the crowd, he heard the voice of his elder brother and hurriedly responded.

   "Hey, great!"

  Qi Jun did not expect that the big truck from the village was actually brought back by the elder brother. After hearing the elder brother's instructions, he immediately ran back.

  The truck master began to untie the ropes on the truck, and then tore off the green canvas covering the cargo.

   In an instant, the items loaded on the truck were exposed to everyone's eyes.

   Seeing the furniture on the truck, everyone's eyes lit up.

  The furniture on the car looked brand new and bright, and the style was something they had never seen before. At first glance, they knew that it was not cheap. Unlike the furniture in their village, it only had the shape of a frame, and almost every household was the same.

   Not to mention the style of the furniture, not even a pattern.

   Now seeing such beautiful and expensive furniture ornaments, everyone can't take their eyes off, especially the women in the village, their eyes are glowing.

   "Did you see that? The one standing tall is the wardrobe."

   "It's so pretty~"

   "If you can get such a dowry when you get married, it's really worth it."

   "Is that a dresser?"

   "How much does so much furniture cost?"

   "I heard that the Daqi family made their fortune on the craftsmanship of carpenters."

   "That's really capable."

  In the original village, there were several families with the surname Qi, but after Qi Deming made a fortune in this house, other Qi family members of the side branch also left the village and went outside, at least there was no news after that.

  Therefore, only Qi Desheng's family was left in the village.

   Now that the people in Qi Deming's house have moved back, there are two Qi family names in the village. In order to distinguish the next two families, the team members call the big and small Qi families according to the order of the two families.

   Although today's Qi Desheng is the most senior, and there are more people in his room, but Qi Desheng is a child, and Qi Deming is the leader, and the elders and youngers that have been handed down from ancient times to the present cannot be confused.

   Therefore, Qi Yuanhua's family became Daqi's family, and Qi Desheng's house became Xiaoqi's family.

   Qi Han didn't have the heart to listen to the chats of the villagers, and was helping the truck master to carry the goods.

   "Akan, we're here to help."

  The Qi Jiaxing brothers crossed the crowd and came to the truck.

"Thank you."

   Qi Han didn't want to be too polite with the two cousins, so he responded directly.

   (end of this chapter)

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